David Aben; ho-hum another phony SEAL
Scotty sends us his work on David Maurice Aben, another SEAL, this one from North Carolina. He appeared in a news article in Raleigh, and I’m guessing that’s how he came to Scotty’s attention.
“I was livid, there’s no other way to describe it. I was livid. I was angry,” said David Aben, Jennifer’s father.
David Aben, a retired Navy SEAL, said he taught his children to obey the law. He was the person who turned Jennifer in to authorities when she first got into trouble in 2002.
“My dad always taught me to have faith and trust in the system and do right … (but) I don’t have any faith left in it,” Jennifer Aben said.
Yeah, well, here’s something else to lose your faith in, Jenn;
Aben spent 2 1/2 years as an operations specialist, not a SEAL. I thought that the reporter might have made a mistake, you know, because everyone is a Navy SEAL to journalists these days, until I saw the shirt he’s wearing in the picture at the top of the post.
Category: Phony soldiers
He SAID he was an ex-SEAL, but he isn’t, what a surprise!
Piece. Of. SHIT!
But he’s got the t-shirt on! Doesn’t that qualify him?
Bet the disgusting prick has a tat as well.. any takers??
2 1/2 years and discharged as an E-1. Yeah, you know what the deal is here.
So much for teaching your children to obey the law…
He was the resident seal on the USS TRUETT; he performed with a red ball, and also pulled other tricks for real dollars…
At least he didn’t tell them about his Navy Cross and time as a POW during Vietnam
He was wearing the shirt to “honor” the SEALS.
A question for any Navy personnel types out there.
Army regs prescribe revocation of any badges/tabs on dismissal, DD, or court-martial conviction for desertion during wartime. Does the Navy do the same?
Better edit that form you posted…I can see his SSN.
Don’t they just give you a t-shirt when you finish BUD/S? /sarc
2.5years and he couldn’t make it past SR (E-1)? Okay…. (walks away, giggling)
Story is 6 1/2 years old. Can’t leave any more comments on it.
Wonder how many more people he’s bamboozled since then with that story.
He had his 15 minutes of fame back then, and now he has it FOREVER.
Ex-PH2: oh, I’d guess this guy made it past E1 during his career – maybe more than once. The rank listed there is rank at time of discharge, not necessarily highest rank held. (smile)
Yes. Quals can be removed. Awards can not.
At home flat on back today.
You said it.
Dude looks all “jonesed out”.
I wonder why the daughter got into trouble?
Probably emulating this clown.
Where do they ALL come from. I mean is there a special POSER school out there I haven’t heard about? You know the one that starts with Poser 101, then Poser 201, then in the 300 and 400 level classes you have to choose, Poser Ranger, Poser Airborne, Poser Special Forces, Poser Marine Recon, Poser Sniper, Poser SEAL, and for the folks who grade highly in the depth and breadth classes they can double and triple up. “Poser Airborne, Ranger, SF, Sniper, SEAL”. If it weren’t so serious…it would be funny.
@15 Master Chief I hope you are okay there. What ever it is take good care.
@9–removal of quals, etc., can be done for any number of reasons, and in a lot of cases are administrative in nature; much like seeing someone on the boat getting de-nuked, de-subbed, etc.
IIRC, a DD/BCD would mean removal of those quals, particularly if punishment also included loss of all pay and allowances, as some quals would have pro pay included with them.
@16. Looks like the daughter was busted out for using her son’s name to get an account of some sort. Yep – pretending to be someone else seems to run in that family.
@17 Sparks,
I found the link to Poser University, I have no clue if they are legit or just another diploma mill;
By the way, if this is Poser University, that “female” on the first page seriously looks like a tranny – “her” five o’clock shadow is showing….
Looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. According to a commenter named Rhoda Penmark, fake daddy seal hadn’t paid taxes on his boat for several years. He is a liar and fraud, so it is possible.
@4: I’m not up on the Navyspeak, Sparky, so I’ll take your word for it that he was an E-1. I was thinking he was probably an E-1/2, since he only lasted 2 1/2 years on his hitch. That, alone, raises flags.
Old Trooper: best I can tell, if an enlisted Navy Rank/Rate abbreviation ends in “R”, that’s short for “Recruit” – or pay grade E-1. I’m sure there are exceptions, but that seems to be generally true.
