Mark Witaschek is not David Gregory
Our favorite 2d Amendment journalist, Emily Miller at the Washington Times tells the story of Mark Witaschek and his experience with the District of Columbia prosecutor which differs vastly when compared to that of DickDavid Gregory, the NBC reporter guy who brought a 30-round AR magazine into the District for his little TV show, which is against DC law, and which the prosecutor refused to prosecute (you know like it’s his job). Mark Witaschek was reported by an angry ex-wife for firearms in his DC home, firearms which he kept at his sister’s house in Virginia. Metro cops raided his house twice during the summer of 2012 and came up empty, but a more thorough search turned up a misfired shotgun shell and some sabots for a blackpowder rifle;
There have been two pre-trail hearings in the case so far. At the end of the first hearing in November, Judge Robert Morin gave the government until Jan. 3 to come up with a good defense for the initial police raid without a search warrant.
Knowing things weren’t going in their favor, the two assistant attorneys general for the District on the case, Peter Saba and Oritsejemine Trouth, offered Mr. Witaschek probation if he pleaded guilty. He declined the offer.
At the second hearing, the judge disallowed the first warrantless search and the fruits of it. This eliminated a box of rifle ammunition from the charges.
Undeterred, the prosecutors continued with the two items from the second raid — a misfired 12-gauge shotgun shell and a box of muzzleloader sabots.
Of course, in DC, having unregistered ammunition is a felony, just like having a 30-round magazine is also a felony. Mr Witaschek is guilty of not making good choices in his life – mainly the choice he made to not work for NBC News and be a TV personality. Because some animals are more equal than others.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
David Gregory is the host of Meet the Press. Dick Gregory is an African-American comedian/liberal activist.
@1. Actually, Robert, both Gregorys are Dicks. (Thursday. Veal.)
Aw, hell, I liked it much better when we had two Dicks, so to speak.
And the poor choice/luck of having a total bitch for an ex-wife.
If the “illegal” items were in a home other than his, under the control of someone else, why was he arrested?
Seems like a very easy cross examination for an only semi-literate defense attorney. Forget how the popo happened to be there – if she was the one who allowed the search because she was in control of the residence, then she is the one responsible for whatever they find, right?
If it works to invite the popo in to search, and then successfully deflect responsibility for what they find, the prison population around the country could be radically reduced immediately. Would bet that several of our law enforcement officers who read/post here have heard something similar to, “Oh, I don’t know how THAT got here. It’s not mine.”
Add in who tipped the popo initially, and I just don’t see how there is any serious expectation of a conviction. But, strange things happen every day.
DC continues to stand for Disgusting Cesspool.
One day, I do plan on taking my family there to see the memorials and museums. We’ll stay in Virginia, get gas in Virginia, and pack a lunch. The only money I’ll spend in that snakepit will be museum admission. I won’t put a single dime into that local economy.
I have a pretty high index of suspicion that the ex in this case is blowing both of the DAs. I’ll bet the judge has the same suspicion. Besides, a misfired 12-guage and a muzzleloader sabot with no cap or powder? Those ain’t gonna fire, so it’s a bit of a stretch to regard then as ammunition.
You know, you can always count on being torched by women if you piss us off.
This sounds distinctly like ‘I’m gonna get you for whatever’ to me.
Well, I do hope that it gets dismissed with prejudice or something. Because it all sounds like prejudice to me.
As for WDC, eventually, they’ll make sneezing illegal in WDC. Just saying.
Maybe this ex-wife has a great ass and both DA have their heads all the way up it.
@8 They might get away with banging his wife and chilling on his couch, but they better not have the audacity to watch his TV!
How many people are murdered each year by misfired shotgun shells? It must be a huge number to make it a felony.
My ex only got a check for $1.00 which she never cashed. Pretty cheap divorce.