Marines take flag from hippie

| April 1, 2014

Marine gets flag from hippie fuck

This is from Albuquerque, New Mexico, where two fellows, one wearing a USMC T-shirt, rescues an American flag from it’s stank-ass hippie masters. Why write about it when you can watch it. Because they’re Marines and this is TAH there’s a language warning;

Category: I hate hippies

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Semper Fi Marines!!! Well done and thank you.

Club Manager

Yo Sparks, what was the soldier who helped chopped liver? And, why didn’t the Marine’s two road guard and cadence counter jump in?


It bothers me more reading the comments when people defend those who improperly respect the flag. The Marines were taught to respect it no matter what. People don’t care about the U.S. Code stating the proper flying of the flag. They use the First Amendment as a valid reason to do what they do, yet don’t follow the rest of the codes and laws put in place. I would have done the same thing.


While there is U.S. Code for the flag, it is not particularly restrictive, and not at all punitive.


Maybe not, but what those douchebag hippies did was disrespectful and I would have help those Marines out too.


Well done, lads. Damn well done.

Thank you.


thank you.

A Proud Infidel®

Bravo Zulu, Marines. FUCK all hippies to death up the ass sideways with a 12 foot long grain auger!


What did the “12 foot long grain auger” do to deserve such horrific torture?


It’s a patriotic grain auger, MCPO. It will gladly “take one for the team”. (smile)


Commie Pinko Hippie Fuckers

NR Pax

9/10: Needed more hippie punching. Hopefully we see that in the Director’s Cut.

CB Senior

Question #1 on Hippie entrance exam. What do you do when chased by Marines? A)Drop your shit and run like hell. B) Drop your shit and take the fastest mode of transport out of there. C) Drop your shit and hide behind the Cops thaat you hate. D) Drop your shit into your undies and hope for the best.

NR Pax

From the looks of it, they chose B, but I am going to deduct points for the flag desecration.


I chose #A – drop and run. They might get hurt if they don’t.


CB Senior, that would be E) All of the above.

Just An Old Dog

I had to stop reading the comment section. Our country is lost is we continue to breed idiots who screech about freedom, yet refuse to cherish and respect the symbols those who fight for it revere.


A Proud Infidel®

I say we petition for a “National Stomp a Hippie Month” during which each and every Vet or Patriot is allowed to beat, stomp, or club as many hippies as he or she wants to each day. During the rest of the year, said Vets and Patriots will only be allowed to “counsel” a maximum of twelve per day.


To be that young and fleet off foot still.


Joint Operation.
The sprinter is wearing Army fleece cover.

NR Pax

Any idea what the protest was about?


There have been protests there over the last few days concerning police shootings.


That guy following them wanting to hold hands and sing songs is lucky he did not get his clock cleaned.


Cold cocked and stomped!


And leaving the scene with Old Glory safe and secure…to enter a bar for a well deserved few rounds! My kind of guys!

Club Manager

Just wish I could have been there to pay for their adult beverages.


Same here, Club Manager. They’d have needed a cab home.


Can a non-Marine say it?


Good job to both young men.



Could watch that ALL day and into the night. Well done, young troopers! Well done.

And, I second the motion about “Hippie Stomping” days/weeks/months. Can’t wait for those permits, issued free of charge.

Could we at least get some designated “No Hippie Zones?” Seem only fair, since there are so many other “X-free Zones” everywhere.


Makes an old soldier feel good, I’ll tell you.

It’s not just hippies protesting ABQPD, though. I just left New Mexico after eight years in the southern mountains and the whole time there it was one ABQPD news story after another, usually having to do excessive use of force, frequently lethal. I felt like a lot of the criticism was BS but there were times I thought they could have handled things better. I chalked up their hard-ass attitude to their leadership; the chief was ex-82d Airborne NCO. Apparently the pols did too because the liberal Dem mayor fired him.

JarHead Pat

Mad Dog just grew a third nut, Semper Fi war dogs. fucking hippies.

Pinto Nag

To those two proud Marines, THANK YOU!! You have a lot more support than you might know, out in Mainstream USA.


I believe one of them is a Soldier.

Pinto Nag

Yes, I discovered that through another comment after I posted this.

