Kimberly Rivera back on the street

| December 17, 2013

Blue Falcon, Kimberly Rivera, the baby machine who went to Canada while on her mid-tour leave from Iraq leaving a trail of babies every where she went, is finally out of jail after serving 7 1/2 months of her ten month sentence. Her lawyer, the equally portly James Branum, trampled several people getting to the microphone after her release. From;

Kimberly Rivera and her husband, Mario Rivera, will now focus on “rebuilding their lives,” likely with extended family in Texas. Where the family eventually ends up will depend on “wherever they can find a job and cheap rent,” Branum said.

Mario Rivera will likely look for work, and Kimberly Rivera will likely stay at home with the couple’s children. Eventually Kimberly Rivera may seek work or return to school, but for now, “she has a newborn that’s going to be at the focus,” Branum said.

Her bad conduct discharge will likely pose less of a problem when it comes to finding future employment than most would think, Branum said.

“It would keep her from rejoining the military, and law enforcement is picky,” he said. “But most employers don’t care what the discharge is, but why. It’s not as much of a black mark as people think it is.”

The bad conduct discharge “effectively functions as a federal misdemeanor,” Branum added.

Branum, who has been very effective at getting 100% of his clients locked up, is also wrong about how employers view deserters. In this economic environment, I’m sure no one would hire a deserter before they’d hire someone who is reasonably dependable. I’m pretty sure Texas is a bad choice for the family – there are cattle guards everywhere that may confound the obese couple when they’re trying to get to work.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

Category: Shitbags

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I’m sure that they’ll pick up disability and food stamps in no time


Yeah because Texas is such a liberal state that they love deserters, socialized medicine and paying higher taxes to give people free money for not working. Oh wait, sorry I got that confused with California…


Fuck that fatass mooching loser. Both of ’em.


Both Riveras can get jobs as Obamacare “Navigators”. No criminal background checks, lots of down time at work to pursue stealing other people’s identities, getting paid by the government to do nothing. Fits their lifestyle to a T.

Top W Kone

Her bad conduct discharge won’t be a problem as she will just check the box that she had an honorable or “forget” to even indicate it.


No doubt.

BCD, looking for job and cheap rent in Texas … I suspect that Obama Care Navigator is the most promising option. While she (it) is at it, she can apply for french benafits … Food stamps, Obama Phone, subsidized housing, daycare, medicaid and all the other FREE STUFF.

Oh one problem … I don’t think the patriotic and proud people of Texas will take kindly her decision to move there!

2/17 Air Cav

I have been on interview panels and never ever ever has a dishonorably discharged individual made it to the interview stage. Did I say ever? The application goes in the shit folder immediately.

2/17 Air Cav

“HELP WANTED: Unreliable individual who cannot be depended upon other than to quit without prior notice when the job seems too demanding. Preference will be given to dishonorably discharged, former members of the US military.”

When she sees that, she can apply.


@ 4 and 6…
Obama Care Navigator…

That or she can get a job with the EPA or TSA.

I hear that there are recent openings.


20 years from now she’ll be bragging about her glorious exploits in the war. Probably something along the lines of surviving a SCUD attack and seeing her C.O. cut in half by shrapnel.


“there are cattle guards everywhere that may confound the obese couple when they’re trying to get to work.” ROTFLMAO!!!
Thanks for that Jonn! The f@cking heffer.


Seven and a half months in jail and now “she has a newborn that’s going to be at the focus…” So, she got knocked-up, went to jail and delivered her latest progeny on the peoples’ dime in jail? Is that how we should read that?

Pineywoods NCO


NO!! We will not take too kindly to her being here. Family Rivera, stay out of my state!! Don’t come to the Pineywoods either, you will be as welcome as a three-dollar bill.


So, the Big Chicken Dinner is no big deal? Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t it actually show up on a Credit Report, or is that just a Dishonorable?

Personally, I say we should revoke her citizenship and deport her to France. It might be turning into a Muzzie nation, but at least she will be safe as they won’t touch her porcine-appearing self.


