The TOTUS Who Can’t Look America in the Eye

| January 29, 2014

Not once — not even once — did the man who claims to be the legitimate leader of our nation ever look me, and all the other watching citizens of this nation, in the eye during his State of the Nation speech. He was a dash-top bobble-head, swinging back and forth from prompter to prompter.

Good grief! The man can’t uncouple himself from his comfort-zone technology for even a moment to look Americans in the eye just once, and give us some sense of our comfort that he is sincere.

For those of us who endured the entire speech, it was painfully obvious that our nation is being led by a man who lives and dies by the teleprompter — Teleprompter Rex. It would be exceedingly interesting to see what would transpire should that teleprompter technology crash in the midst of a major speech like this one. Perhaps America would be treated to the real Obama, without the technological defenses that wall him off from we, the unworthy.

Reality is, this affirmative-action president, a man elevated far beyond his capabilities by those who would use him for their own ends, has failed. He’s failed himself, and he’s failed America. Deliciously, he’s failed those who put this puppet into the role of power. He’s failed them because he hasn’t been able to enact their great socialist takeover of America.

Sadly, we as a nation will be required to endure three more years of executive ineptitude — unless we take the Senate in 2014, which would afford America the means to rid itself of this aberration and restore some semblance of responsible leadership.

And yes, it still irks the hell out of me when my president can’t look me in the eye, even over a television network. What a clueless, classless political weasel. Think about that, America: the guy who leads you and the world won’t look you in the eye.

Crossposted from American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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I still think he’s one of those Cylong replicants, with bad scanning programming.

Frankly Opinionated

What a piece of shit. I am sharing this to my facebook page as well as copying and pasting the text, with appropriate credit of course, for those who don’t have the click n scroll thing down.


“Good grief! The man can’t uncouple himself from his comfort-zone technology for even a moment to look Americans in the eye just once, and give us some sense of our comfort that he is sincere.”

He did this at the debates with Romney. He could not answer the questions asked.


“a clueless, classless political weasel”. You could have just posted that descriptor, Poetrooper, and spared yourself the possibility of early onset carpal tunnel syndrome.


Turn the teleprompter off, and Reagan wouldn’t have missed a beat. Turn it off and Obama would (and has) become a stuttering ass.

Therein lies the difference, America–guys like Reagan, et al, believed in America and its greatness. Obama can’t come up with shit on his own unless it’s spoon fed to him.

1/20/17 can’t come quickly enough.


So … unlike some of you caveman like creatures, I watched the State of the Union last night.

I fell ill when the President turned Joe and he indicated that Joe will be leading the effort to retrain America.

I can just see how that conversation goes with Joe to the people:

“OK people, put your Obama phones and Play Stations down, you will need your Electronic Benefits Card, becasue will be stopping at McDonald’s for lunch and on the way back we will stop at the Smoke Shop … We are going to the local community college where I am leading the effort to retrain you to work in the ‘I Don’t Want to Work Because I Have Already Been Trained Not Work … Because the Benefits Are So Good … Who in There Right Mind Wants to Work’ industry”.


A guy who has sat on his ass in the Senate or as the Veep for 40 years is going to tell me how to make it in the REAL workplace?

Stop. Hurt. Sides. Laughing.

But let’s face it–this is a big fucking deal, right?


PT- Do you remember the SCOAMF was mocked wtih the blog known as “Barack Obama’s Teleprompter’s Blog?” Don’t know whatever happened to it’s author but…It was a great blog.


Jesus how the hell do you ever top MCPO? Face buried in hands.


A former Bush speach writer is claiming that Obama stole from Bush’s 2007 SOU speach.


Eyesum jus speekin’ da truff!

The Other Whitey

@10 Does that mean he’ll try to blame Bush for the fact that his speech sucked?

2/17 Air Cav

You. Watched. The. Speech. The. Whole. Speech. I am torn between admiring the cement stomach you have and just dismissing you as some sort of sick masochist. Tell me, did you have someone handcuff you, strap you in a chair, and raise the volume on the TV? I can’t imagine the pain.


Asshat can’t look anybody in the eye, Michelle trained him to be subservient to her and his political masters. Couldn’t lead a turd down the bowl with a secondary flush.



“My fellow Americans…..blah blah…me….blah blah…Bush Administration….blah blah Bin Laden dead….me…I…my….blah blah….not my fault…blah blah..Bush…poor folks…blah blah…Moochelle…blah blah…I…I…I…Congress’s fault….blah blah…Congress…economy is doing great….Obamacare is awesome…blah blah…Bush Administration..not me…stonewalling congress…blah blah… Thank you and God (snicker) bless America!”



Last part was to be “snore” but the HTML gods disallowed it. Fill in the Blank and discuss….