Green Thumb

I needed that.

The Great NW wears upon me.

Thanks, boys.


Green Thumb Being in the Great NW myself, I second your sentiments.


Green Thumb…If you do email to TAH folks, ask Jonn to forward you mine. If you don’t that’s cool too. Some do and some don’t. Just wondering since you write you are in the Great NW like me. Whatever you choose is good for me brother.

Green Thumb

Good with it.

Will follow through on the ‘morrow.

But you understand I am an oddball?

A “Light Blue” one at that?


GT It’s cool. I’m a odd ball myself at times. Tomorrow is better for me also.

Farflung Wanderer

Okay, the guy’s “Hey” when the flag was taken from him is just hilarious.

Way to go, guys.

Old Trooper

It appears that there is one of each (soldier and Marine). I call that team work! When it comes to stomping hippies; there’s enough for everyone to get plenty!!


Marines and Army working together for a common goal. Damn skippy. Now if they would have just saved the flag and shoved the pole straight up their asses and set it on fire.. Priceless.

Roger in Republic

It looked to me that the Vets did not “Take the flag”, they merely “retrieved” it when the hippy dropped it during the motorcycle/foot race. They were safeguarding it when they secured in a local watering hole. I’m sure that the vets would be more than happy to return it if the owners come and asked for it. I’m sure that a lesson on it’s proper display and respect.


As an old Farmington hand, all I can say is, “New Mexico hippies. I hate New Mexico hippies.”

Fuckers need to stay in Taos.

Adam Fenner

This is awesome.

A Proud Infidel®




Herbert J Messkit

A nice touch would have been to secure the flag and properly fold dar ing anyone to interfere

Green Thumb

Tough to fold in a kinetic environment.

Lurker Curt

May I suggest a title change? Maybe “Marines take flag from DUMBASS hippie”…

B Woodman

The appropriate response to the melinin-enriched asshole would have been a THROAT PUNCH.
Semper Fi and Hooah!
‘Nuff said.


You gotta love Marines.


And Soldiers. Hooah!


At first, I thought they had chased down a hippie who had been flying it respectfully and tastefully; I was a bit upset, we all have the right to fly the flag. Then I realized this asshole had it upside.

God Speed Marines, God Speed.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe we oughtta campaign to make hippie stomping into a competitive sport? Points will be scored from injuries inflicted as well as the time frame between the first blow and unconsciousness. Something like:

Broken arm – 3 points
Broken leg – 5 points
Broken collarbone – 5 points
Concussion – 7 points
Castration of male hippie – 90 points
Causing disappearance of hippie without a trace – 200 POINTS
Successfully lynching a hippie “from scratch” (tying the noose, securing it to a tree, securing the hippie and lynching it inside of twelve minutes) 200 POINTS
Impaling hippie at City Limits as a warning to others NOT TO ENTER or else within 45 minutes – 250 POINTS

EH, Y’all get my drift…

*DISCLAIMER* – This comment was made as a comedic jest and IS NOT meant to be taken seriously BY ANYONE in any way, shape, or form.

EAT THAT, lawers!!

NR Pax

1000 points: Turn someone away from the way of hippie.


Chase hippies and retrieve colors…Heap verbal abuse on hippies…IT’S MILLER TIME!

Old Trooper

After watching the video, again, this morning, I noticed something interesting. The eat, love, pray hippie was within about an inch of getting throat punched. When he attempted to square up, the sprinter was having none of it and I think the ELP hippie got the hint that it would be very bad for his health to try further intimidation and in the end, was himself feeling what it’s like to be intimidated in the presence of real men.

Have ya ever noticed that the protester types are all about intimidation, until they are met with real men (Susie Benjamin in San Fran comes to mind immediately)? Then, they either run away, or they put out their arms like they want to hug. Either way, their true colors (yellow on back and brown down below) come out rather quickly, when the realization that their bucket mouth has gotten their thimble ass in trouble, again.

A Proud Infidel®

I tend to think that hippies’ colors are like the North Vietnamese or Chicom flags, whatever part of ’em that ain’t red is yellow with a patch of brown in their lower posteriors that erupts when they try to play their games on someone that WON’T back down!