Legacy governor says that his comments were “distorted”

| January 21, 2014

Yesterday, we wrote that the legacy governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, said in an interview that there’s no room in New York for conservatives. According to The Blaze, Cuomo’s office called and said that his quote was distorted, that he was only trying to discourage conservative candidates from entering any political races in the State. So here’s his quote, you decide;

The gridlock is Washington is less about democrats and republicans. It is more about extreme republicans versus moderate republicans. And a moderate republican in Washington can’t figure out how to deal with the extreme republicans. And the moderate republicans are affair of the extreme conservative republicans in Washington in my opinion.

You’ve seen that play out in New York, their SAFE act, the Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act. It was voted for by moderate republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are? Because if that is who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are.

I’m pretty sure that’s what we said. My interpretation of that quote is; conservative Republicans have no legitimate expectation of a voice in the State’s government. If you can’t expect a candidate that reflects your own opinion on issues, you don’t belong in new York State. It’s not like these conservatives are pulling their pro-gun, anti-abortion platforms out of thin air – they’re issues that are important to people, and people have a reasonable expectation of those issues being represented in Albany. If the legacy governor doesn’t like that there are conservatives in that state, he should leave.

However, the New York Times reports that despite the fact that most Upstate New Yorkers oppose Cuomo, 57% of New Yorkers say that they’d vote for him again;

The poll asked the opinions of some 800 registered voters in the state, and a solid two-thirds said they viewed the governor favorably; 54 percent gave him a positive assessment of his job performance, and a solid majority — 57 percent — said they were ready to re-elect him.

So there you go, New Yorkers.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Reason #374,006 why I’d never live in NY.


Distorted? Uh, no. That was a quote. Right? Pretty much a direst statement. Hardly a distortion.

It’s just a shame you can’t put a cream pie in a politician’s face. Most of them are ripe for that kind of thing.

What? I can dream, can’t I?


I prefer the mental image of a size 10D combat boot to the seat of the pants with sufficient force to lift them off the ground, Ex-PH2. But either works.


He is complaining because he was quoted accurately by the media? How DARE they!



Translation: If you aren’t a Republican who votes like a Democrat, pound sand.

And a poll of EIGHT-HUNDRED New Yawkers? Really? Of a population of 20 MILLION? Sure, that’s an accurate representative samplee.


Classic case of a guy opening his mouth just long enough to change feet.

Psst…Andy…nobody’s buying it.

And judging by the population and electoral vote shift, people have had just about enough of the “moderate” bullshit in Albany. But you keep telling yourself that you’re right, Andy.


Hondo, while I agree that the boot-to-the-rear visualization is effective, you’d have to clean the crap off a perfectly good, polished boot.

Whereas, with the cream pie, you can order as many as required, support a local bakery and likewise support its employees, which increases their disposable income.

Old Trooper

The 57% comes from NYC. Yeah, it’s well known that densely populated urban areas almost always are bastions of leftism. It’s always been that way and always will be. look at any large city in the country and you will see a large majority of progressives.

As for Cuomo’s rep………..what he’s saying is believe us, not your lying eyes. As usual, they think theat we are stupid. The problem is, they hate us because we aren’t stupid and they can’t control us. They want sheep, not sheepdogs.


“What luck for rulers that men do not think.” -Adolf Hitler

And damned if the liberal “rulers” in this country don’t pump that idea as hard as they can.


Typical political B.S. Make a statement and then back pedal. Whatever happened to saying what you mean and meaning what you say? Why the hell does anyone talk anymore if what he says doesn’t mean a damn thing?

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

@2,4,5,6, & 10 Well, uh, that, uh, that depends on what your definition of “is” is…

@8 Notice also that those same population centers also happen to be the ones with the worst chronically-underperforming public school systems that also happen to be big fans of Common Core. Says a lot about those voters, huh?


Let me put this into the record right here, just so that there is no doubt in anyone’s minds: OWB forthwith and forever pledges to not enter for purposes of any commerce, entertainment, or other human or inhuman interaction the State of New York. This shall include, but is not limited to, travel, overnight accommodation, sporting events, political activity, and casual and/or formal association with friends. OWB will attempt additionally to conduct no business which might include any monetary gain by the State of New York via collection of taxes from businesses which reside in the State of New York.

Thanks, Gov, for pointing out that while you may wish to continue to benefit from whatever might be in my bank account, I have the choice to spend my dimes elsewhere.


I would not live in NY. Period. I will not travel to NY. Or through NY. I will not deal with businesses who are located in NY. Just my personal view.


I might have to go there for work, but I’ll be damned if I choose to go there.


Agree with ROS, it was a small poll sampling. However, liberals are the majority here. And the upstate/downstate divide grows wider. Population of 10 downstate counties is over 12 million, with the remaining 52 counties only 7 million. Only 27 counties are considered “red”. 35 counties “blue”, but the counties with the bigger cities, higher populations. In my lifetime in this state, conservatives have never had a voice. So this is really nothing new, somebody just finally said it out loud.

vietnam war protestor

He was right the first time conservatives are EVIL! They should all go to skunk mississippi and join the local klavern and get a job at walmart as they have forced most business out of business! The grand dragon lost his business and now has to work at walmart!


