Leland Yee, gun grabber, arrested for conspiracy to traffic in arms

| March 27, 2014

Leland Yee

Folks have been blowing up my inbox with links to the story of Leland Yee, a California state senator who was arrested yesterday for conspiring to traffic in weapons in a 137-page complaint, as well as taking a $20,000 bribe from an FBI agent, according to an Inside Bay Area link.

Yee and an intermediary allegedly met repeatedly with an undercover FBI agent, soliciting campaign contributions in exchange for setting up a deal with international arms dealers.

At their first face-to-face meeting in January, “Senator Yee explained he has known the arms dealer for a number of years and has developed a close relationship with him,” an FBI affidavit says, noting Yee told the agent the arms dealer “has things that you guys want.”

According to Fox News he’s not the first of Democrat California legislators to be arrested this year;

Yee is the third Democratic senator to face charges this year. Sen. Rod Wright was convicted of perjury and voter fraud for lying about his legal residence in Los Angeles County, and Sen. Ron Calderon has been indicted on federal corruption charges. Wright and Calderon are taking a voluntary leave of absence, with pay, although Republicans have called for them to be suspended or expelled from the Legislature.

Yee’s indictment included 25 others in a state-wide sweep. You might remember that we mentioned Yee when a crackpot used his phony vet story to threaten Yee for his anti-gun position.

I guess it’s not too ironic that a legislator who publicly wrote legislation to limit weapons access to law abiding citizens privately conspired to arm criminals.

ADDED: You can see the depth of Yee’s commitment to keeping us safe from ourselves while arming criminals at Twitchy.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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2/17 Air Cav

I think he may be related to this guy. I’m not sure.


Also in the sweep was none other than notorious San Francisco Chinatown crime figure Raymond “Shrimpboy” Chow.

Chow was trying to show how ‘rehabilitated’ he was, appearing on 60 minutes as well as local news programs, showing how he was wearing an ankle bracelet and involved in working with at risk youth. Not to mention his Facebook page.

What a farce, once a thug, always a thug.


And the hits just keep on coming, eh?

Combat Historian

The feds will probably throw the book at him because he was trying to get a piece of the obamao ATF’s gunrunning action; you shouldn’t muscle in on a obamaofed concession, don’t you know that ?

Country Singer

Actually, one of my first thoughts on hearing this was, “Hmmm, I wonder how many guns he supplied for Fast and Furious. No wonder Hillary! and the rest of the libs were harping on “automatic weapons” going to Mexico from the U.S…one of their buddies was supplying them.”


Right out of Sons Of Anarchy…of course msm ignoring this and Charlotte mayor arrest on corruption charges.

Red 6

It may not be getting big time national attention but it was the lead story every half hour on the local CBS news affiliate everyone listens to here in the SF Bay area for traffic. I also saw it mentioned on all the local TV news morning programs and on CNN while I was at the gym.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

There is a delicious sort of irony associated with these types of stories….a lawmaker who wants to legislate for making more guns illegal and then proceeds to sell illegal guns…sort of like the Carl Rowan situation…life is often punctuated with moments like this and I will enjoy thinking about this today.

Hypocrites, reprobates, and criminals. What a fine bunch of elected leaders we are producing in the United States these days. I’m not sure if that’s an indictment of the electorate or an indictment of those who would try and usurp the power of the nation through trickery…maybe it’s a little of both.


NRO has a very good essay on why charges of hypocrisy usually doesn’t stick to proggies-worth a read http://www.nationalreview.com/article/374207/unruly-progressives-jim-geraghty


Petard, own, hoist. Assembly required.


The reason he’s anti-gun is so he can keep his prices high, since it’s an “in demand” commodity. Shit bag.


Scant coverage of this on national media. I learned about it on Twitter.

Nothing to see here people!!! Do as we say, not as we do for Christs sake!! How dare you cattle complain about a little corruption amongst your betters!! Taking care of all of you sheep is tough work and if we fall from grace once in awhile, so be it. Just appreciate all of the hard work that we do to keep you safe from yourselves. Love, your elected representative……


It sure does seem that way…

“Lead by example” must be a thing of the past.

While I’m glad to see that the hypocrite was caught, it is also a little depressing to know that this sort of thing just keeps happening with our leadership.

