Harry Reid; holding the President’s feet
I guess Harry Reid awoke from his 20-year coma this week because I see his footprints all around the internet. He’s forgotten the drubbing he withstood just a month or so ago from the President and began his insane ramblings anew. Apparently, he’s pandering to his far-left pals, according to good, ole, Anne Flaherty of the AP;
“We’re going to hold the president’s feet to the fire,” Reid, D-Nev., told reporters after emerging from a closed-door meeting with Senate Democrats.
Under Reid’s plan, the Senate will cast separate votes on whether to cut off funding for combat next year, order troop withdrawals within four months, impose stricter standards on the length of combat tours and rescind congressional authorization for the Iraqi invasion.
I don’t know exactly how falling on your sword for the empty-headed crybabies of the Left is holding the President’s feet to the fire.
Michigan Democrat Carl Levin makes another baseless prediction;
“I think the ground is going to continue to shift,” said Levin. “I think that by September, if not earlier, enough Republicans will be joining us to change course in Iraq. And if there’s enough Republicans joining us, the administration will see that handwriting on the wall.”
“I think” and “if” are just empty qualifiers. All the Democrats are doing is holding off the inevitable defection from the Democrat party – they’re trying to convince the hardcore anti-war groups that they’re doing something. But I’m pretty sure that even with a few Republican defections from the RINO crowd, the Democrats don’t have the firepower – or the will power – to hold the President’s feet to anything.
Of course it’s the Democrats’ own fault, completely. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that the President is governing against the will of the People – that he’s not listening to us. That comes from this “mandate” the Democrats claim they have from the November election. There was no mandate – and they promised impeachment and big changes in direction of the war that they knew they couldn’t deliver. Now the crybabies in the anti-war movement are driving them over the edge.
And Reid, for his part, admits that he deceived the Left;
Reid spoke Tuesday on the phone with a group of liberal bloggers he acknowledged helped drive the anti-war debate.
“I understand their disappointment,” Reid said. “We raised the bar too high.”
Because you don’t have the mandate that you claim to have – you were successful in a few districts and States. Not so successful to have any real effect on the entire country. It’s just an exercise in fanning the anti-war Left’s ego to think they have a real impact on the Congress. The President is still in charge of the country.
Category: Politics, Terror War