Concerned Veterans of America: it took longer to build a failed website than to defeat fascism
The Concerned Veterans of America send us their latest video of a timeline which compares building the healthcare website to the defeat of the Axis Powers. Two very different endeavors, one much more difficult than the other.
By way of comparison, we noticed an unflattering contrast to how Washington, D.C., works today (or more accurately, fails to work today). Starting from Pearl Harbor, it took less time for the Roosevelt administration to mobilize the U.S. military and bring Hitler’s Germany to its knees in 1945 than it took the Obama administration to launch the flawed and malfunctioning website.
It’s a sad reminder of the fact that there was a time when Washington could initiate and lead great achievements to advance freedom and improve the lot of people around the world. That time is not today.
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Yes, and it still crashes when it gets more than something like 29,000 on it at one time. It will doesn’t work.
Oh, and the ‘millenials’ don’t like bodaprez. They think he’s a dip. They are responsible for the drop in his approval ratings.
But AS TO the time it takes to do something, well — bodaprez is NEVER going to live this one down.
Don’t worry. Be happy.
Now even the 0bamites are jumping, ships deserting the sinking RAT!
Ex, I see what you did there AS TO the comments of a malcontent.
People need to remember that this President has no actual leadership experience. He is a community organizer. (You’ll notice I said is and not was.) That’s all he knows how to do.
Oh, this video is going to cause liberal heads to explode!!!
Charges of racism will soon be flying faster than flung monkey shit at the zoo!!!
You guys used to piss me off, but now I feel kinda sorry for you, I can see you’re in real pain, you’re party and ideology in tatters, your ship sinking fast, you’re throwing anything and everything at the wall in the hopes that something, anything will stick – it’s becoming such a sad, pathetic spectacle.
Really? We’re in pain? Once in a while, joe, you should climb out of the hole under your rock and breathe the fresh air.
The millenials – that’s the generation of people born in the 10 years around 2000, before and after — are those responsible for not like obamacare, for the drop in his approval ratings, and everything else that you’re trying to dump on us.
If those news reports aren’t enough for your addled brain to absorb, I can always find more.
What an asswipe you are.
Hey Joe, did you serve in the military?? If not, I can think of no reason for you to comment here if you feel so fucking sorry for us.
And if you did serve, I am betting you were just a real bundle of motivation and drive who made your superiors super happy to have you in the ranks.
That second paragraph was sarcasm by the way. Since you probably think Obamacare is the greatest thing since the invention of the internal combustion engine, I figured I better spell it out for you. Twatnozzle.
Here’s a little quote for you, joe, from an article about a Harvard study that finds the millenials would just as soon kick bodaprez out of office as look at him:
‘The most startling finding of Harvard University’s Institute of Politics: A majority of Americans under age 25–the youngest millennials–would favor throwing Obama out of office.’ Copy of the Harvard survey here:
The age ranges are 18-24 and 25-29.
You lose, joe.
You might occasionally stop smoking weed and get your head out of your ass.
Fresh air is good for the brain, if you still have one left.
It’s failure The Emperor can’t sidestep escape from, no matter how the propogandists color it and no matter how many pep rallies he stages. This is HIS baby. He trusted his inept and incompentent ideologues to get this monstrosity up and running and they let him down. I’m certain he’d like to line them all up against a wall about now but that time hasn’t come–YET. A few of the formerly faithful folks are actually now heard to be saying, “New clothes? The SOB is naked as a jaybird.”
It’s amazing what lengths people go to, to defend this President. I mean seriously, who would defend any person so blindly as to believe that everything this President has done is good? Joe, you may very well be more qualified for office than the guy that is there right now and that’s just fine with you?
Where does bodaprez come from PH2? I missed the memo.
@5 Pathetic? Obamacare is unsustainable. Our national debt is unsustainable. Our welfare system is unsustainable. Our foreign aid programs are unsustainable. And you’re telling us WE’RE pathetic?? At least we pay our bills, take care of ourselves, and don’t LIE to others who are depending on us to do what’s right!
Take your smirking ass somewhere else.
The health care plan matter begins at about 1:12 of this remarkable video. I’m sorry, but it does not come with a subtitled version so don’t ask me what the hell half of these future inmates are saying. Oh, and don’t watch this at work unless you have your own office or are wearing headphones.
Joe, you are your own cousin as well, aren’t you?
Former 11B, as follows:
bo = incumbent in White House
da = irish for ‘the’, frequently heard on the South Side of Chicago, as in ‘da Bears, da Bulls’
prez = short for ‘president’
“Hey Joe…where you goin’ with that gun in your hand”. No wait, wrong Joe. Our little Joe probably doesn’t own one of those scary, black metal thingies. Joe, take your hippie loving ass and go pound sand in it. Why are you even posting on a site by and for veterans? Get your bong, take another toke and find the correct site to spew your brain damaged crap around. Obama is a fucktard and always has been and always will be. Your generation seems to hate him the most if you care to research. If you love him so much, send an email to the White House and offer to let him join you in dropping a pane or two. Something tells me you are on government disability of some kind. You fit the profile.
Is that opposed to bodadog?
@17 – No. The other BO.
Well played.
STFU. Some first-grader just barfed in the hallway and you need to go clean it up.
Oh, and show me ONE good thing Obamacare has done. Just one.
So, Joey managed to log on to the intertubes via pirating the wi-fi at school again? Only to post his usual drivel? Do what Sparky told you, Joey, go clean up the barf. This time, use a rag, not what little hair you have.
@ 5, hey, Mr. Biden, get back to work!
It was probably cheaper to defeat Nazi Germany than to implement ACA as well.
The first four atomic bombs, the actual assembly and creation of each averaged out to 500 million.
so crushing Hiroshima was cheaper than the damn website.
yes, numbers fixed for inflation.