Duckin’ around

| December 19, 2013

So, GLAAD, whatever that is, has their panties in a twist because Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty fame, quoted from the Bible to explain what he thought of the gay lifestyle. I won’t link to it, because I’m sure you’ve read it. People are more engaged about that than they are about veterans getting their COLA cut to balance the budget so we don’t have to cut benefits to illegal aliens. But, I digress.

I don’t watch Duck Dynasty just like I don’t watch any of these “reality shows”, but I do know something about it. Folks tried to get me to pull up Sy’s military records so they can talk ill of his career, I suppose. I didn’t do it, because he served during Vietnam when most people wouldn’t and that’s good enough for me. As far as I know, he never claimed any medals or honors, so I left well enough alone.

I saw some BS article a few weeks ago about how the Robertson family used to be clean cut and buttoned down until the opportunity for this show arose. So? All it proves is that the media is jealous of success and they’re always trolling around for information to tear successful people down. Somehow it makes them feel better about their own miserable existence, I suppose.

Well, now they’ve succeeded somewhat with Phil. But, in my opinion, this whole discussion says more about GLAAD than anyone else. Yes, there are people who still think that homosexuality is a sin and a deviancy. GLAAD has a problem with that and they want to be the thought police. No one is supposed to vocalize their distaste for the gay lifestyle.

My problem is not with the gay lifestyle, it’s with people like GLAAD who want to shove their lifestyle down our throats, so to speak. The more you push me into doing what you want, the more I’ll resist. GLAAD isn’t making any allies with this militant approach to squelching the dissent. In fact, their militancy will probably give rise to a counter-militancy. A&E didn’t do themselves or GLAAD any favors by laying off Phil for a spell either.

I’m no bible-thumper, but I’ll defend Phil’s right to be one, especially when he has the courage to do so in public. Just like I defend gays’ rights to say what they want to say in public.

But anyway, here’s an interview with Terry Bradshaw who talks with Jay Leno about Phil’s younger days;

In conclusion, if the media doesn’t want to know the answers to their questions, they shouldn’t ask. If Phil doesn’t like the way he’s being treated, he should decline to answer questions like that one. And GLAAD should just take a massive dose of Midol and shut up.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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@ 48 & 49,

There are very few people disputing the fact that A&E certainly has the right to jettison Phil for what ever reason they deem worthy. I think what people are most upset about is the continuing double standard the Liberal Left employs while furthering their political goals. A&E have irrefutably proven themselves to be hypocrites by pursuing this action when they have allowed others to get away with similar or worse behavior with nary a squeak.

People are right to shine a light on it, it’s a continuing education on the shallow, vacant, unprincipled, bigoted, and hypocritical agenda openly supported and advanced by the Looney Left, regardless of what prompted the action.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@51 I get your point, I happened to be trapped last night in a car dealership while receiving my first service appointment for free. They had CNN on and it was a debate over 1st amendment rights which this is not in my opinion.

Hypocrisy is common on the left and the right from what I see, who finds the hypocrisy offensive often depends on their political leanings.

Lefties were not offended by Bashir and were offended by Robertson. Righties appear to have been horrified by Bashir and many seem to be supporting Robertson’s opinions…draw your own conclusions as to the whys and wherefores and merits of each.

For me, I found his remarks on blacks more offensive than his admission that his god held homosexuality to be a sin, his religion shares that view with our muslim friends so that appears to be a common religious theme. The idea that blacks were happier before civil rights while not considering they might not speak out during a time when a black man could be lynched just for whistling at a white woman is beyond the pale in my opinion and speaks far more to his character, or lack thereof, than his adherence to some religious beliefs. He made a lot of money with his duck hunting show, good for him.

He ran his mouth and revealed his unique world view and he may or may not lose his job permanently….welcome to the big leagues dude….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field…. They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Unless that quote is an outright fabrication I’m pretty sure I understand his words….

Regarding my employment as I don’t work for a church or religious organization I’m pretty sure I’m okay with my views, the law makes it clear it’s not able to discriminate against non-believers any more than believers and there’s a decent amount of precedent to keep that clear.

At this point in my life an EEOC lawsuit followed by a settlement won’t require all that much money to keep me happy until I’m dead….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It appears that a comment by Hondo disappeared rendering the need for a response in 53 irrelevant…my apologies.


@53 – so he essentially said “no matter what was happening elsewhere, when I was a kid I didn’t see any gross mistreatment of blacks and they acted like they werre OK being no better off than I was”.

Guess I missed the bigoted horrible aspect of this. I could say the same about my youth… but had no blacks in my schools till 7th grade and no black classmates till 9th. Not because we were bigoted – because they didn’t live in that district. Guess that makes me a bigot too.