I know I am preaching to the choir here, but I hope that everyone remembers in November 2014, what is going right now and has been going on for a while.

We need a hero….I miss President Reagan.

The Other Whitey

In memoriae magnae Ronaldus Maximus.

A Proud Infidel®

I also miss Ronald Reagan the Great!!


Had this been a GOP state senator, it’d be page one above the fold in every major paper and the lead story on every network newscast.

But this guy? Crickets. Yeah, this is my surprised face.


NHSparky you got that right. If he were GOP every major ass wipe in the country would have him page one and he would be the CNN and MSNBC golden story for weeks!


Maybe Bill Maher will talk about this on “real Time” this Friday night.

Do ya think??

Yeah, Me neither.


From reading about this assholes fall from grace, it appears that corruption amongst Democrat representatives in California is off the charts. Starting to make sense as to why California is in such dire straits. They keep electing these clowns and expecting a different outcome. Isn’t that the definition of insanity???

The Other Whitey

Oh look! He’s from the Gay Bay Area and appears to be tight with the Chinatown tongs! You gotta love a “minority*” representative who makes such a big deal about representing his community in “White Man’s America” who makes his bed with the very same organized-crime shitbags who terrorize the immigrant community he claims to represent.

*Never could figure out how Chinese can call themselves a minority, since there’s more chinamen in the world than all the rest if us combined…

HS Sophomore

I can attest to that. He’s the third state senator in less than a month to go down for corruption, the other two being Ron Calderon and Roderick Wright, Calderon for bribery, Wright for voter fraud. And here’s the kicker: after Wright was unanimously convicted of eight felonies by a jury, THE SENATE LEADERSHIP BLOCKED THE MOTION TO THROW HIM OUT!!! HE’S STILL A SITTING CA SENATOR! That’s right; even eight felony convictions for voter fraud isn’t enough to get you expelled in CA. Fuck this state up the ass sideways with a splintered broom handle.


Now you know why I left.

HS Sophomore

Amen to that.

The Other Whitey

Oh, don’t remind me. These are the people who pay my salary. Jesus H. Christ…


Some factoids here to deal with:
#1 – The first state senator to get busted is black.
#2 – The second state senator to get busted is Mexican.
#3 – State senator Yee is, of course, Asian.
#4 – The state senate president pro tem, a dirtbag in his own right, is another libtard Dem, a white man no doubt suffering from “white guilt”. He’s probably terrified, considering items #1, #2, and #3 above, that the race cards are gonna come flying at him from all directions. Result: he suspends these douchebags rather than expelling them. Nonetheless, the Dems have lost their supermajority in the Senate. That’s the good news.


That was Einstein’s definition of insanity


It’s crickets only because he’s the THIRD turd Democratic state senator to be arrested recently.
Within CA media, it’s been a pretty big deal, so I’d blame the national media’s East Coast bias 😉
As a gamer, Yee’s fall is particularly fun to watch. He was one of those who would claim that all video games were equal to military training. The late Chris Kyle was not that good at “Call of Duty”, but somehow, he managed to do his job well…

Pinto Nag

Thug in a suit. Got it.

Adam Fenner

It is like so many other things that are illegal, just like there are lobbyists on behalf of publicly traded corporations. Illegal operations have lobbyists as well trying to keep their operations against the law because it drives up prices.


I have a feeling Yee may have some links to the New People’s Army (which are communist btw). He’s certainly not affiliated with the jihadist groups over there. Anyways: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/fbi-agents-arrest-u-s-lawmakers-unrelated-corruption-schemes-article-1.1735802 Excerpt: “Yee discussed helping the undercover FBI agent get weapons worth $500,000 to $2.5 million, including shoulder-fired automatic weapons and missiles, and showed the agent the entire process of how to get those weapons from a Muslim separatist group in the Philippines into the United States, according to an affidavit from FBI Special Agent Emmanuel V. Pascua.” Info on the NPA: http://www.philippinerevolution.net/documents/the-new-people-s-army Excerpt: “As surely as the Communist Party of the Philippines is being regenerated, reoriented and re-established under the supreme guidance of Mao Tsetung Thought, the acme of Marxism-Leninism in the present era, the people’s liberation army which the Party commands as its principal instrument in the Philippine revolution is likewise being regenerated, reoriented and re-established under the supreme guidance of Marxism- Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought. In the same way that the Party is undertaking a rectification movement in the spirit of “learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones” and of “curing the sickness to save the patient,” so does the people’s army in order to regenerate itself correctly, cast away degenerates and take in new blood so as to carry out more firmly and vigorously the tasks of the people’s democratic revolution against U.S. imperialism domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. The New People’s Army is definitely emergent after twenty-seven years of hard struggle and sacrifices in the people’s democratic interests by those who have persisted in revolutionary armed struggle. This army can take pride in its splendid achievements and in the glorious martyrdom of its heroic martyrs. It can also learn bitter lessons from the failure of previous leaderships to win the revolution or to preserve a single base area during the last more than two decades. It is now arduously striving to intensify the armed struggle in a number of guerrilla songs and girding for the realization of agrarian revolution as the condition for establishing a base area and an armed independent regime. The universal truth of… Read more »