When is Branum going to learn that being informed about contentious objector status is not a right, particularly in an all voluntary army, and is not a defense to desertion. The man in walking malpractice. Eventually someone he gets locked up is going to file a bar complaint. I don’t think his shoddy work is going to go over well in Oklahoma, a state in which Obama did not carry a single county.

Green Thumb

They seem more than qualified to work at APL.


Fat fucking cunts,I hope one of her beaner in-laws shoots her.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m glad her lawyer thinks it’s no big deal to be a BCD recipient and that most employers don’t care about what the discharge but the why….

The why in this case is a simple desertion from duty…not sure what manufacturing employers don’t mind deserters but I’ve never worked for a company where deserters were welcome. Perhaps a future in minimum wage retail is an open possibility with that discharge but I find it hard to believe there are a lot of senior/upper managers anywhere with that sh1tstain on their record.

Combat Historian

These fat fucks will go straight to welfare and EBT and move into Section VIII housing; you know it and I know it…


@19 Amen brother! Who else sees this coming?

2/17 Air Cav

@19. Yep, and two years from now or so, a local rag will run a story about her, the poor combat Veteran, twice–no, three times–wounded who is forced to live on the dole because no one will hire her, due, of course, to her creepy war experiences.

2/17 Air Cav

@17. Come on, man. Speak up. Stop censoring yourself. You don’t have to wrap up your sentiment in roses for us.


It’s OK. It’s just one more excuse to not actually hold a job. The husband already is comfortable with it, and so it seems is she.

No big deal. Just another welfare queen.

Just An Old Dog

If there is any justice in this world she will be found unresponsive on the leather couch she bought with her enlistment bonus, with a SNAP-financed twinkie lodged in her craw.

A Proud Infidel

It’s a pity that Canada has issues about letting people with prior criminal issues in ( a leftover from Vietnam-era deserters & dodgers going there). Thus we American taxpayers are stuck with raising another family of dropout-deserter flunkies! Maybe she could take a trip to the beach, where Greenpiss would haul her fat ass so far out in the water, she’d get harpooned in no time!!

NR Pax

Does anyone have a shred of pity they can spare for her? I seem to have run out.

Joe Williams

Not ME Joe

A Proud Infidel

COUNT ME OUT on that, too!!


Nope. Nada, zip, zero, none. There are entirely too many folks discharged honorably who earned our respect and deserve our attention.


FIVE Children! FIVE! They should tie her tubes and cut his dick off at this point. BCD Cant get her Welfare, correct? Her going back to school? How? She wasnt in the military long enough to get benefits and BCD ends that chance.

This couple is truly fucked. Doomed since birth.

NR Pax

@30: Well, the anti-war groups always have a lot of money to help out…

Wait. Never mind.

Pineywoods NCO

I have no pity on her or that person she married.

Just for the kids, because they will never would know any better.


I feel pity for that couch. With no job prospects now that she is out, she will be spending a lot of time letting her ass get reacquainted with those cushions. It’s probably the only furniture they have.

A Proud Infidel

@30, 31, Maybe she could bawl to Jane Fonda, Cindy Sheehag, Ted Turdner,… Meh, F%CK ‘EM ALL!!


“Branum, who has been very effective at getting 100% of his clients locked up…”

I am crying with laughter on that one!


“likely look for work”? Absolutely will look for welfare.

I’d hire a crackhead before a Dishonorable Deserter. At least the crackhead is honest about what he/she is.

She needs a “straight shot to the baby-makers”


Can someone chime in here as to why she was in a Naval Facility at Miramar? Was this because she was female and pregnant?


BTW: posting a story about that POS right after one about Don is a real study in contrasts isn’t it


jonp: females convicted of felonies under the UCMJ do their time at the Miramar brig vice USDB/Leavenworth.,_Miramar


“Mario Rivera will likely look for work, and Kimberly Rivera will likely stay at home with the couple’s children.”

Key words being “likely”

A Proud Infidel

O-4E, I bet they’ve already gone lawyer-shopping to get her fat worthless parasite ass on welfare and/or SSI, shits like them always look for the easiest handout!