It is not about Free Speech, its about his signing a contract which holds him to a certain standard. Anyone who has spent time in or around the military should understand once you sign on the dotted line, you lose your right to free speech.

Eagle Keeper

Read this elsewhere, thought I’d share it:

“…A&E can refuse to do business with someone based on their sexual views, but a baker and photographer cannot.”

Only in Amerika, huh?

Eagle Keeper

Miss FrostJaws @47: “What he doesn’t have the right to do is say whatever he likes, free from condemnation from the groups of people that he is slandering.”

So who did he “slander”?

Do you mean “criticize”? The two are not the same.


Yeah, VOV – thought the comment would do little but fan the flames, so I pulled it about 1 or 2 min after writing it. Apparently you saw it in the rather short period it was up. What I see in the text you quoted is a bit different. Taking it at face value, it seems to me someone saying essentially, “I didn’t personally see any abuses while I was growing up. We got along well, and everyone seemed happy.” The implied message I see is, “Race relations seem to have gotten worse.” However, I’m also not looking to “catch a racist” – or assuming a priori that Robertson must be a racist since he’s a white guy from the rural South. So I’m not viewing the statement through a lens that leads me to infer things that aren’t there, or looking for hidden meanings. I’m also not assuming the guy is lying. You appear to be doing much if not all of that. Suit yourself. Maybe I’m wrong. Timing and location are both significant here. Robertson was largely grown up prior to the major push of the Civil Rights Era (he started College in 1965). Further, in NE Louisiana where he grew up, I believe conditions were relatively calm, racial incident-wise, before and during most of the Civil Rights heyday of the early-mid 1960s. The major efforts of the movement (and most of the incidents) seemed to be well east of there, with a disproportionate number occurring in Alabama – particularly after Wallace made himself the poster boy for racial bigotry with his “stand in the schoolhouse door” stunt. So actual history would lend some credence to Robertson’s statement about not seeing any abuses. NE Louisiana wasn’t a hotbed of racial incidents while he was growing up. Having grown up in a different part of the rural South than Robertson a few years later, I did see a few racial incidents – most of which were on TV vice in person – during the height of racial unrest. The only incident I personally saw was essentially an example of… Read more »


Well said Hondo.

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

Hey we all have free speech! Look how thrilled every one is when I exercise mine! Its the same with phil.

A Proud Infidel

Vwpissboy, most of the people that post here are reasonable adults. You, ShOrTbUs41, and a few others are blithering idiots and are like cockroaches crawling out as soon as it’s dark!!

Just An Old Dog

That you are still being allowed to post on here speaks volumes for the blog owners tolerance of your views. You could be banned anytime and probably would be if you weren’t such a great punching bag.

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

@63 If you only here from those who agree with you how do you get at the truth? Look what happened to socrates and voltaire for asking tough questions! Look how many poster or posers whould like me to drink hemlock too!


@59 Thank you Hondo and well said. Much better than I could have done. I will say I fought for this country and what it stands for and am proud to have done so. That includes my, your, Veritas Omnia Vincit’s and Phil Robertson’s freedom to speak our opinion openly. I thank God for this nation and what it stands for, the freedoms we enjoy and I honor those who gave life, limb and service to defend them. Up here in the Northwest, being close to Idaho, we have a sizable population of Skin Head/Neo-Nazi types. They protest periodically after getting the local permits. I do not agree with anything they stand for but I agree with their right to march peacefully and spout their rhetoric. The good with the bad is part of free speech.


Voltaire?!? He lived to be 83 and died in his bed.

vwp-we have assessed the value of your contributions and found them wanting (actually we have found them useless). Please go elsewhere. Or drink hemlock. Whatever, just stop cluttering up an otherwise fine blog.


Hondo-I agree with Sparks that your post 59 hit the nail on the head. Criticizing the effect of welfare on the black family hardly amounts to racism and, while Tom Sowell probably makes the case more eloquently, I see no problem with Mr. Robertson’s statement quoted above.

Powerpoint Ranger


I have to wonder if Hemlock would even do anything, after the tolerance you’ve built up to whatever brand of rubbing alcohol you drink before you post here.


vwpissypants, you are so incredibly stupid you don’t even know you’re alive. Seriously, if you had any working brain cells when you were born, they’ve been reduced to powder and crumbled away.
It’s amazing that you can sit up all by yourself, never mind figure out how to use a keypad. Do you get banana chip every time you hit a keystroke, you stupid ass?

