Unluckiest criminal in Maryland
Out of all of the unarmed potential victims in Maryland, Ashley Tomika McCrae, chose one of the few who happened to be a police officer, according to FoxDC;
The homeowner, a Metropolitan Police Department officer had just arrived at his home on the 6000 block of Hope Drive, Saturday morning when he was approached by a female suspect.
The suspect was armed with a shotgun and made demands. The homeowner shot the suspect. The suspect then got into a nearby car and fled the scene.
A short time later, PGPD detectives were called to a hospital in Washington D.C. for a walk-in patient with gunshot wounds. Detectives have linked that patient to the attempted robbery in Temple Hills. She is identified as 26-year-old Ashley Tomika McCrae, of the 3500 block of 6th Street in Southeast Washington.
All of those unarmed people whom the governor of Maryland won’t allow to protect themselves were lucky today that Ashley is a moron or the news story might read quite differently.
Category: Feel Good Stories
friggin moron!
Wow, just Wow. Too bad the rest of the citizens of MD don’t have the same right to defend themselves. Oh, well. Their choice to make, and they have made it.
A fine example of Ex-PH2’s Constant. The principle, named for the Petty Officer who coined it/made it famous (verified by the Nobel Committee) states that a person’s likelihood of winning a stupid prizes increases vice the number of stupid games s/he plays.
nice mug shot, Ashely. I see a 3-5 year stint in MD State prison in your future.
I was going to say Open Channel D…nice hairdo! I love those cornrows. They just say so much.
I love the “Daily Feel Good Stories” at This Ain’t Hell blog, and this one is as good as any of them; well except that the ditzy broad is still alive to try something stupid another day. We can’t win ’em all.
Is it too mean to giggle about this kind of thing?
Was Ashley shot in the behind? One can only hope.
@2 Stuff it. MD is quite possibly the most gerrymandered state in the Union, run by two entitlement counties and one DC bedroom community, and the endless river of suck that is Baltimore. People here are leaving in droves. Not an option for me, so I stay and fight. As a proud DINO, I’ll vote for the most un-electable Democrat moonbat in the primaries, in the hope it gets on the ticket. Electoral sabotage, the best I can do.
Kinda cool, you should see all the bumper stickers I shit-can. 😉
@8 – Oh, come on! Surely you can’t put MD on a par with Illinois, can you?
Illinois is FAMOUS – I kid you not – famous for redrawing districts to suit the electoral needs of aldermen AND state legislators, especially in the counties around Chicago.
In fact, Chicago has now extended its ‘Chicago area suburbs’ as far west as Rockford and is even moving further west to Freeport, a mere 20 miles west of Rockford! And this doesn’t count the land to the southeast and southwest of Chicago.
No, by cracky, those towns once considered north central Illinois are now beginning to be included in the ‘Chicago area suburbs’ literature. That would be Joliet, Lockport, Morris, Dwight, Peotone, Gary, Indiana (no, I’m not kidding about that), Streator, and even as far to the south as Pontiac, stuck down there smack in the middle of the cornfields.
How can Maryland possibly compete with that?
I bet I know why Joliet is included in Chicago’s “suburbs”, PH. The guests at Joliet Federal Guest house get to vote… 🙂
That mug shot… That douchebag is a female? Seriously?
@9—Like just about everything in Illinois state politics, the redistricting system is more than questionable. However, IMHO, the award for most gerrymandered state goes to Maryland for its District 3 (http://www.newrepublic.com/sites/default/files/migrated/gerrymd.jpg). It actually is in violation of the Constitution since it’s not geographically contiguous. There’s literally an enclave down the coast of Chesapeake bay that’s part of it and has absolutely no non-man made connection. However, since nobody has the authority to enforce the law that all districts must be geographically contiguous (much like the budget-a-year law in Congress that Harry Reid keeps ignoring for the same reason), it is allowed to exist. When a federal judge says the district reminds him of a “broken-winged pterodactyl lying prostrate across the state”, you know you’ve got problems. At least the Illinois 4th district’s two portions of loyal democratic voters are connected by an uninhabited strip of highway median. 🙂
@9, Not to argue with a lady, but: http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2012-10-02/news/bs-ed-gerrymander-20121002_1_congressional-districts-new-congressional-map-gerrymander
And I’d say Baltimore’s per capita crime speaks for it’s self.
(Hate using Wiki, but it’s late and I’m lazy)
@$, would be nice but the MD state prison system has it’s own issues. She’s be sitting pretty in MD prison.
That’s a female ?!?!?!?
It was a shame when Maryland Gerrymandered a district that got Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) of Frederick County, MD tossed out of office by shifting his district partially into Montgomery County. He was one of the saner ones on the Maryland Delegation.
I’ll stack some of Texas’ districts up against anyone’s – we have one that starts in San Antonio and ends over 500 miles west in El Paso. It ain’t all Democrats riding the gerrymander wagon – ouir resdistricting was so outrageous a judge had to intervene.