PST…VWP? And you know this how?


streetsweeper: the voices in his head (that only he can hear when his meds wear off) told him so. Or maybe it was the DNC talking points memo that someone explained to him.


@3-@7 Hondo and ExPH2

Use teamwork:

1)First the big boot in the boob’s butt

2)Clean the crap off the boot

3)Use that to make a cream pie



When you live long enough, the excuses begin to sound familiar. Eventually, they are simply recycled versions of the same thing.

The Klan used to be bad, and it was filled with Democrats. It’s still filled with Democrats (which is exactly why some of us are historically Reps, passed on to us from our abolitionist ancestors) but apparently that’s OK now? Here’s a news flash, VWPimp, the Klan is still bad, but it’s YOUR people who still support it, never mine.

Damn, these libbies make stuff up and like to pretend that it is real. No wonder so many of them are druggies. They must stay high to be able to stomach their own lies, even to themselves.

Willful ignorance is beyond pitiful. And you heard the same thing about Sears in the mid-50’s. Probably from the same kind of folks who are whining today. They want everything to change except when change inconveniences them personally. Lazy turds. Always accusing others of what they themselves are most guilty of doing.

Yeah, I’m talking about you, silly fool, VWPimp. You chose to be ignorant. Stupid decision.

vietnam war protestor

Google effect of walmart stores on small southern town businesses. Speaking of posing most here try to pose as human beings ;but not very successfully! Klan now votes republican! Google ku klux klan and republican party.

A Proud Infidel

Vwpissant, you have given yourself severe brain damage with all the glue sniffing and Kool-Aid guzzling you’ve done. Look at the party in power dring the KKK’s heyday in the South, it was the democrats! Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican!


VWP, the “war for northern aggression” or Civil War to the rest of us was based on Democrats seceding to keep slavery in a confederacy. Lincoln was a Republican.

And you should tell your doctor to up the medication or voltage, which ever you’re doing lately.


The powers within the Klan are still Democrat. Ask around. They should not be difficult to find. Many of them are sitting in your precious unions, ya know, those folks using and disposing of the “workin’ man.”

Try looking at the world the way it really is sometime, VWPimp. You will be amazed. Don’t want to shop at or invest in WalMart? No one is requiring that you do either. Evidently plenty of “workin’ men” do, and you proudly want to deprive them of that choice?

Whatever. You are a loon.

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

@21 VWPussy, here’s some food for thought, assuming you’re actually capable of thinking: The KKK is historically pro-Democrat. In fact, they pretty much owned the Democratic Party in the 1910s, 20s, and early 30s. Among their supporters was President Woodrow Wilson (the original New World Order supporter). Hell, West Virginia had a Democrat congressman until just recently who was an outspoken Klan member WHILE HE WAS IN CONGRESS. The House Committee on Un-American Activities was established by Republicans to investigate and expose subversive activities, and do you know who their biggest target was? Not the commies! The HUAC’s biggest and most successful investigation was against the Klan. The KKK is still Democrat today. Want proof? Democrats love public housing projects. Conservatives view housing projects for what they are: slums. Whites are disproportionately least likely to live in housing projects. Blacks are disproportionately most likely. These slums are filthy with crime, drugs, and misery, and prove to be an inescapable trap for most of their occupants. Democrats love Welfare. A disproportionately high number of blacks are dependent on welfare. Many don’t even try to find a job when they can just sit on their ass and get free money, even if it ain’t much. Black children born to Welfare-dependant parents grow up with that example, and literally don’t know any better. This helps to keep a disproportionately high number of blacks in poverty. Democrats have made public education a pet project since at least the 60s. Anybody with their eyes open can see that public education in America has been failing since at least the 70s, and progressively getting worse. Rather than fix the problems in education, Democrats prefer solutions like Common Core, which lowers the standard gives students even less. The schools targeted for adoption of these regressive programs are underperforming inner-city schools in poor neighborhoods. White kids are disproportionately least likely to attend these targeted schools, while black kids are disproportionately most likely to be affected. These already-poor black families can’t afford to bypass this problem by sending their kids to private schools. As a result, black kids are… Read more »


And another thing. Or two.

VWPimp: Have you actually READ anything written by either Dr. Martin Luther King or Malcom X? They both warned against exactly what is happening today, driven by the racist Democrats.

Instead of leading the way to excellence by all US citizens, the Democrat party has suppressed and demonized anyone who goes after the American dream. The Democrat party built “plantations” and forced people to remain there. As is pointed out in #25, all those housing units were built as incubators for a dependent culture. It was disgusting then and it is disgusting now.

And, you may not know that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr got his degrees the old fashioned way – he earned them. He worked for them and gained incredible knowledge along the way. Nothing was handed to him, therefore, what he had was valuable to him and those who heard him. His words made sense because he knew history and how to use the language effectively.

There are several great life lessons in there for us all.