Private Manning’s conviction upheld

| April 14, 2014

manning tears

Ohio sends sends us a link to the Associated Press which reports that the commander of the Military District of Washington has upheld the 35-year-sentence of the private who still has a penis named Manning;

The approval by Maj. Gen. Jeffery S. Buchanan, commander of the Military District of Washington, clears the way for an automatic appeal of the case to the Army Court of Criminal Appeals. Manning’s appellate lawyers said Sunday that they expect their appeal to focus on issues including alleged misuse of the Espionage Act.

Throughout the article, AP calls this Private Manning “Chelsea”, “her”, and “she” but as far as I know Manning still has penis and where I come from that makes him a dude, of sorts.

Actually, I only wanted to post that picture of Manning on his first day in the Army that someone sent us a while back. It’s been a while since I used it.

Category: Shitbags

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Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:

Throughout the article, AP calls this Private Manning “Chelsea”, “her”, and “she” but as far as I know Manning still has penis and where I come from that makes him a dude, of sorts.

Exactly. Whenever I read an article about that turd, I read “Bradly” when they refer to him as a female name, and I read “his” instead of “her” and “he” instead of “she.”

Pineywoods NCO

Quoted from the article: “Manning’s appellate lawyers, Nancy Hollander and Vincent Ward, told supporters Sunday in Washington that they expect to argue that the sentence unreasonable. It is the longest prison term ever given by a U.S. court for leaking government secrets to the media. ”

Damn it, I knew we should had shot that “thing.” Would have saved the taxpayers a load of money.

It doesn’t matter if “it” has the man parts or not…

Once a Visconi-crying, Cheese-eating, Bernath-lying, Lattea-cloning, Duke-bullshitting dumbass wannabe son of Chevy….

Always a Visconi-crying, Cheese-eating, Bernath-lying, Lattea-cloning, Duke-bullshitting dumbass wannabe son of Chevy.


I agree that the sentence is quite unreasonable. Why bother with such a long prison term when you can just get some 550 cord and make that floppy-shoe excuse for a private drop for the last time?


This is fabulous. She will plenty of time to induldge in her new found desire to be a woman.

Will she be housed with the men or women?

Just askin’!

Pineywoods NCO

Hopefully, “she” will be housed in the outdoor pens with the other dogs.


Doesn’t matter. I’m sure wherever “it” stays, “it” will be “manning privates”.


Does it matter?

S/He’ll still be an ugly girl.


When are the guards at Leavenworth going to lose their focus for a few minutes and let Bradley meet and greet with his fellow inmates??

This goddamn traitor needs to serve every second of that sentence.

Farflung Wanderer

I thought the punishment for treason and espionage was death by hanging or some other capital punishment. Why is he still around?

AW1 Tim

Presidents since Truman have gotten around that by refusing to ask Congress for a declaration of war. Without that declaration, it technically isn’t an actual war (yeah….. I know, I know) and so they don’t have to worry about having to sign a death warrant for some scuzzball.

I think he should hang too. Along with the Walkers, Hanson and a few others currently in federal prison.

With any luck, however, Manning’s fellow prisoners will be able to use their shivs and give him the operation he wants. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

We can only hope so. As I see it:

!. Rope.
2. Tree or gallows.
3. Traitor.

Some assembly required.


2015 budget cute, Boot laces for one night.

The Other Whitey

Wooden stake (6-ft)
Pile of kindling

Some ignition required…


Manning was tried for a capital crime – aiding the enemy (UCMJ Article 104). Unfortunately, the Army – for reasons I still don’t understand whatsoever – took the death penalty “off the table” before trial.


Bradley can wish and hope all that he wants, but even if he gets cut, he’ll still have the XY chromosome, so he’ll still be a male. An ugly, traitorous male, but a male.
That said, put him in the general population, let him meet his new buddies.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if the ACLU has sued yet to try and make the USG give him a “snip and tuck” at taxpayers’ expense?


Heard it on the grapevine…The Commanding Officer/FLCB is looking into building a very special nude review bar for “Chelsea” Mannings fans to go watch him/her/it preform errrr perform! Eric Holder will be the guest “Master of Chelseamonies” too.

Club Manager

Is the kid really that screwed up or is it an act formulated after his “aw shit” moment in stealing the classified material?


I thought he would’ve tripped down a couple flights of stairs by now.

Just An Old Dog

He/she can practice his show

JarHead Pat

It is a traitor,it should be hung or firing squad or just dropped off in hadjiville to get anal raped eveery few days for the rest of it’s life.

A Proud Infidel®™

NAAAAH, just handcuff it to a pole with his/its trousers around his ankles there on “man-love Thursday”, but that sick critter would probably enjoy that!!


She loves, feeds, thrives on attention. The very best medicine for her is to give her exactly what the Army gave her before her trial: solitary confinement with no visitors but her lawyers. And the rest of us can forget about her and ignore her cries for attention. I was hoping she’d get a heavier sentence for her crimes; hanging would’ve been just right. But once the judge convicted and sentenced her, I put her out of my mind. So should we all. It’ll be the worst we can do to her.


I would say without a doubt that wittle bwadley is a catcher not a pitcher.

Green Thumb


I hope is has been “sized” for his personal Phildo.


of the private who still has a penis named Manning –

keyboard, meet drink….


Perhaps they will handcuff him splayed legs stretched upside down on the pole. Hmm, he may enjoy that.

Not to worry: give Bubba some JP4 for lube, and a pair of tweezers for?. Well, for trying to find it?

Wow, 35 years in prison having to live with your teeny appendage you thought the Army was going take care of. Bad call there bradly, perhaps you’ll find some discarded razor blade. Please save us taxpayers some cash!

Bradly, while you sit in prison, remember why you’re there. You turned on all military servicemen, including those in combat zones, and your country.

Wow, sorry you ain’t going to get your Govt. sponsored operation. However I will take sympathy upon you. Give me a call, I’ll fly out to where you are. I’ve got my “Case pocket knife” only takes a second. I recommend that knife, it’s done a whole lot of better game then you. Rest well “little mini” heck, I’ll give you the choice of which blade you want me to use.

Oh, we can’t forget “bermuthbut” up there in Oregon. Bermasty: if you want to pretend to be a HCPO I can do that too, when I was an E-2 after Army basic, The Navy looked at my record and advanced me to HCPO of the Army. I have all kinds of awards and a photo shopped photo of me.

Want to see me pretend to be a lawer? I’m not really too good at that but I can bullshit a lot and I hope it scares them becuse I use some real lawyer fangled words. However it seems I were born that way!
Honorary HCPO? Give me a break! The only honor you ever had was dusting the mat where a REAL CPO walked.