The Other Whitey

So, remember what I said about Harry Reid on the other thread this morning? Yeah, also applies to this Yee asshole. Fuck that guy.


I wonder if Yee will hire a spin doctor and try to claim he was doing this to prove how easy it is to get these evil assault weapons? Lets face it, Yee didn’t give two shits about gun ownership, and bullet buttons, and hi-cap mags. He was just playing to the masses.


Now you did it, Andy. I’d admonish you for providing a defense for this indefensible shit bag, but I’m sure his attorney has already settled on this as Yee’s defense.


Yee haw!

Yee gads!

Yee might want to order the chop souy!

Yee just moved into the cross hairs!

Yee might want to practice getting used to Bubba.

Oh, did Yee mention this minor issue to your buddy, diane funstein?



Of course he did… she is his supplier. Or her husband is, anyway. Probably the reason he got caught was because he started encroaching on her turf, and she decided to put him back in his place.


California Senator trying to bring SAMs into America via Port of New Jersey via M.I.L.F. (terror group).

Bragged about access to automatic versions of M-16.

Yet, in 2012 he wanted to ban all Californians from owning assualt weapons…..was he trying to corner the market?

Curious why ATF wasn’t involved, since he was involved with stolen cigarettes, stolen alcohol, stolen firearms…..

So when do the charges for treason come down?

Country Singer

It’s just like the meme:

1) Ban all the guns!

2) ?????

3) Profit!

Looks like he figured out the answer to #2.


yeah I saw that part about the MILF, but Yee was doing business with a guy who has family in the MILF but is part of the Communist NPA. That’s where the media is getting their Muslim terrorist group tie-in, but in truth the MILF are busy transitioning into a political movement these days via the Bangsamoro Framework Agreement with the Aquino government. However, they have several splinters that still adhere to the concept of jihad, such as the Bangsamoro Freedom Fighters (BFF), Khalifa Islamiyah Mindanao (KIM), Jaysh Al Tawhid (JTD, which is really the remnant of the Rajah Suleiman Movement or “RSM”), which of course are associated with what’s left of the Jemaah Islamiyah training apparatus led by Arizona State grad Marwan. The Abu Sayyaf Group has been pretty much a non-factor in recent years, due to their ideological leaders having been either killed or captured. Those groups have been attempting to unite under a single banner known as the “Black Flag,” although they have had trouble deciding who’s going to be in-charge (everybody wants to be the Chief). These days they’re little more than an organized crime syndicate that prefers to stick with abducting naive European tourists who are on vacation with their tranny girlfriends.


Edit- ASG is little more than an organized crime syndacite. The other groups are still very much BAD and with ties to Al Qaida financiers abroad. Oh,and I recommend watching the youtube and liveleak videos on Syria, because you’ll see Asians out there and they’re not just Uighurs…


‘was he trying to corner the market’?

No. He was aiming at making sure that no one had any defense against the very things he was selling.


A M.I.L.F. terror group…..didn’t see that one coming. Should be better than Afghanistan T&A (toes and ankles).


I have been in a much better mood than usual for the past couple days, and while I certainly don’t take pro-gun development for granted, usually I only had this level of excitement for watching 24.


Leland Yee was ready to facilitate the kidnappings, murders, and human trafficking of al Qaeda in the Philippines.

Senator Leland Yee, al Qaeda, and the MILF