Tuesday with Claymore

| December 17, 2013

Who says the media is in collusion?

I guess Jerry Springer wasn’t on.

“Our time is nigh, comrades!!!”

Monkeys flinging poo.

You and me, baby ain’t nothing but mammals.

Ranting ranters who rant.

Queue the “musket” argument…

Snotty liberals hate their bourgeois relatives all year, but especially at Christmas.

The preciousss is a DUmbassss.

Hates Limbaugh…loves being mentioned by him. Validation is a mental illness.

More single-payer (ie; someone else pays for me) wishes.

Yeah, except today, they’re saying that in Chinese.

DU does Oprah’s reading list…are any of your faves here?

Imagining a dead Tea Party.

GOP heartless, contribute to divorce rate…probably has cooties as well.

DUer spots real welfare queen. Let’s see how long before this thread is locked.

Fiscal responsibility kills nations.

There are no black female GOP representatives. Conversely, there are also no Martians or Jedi’s. Discuss.

Clinton-Castro 2016!

Frack you, a-hole!

Whistling past the ACA graveyard.

Peter King is a douche.

“Maybe if we keep saying it, it will come true!”

How can I be financially responsible for your uterus and yet have no right to comment on how you abuse it?

Bush’s fault.

Don’t do drugs and watch old war movies, kids….you end up like this DUmbass.

A tax on the poor and stupid…unless you win.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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crewchief guy

How can you stand wading through that cesspool every week? As a student of history, the battle of the bulge thread made me rage at their sheer idiocy.


Claymore, I do try to read at least two of those rants, but they give me splitting headaches. Then I need chocolate therapy. I try.

I really do. But I just don’t have the hoo-haa to wade through the entire sewer of lickspittle bile. However, I truly did appreciate the ‘uterus’ entry. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

OKay, I picked “Don’t do drugs and watch old war movies kids” Holy smokes! The genius says something or other about the Battle of the Bulge but, in the main, he is preccupied with the F word and its sidekick, the MF word. It’s a laugh riot. What a ma-roon.


The one on there being no African American Female GOP Reps had me laughing… Mia Love is mentioned and you can actually see them frothing at the mouth there.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, I’m a glutton for punishment and my second pick of the day, “DU does Oprah’s reading list…,” didn’t disappoint. Guy asks for readers’ Top 5 books to help him compile a reading list. The responses are a hoot. One contributor (at least) submitted 25-30 titles, by genre. Um, what is it about “your Top 5” they don’t understand? Another worries, “What if they have never read a book?” Jeez. It’s like the Keystone Cops gone wild in print over there.


Honestly, this group of links are not my best effort, but in my defense, I don’t exactly have first stringers to work with.


Those articles are real? I thought that they were satire.