— break —
MCPO, NHSparky: thanks. My question was more whether a court-martial conviction leading to dismissal/DD automatically revoked qual badges (it does in the Army).
My thought was it was theoretically possible the guy was telling the truth (e.g., was a SEAL but managed to do something REALLY stupid and get a DD and thus got his SEAL qualification revoked). In that case, we’d need to have someone check the SEAL database to double-check to be sure. However, that’s already been done. I’ve now checked Scotty’s site and have seen where Scotty posted Don Shipley’s verification that the guy never completed BUD/S.
Let’s see, two and a half years of service and discharged as an E-1. Any guess on the RE code and discharge type on the DD-214?
@21 Brownwolf. Funny as hell. There is actually a web site for it. Who knew! Now we have a place to refer these ass holes to.
Pretty sure they don’t redact that you were a SEAL from your records if you were one. If you got booted ( or transfered) from the teams I dont know the policy on wearing the trident on the uniform.
The only badge I have heard of being revoked from wear is the Presidental guard badge.
As far as guys turning in Stuff when booted on an OTH BCD or Dishonororable they have to turn in what they were issued, nothing more, nothing less. Ive did inventories on guys getting the boot. If they were missing items they got docked. If they had extra gear it was taken too. If they had something ratholed somewhere it wasnt sought out. I
get a fuckn life everybody really u do searches to find out if people r really who they say they r im almost a 1000000% sure all of u military fucks have lied about ur stories to make urselfs feel better or give u a sence of being better than someone elts most u military guys r all the same a bunch of bs my dad included but at least today hes happy living a good life so fuck all u looser fucks who have nothing better to do than hate or critisize
“mad son”, the fact that your dad is a LSoS isn’t our fault. You’re directing your anger at the wrong folks.
Then again, taking liberties with the truth does seem to run in your family. So I’m not surprised that blaming others for your own failings and/or deflecting blame when caught does also.
Now, child – go play elsewhere and let the adults talk here.
Way to bring up that dead thread, son. Now he’ll be that much more famous.
And there’s a difference between sea stories and outright lying about your less-than-stellar service. Ask daddy how that works.
Hey, kid,
Try learning to write in English, rather than just dumping a can of alphabet soup on your keyboard in the hope that the letters form some sort of intelligible statement.
Oh, and you’re dad’s a liar and a truth molester. Wake up and smell the coffee.
You can never count on the military to say the truth when it comes to giving an accurate depiction of some men who have served. For those who judge just look at how these men were repaid in there disabilities for what they went through. David IS a 100 percent service connected veteran and his family has served honorably from WWII through the Vietnam and African Era’s. For those who are military and want to judge they can do so at there own peril David has served his country well and maintains his honor. It’s to bad those who chastise have NEVER been in the military to understand how they treat some men who did not muster up to there standards. To bad so sad for our country, but when the shit hits the fan you will be able to count on David to help the community in every way shape and form. I hope you all can say the same (ken)
That’s not quite true. First of all I need to say that I absolutely do not have all the facts here, but I can surmise a bit from the data that has been presented.
1. He may have served honorably, but 2.5 years and discharged as an E-1? That does not look like a standard enlistment and he should have at least made E-2 by then if the promotions worked then as they do now. Without proof of a Dishonorable or Other Than Honorable discharge, I can’t say whether he served with honor or not.
2. The reporter clearly states that she believes David to be a Navy SEAL. Whether that is simply because he’s wearing the shirt or he told her is unclear, but it’s more likely that he told her. If she took liberties without checking, then it’s her fault. If she didn’t, then it’s his. He was in the Navy and knows better than to claim something he wasn’t.
3. I don’t have enough evidence to comment on his service disability, but it seems difficult to believe that a Seaman Apprentice (E-1) as an Operations Specialist (they sit at desks and consoles) could somehow be involved in something that would cause 100% service disability in 2 years (less the 6 months for boot camp and schools). I may be possible, but unlikely.
Remember, if you haven’t read the FAQ section of this website, I encourage you to. The majority of the posters here are either current or ex-military. We are not concerned with his daughter’s conduct, it’s the new report that states he is a SEAL when he is not that is the issue. Even if he didn’t say that to the reporter, he must surely have seen the article by now and he has not contacted the reporter and a correction has not been issued.