Miss FrostJaws


Sure, let’s go for criticize. I mean, is comparing someone’s sexual orientation to beastly criticizing?


@5- So, will your third show be about LBJ “having those n***ers voting Democrat for 100 years” through supporting the Great Society in opposition to the rest of the party.

You know, the one that founded the KKK, gun control, Jim Crow, and so on?



@70. So, are you conceding that Phil didn’t slander anyone? I still haven’t seen you make a case that anyone was slandered.
Perhaps you’re confused as to what slander is? It’s defined as: “oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed.” What untruth did Phil utter? And, who had their reputation harmed?

Miss FrostJaws

@72 right. I said ‘let’s go for criticizing’. Why are you still focused on my bad wording?


Some GLAAD backlash. Good…liberals preach “peace”, “tolerance” & “understanding”, but are often just the opposite.


At this point, this is getting boring.


Not beating a dead horse here, but this link provides something interesting:


@31, If VWP appeared with Uncle Sy, he’d be the first person in the world to be eaten by a panther on national television.

@61, Free speech? You are lecturing us, most of which have bled so you can be tolerated for your lifestyle without being stoned to death by an upset Muslim about free speech? Free speech is one thing, but that doesn’t mean that a gay Jewish black transvestite should go touting his lifestyle in the middle of a Neo-Nazi Skinhead social hosting the KKK. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Phil was asked a question and answered honestly. It’s not like he put up a billboard showing his intolerance (you know, like Atheists do with Christmas).

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

@77 Eaten by a panther, you say? Now THAT I would pay to see! Not sure I’d wish that on the panther, though. Poor kitty might get filthy hippy food poisoning.

Eagle Keeper

@78 Would kinda give a whole new meaning to the word “hairball” …

Eagle Keeper

@74: “Tolerance for me, but not for thee”? Say it ain’t so …

Eagle Keeper

“The memorable words of T.S. Eliot in the Four Quartets come to mind — ‘Humankind cannot bear very much reality.’ This goes particularly for toney producers of reality shows, who are unaccustomed to having one of the swamp people emerge from the fens to inform them, denizens of a sophisticated and urbane cosmopolis as they are, that the human body was given just one sex organ and the poochute is not it. They got a little too much actual reality from one of their reality stars and so they went all Eliot on him.” ~ Doug Wilson,

Perry Gaskill

@76 Ex-PH2 –

As a casual observation, in getting a number evidently wrong The Daley Gator raises another interesting question.

According to some studies, the actual numbers of LGBT community members in the U.S. amounts to about 5 percent of the population. What’s curious is that other separate studies have indicated that if you do a random survey of a cross section of the population, what you’re likely to get are responses that the perception of LGBT community members is around 20 percent. If those stats are accurate, it means there’s more than a bit of tail wagging the dog going on.


@82 – Perry, I was referencing the asinine responses of the two gay guys on the video more than the statistical assumptions by Daley Gator. If you can avoid giggling and snorting at them, they are two very distasteful samples of the lack of tolerance in the gay community. I have serious difficulty with the idea that it’s okay for gay people to be offensive and stereotype others, but it’s NOT okay for straight people to do it.

2/17 Air Cav

And now Cracker Barrel is riding the LGBT parade float. They have pulled certain sales items from their shelves. Jerks. I sent them a nice email through their corporate contact page.

“I just learned that Cracker Barrel has determined that it is in its best interest to pull certain Duck Dynasty products from its sales displays. I respect that. I hope that you respect that I and my family will no longer dine at Cracker Barrel for its kowtowing to pressures brought or anticipated from the LGBT minority.”


I do have a modicum of sympathy for Cracker Barrel. They manage to be in trouble from both extremes of this controversy, and it is shame. A few years ago they were in deep doo doo over a gay waitress who supposedly was discriminated against (by Cracker Barrel) because of her lifestyle choice. Maybe they will eventually find a way to stay out of the mess?


@76 PH2 – Thank you so much for that link to the Salma Hayek
“Snake Dance” video. Oh, my! Love that girl.

Love you, too. Merry Christmas!


@64 – VWPunk’d – So your ignorant, misspelled bullshit leads us to the truth? Seriously?
Go away, you waste of good oxygen.



@86, happy you liked it.

Best I can offer is sausage gravy with biscuits or a bodacious mac & cheese with ham. Still have not perfected meatloaf, but I don’t make it often.

Love you, too, Old Sarge, stay warm. Happy Winter Solstice.

Oh, today is the Roman festival of the Saturnalia, too.


@88, don’t forget that tonight the All-Father will visit and replace the straw in your boots with candy and coal! For those of you who follow the Norse traditions.