Murder in Broward County

| December 5, 2013

TSO sends us a link from Broward County, Florida about Pedro Maldonado Sr. who murdered his wife and son and then drove to the other end of the state to only fail to murder his other son;

While the Broward County Sheriff’s Office continues to piece together a time line, detectives believe Maldonado shot and killed his 47-year-old wife, Monica Narvaez-Maldonado, and their 17-year-old son, Pedro Maldonado Jr., with a crossbow in their Weston townhouse sometime on Monday. Weston is located about 13 miles west of Fort Lauderdale.

The sheriff’s report says Maldonado, 53, then drove about 460 miles north to Tallahassee in an attempt to kill his older son, José Maldonado, who attends Florida State University.

“His dad did try to shoot him with the same handheld crossbow and the arrow hit Jose’s ear,” Dani Moschella, a spokeswoman for the sheriff’s department, told CNN affiliate WSVN. “Then his father tried to choke him, and José luckily was able to get away.”

I’m outraged by this. If I lived in the United Kingdom, I’d probably write some screed about how we should regulate crossbows by turning back the clock on the technology in their construction, limiting the number that we can purchase, start crossbow buy back programs and forbidding the police to auction off the crossbows that they buy back and burying your crossbow with your earthly remains when you die, hopefully of natural causes.

But, when I prepared to write that screed, I realized that I don’t live in the United Kingdom nor do I own any crossbows, so I really don’t have any dog in this fight. So, I’ll just shut up now.

Category: Crime

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See? You don’t need guns to kill people. All you need is THE INTENT.

Herbert J Messkit

Did he print the crossbow

Just An Old Dog

“But, when I prepared to write that screed, I realized that I don’t live in the United Kingdom nor do I own any crossbows, so I really don’t have any dog in this fight. So, I’ll just shut up now.”

You ever consider being an adviser to Piers Morgan?


Crossbows don’t kill people, people do.

2/17 Air Cav

Clearly, it was an assault crossbow. Had to be. If only Florida had a one-arrow limit, one of the two decedents would be alive today, and Jose would have an intact ear. Dammit.


When they crossbows are outlawed, only outlaws will have crossbows. Good thing I have lots of guns. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, it might be coming so I’ll head it off.

“Don’t you people have a heart? What do you do for fun, torture puppies? You are all sick. A boy and his mother are dead! You heartless bastards.”

Did I leave out anything?

The Poet Laureate

Silly, the crossbow is a noble weapon. Why, Robin Hood used it to rob the 1 percent and give to the poor. Perfectly acceptable to use a crossbow.


@8 – Robin Hood used a longbow made of yew, not a crossbow.

A Proud Infidel

So do we need to outlaw crossbows, or do we need to make murder illegal? *OOPS!*, the latter is already illegal, ain’t it?


I actually own a crossbow. But, there’s more. It is a reproduction of a crossbow designed by the Normons to counter the British longbows. So, I own an assault crossbow.

So far, my crossbow has not made me shoot my wife, any of my family, or anything more than paper targets and stuffed target mannequins. But, since all objects have strong homicidal personalities, I guess it won’t be long before I finally give into the urge of my inanimate object.

Oh, wait… I’m not an idiot. I guess that means the world will be safe from me and my assault crossbow.


@8 – you’re thinking of William tell resisting the baddies. As long as you are dredging up historical precedent, remember the Pope banned crossbows’ use against Christians centuries ago.


First they came for our crossbows and we stood by and let them…………


The NCA (National Crossbow Assosiation) enabled this to happen just for the profit of the crossbow manufacturers. If they were not a powerfull lobbying group they wouldn’t be able to buy politicians and we would have reasonable crossbow regulations.


I own a crossbow which is autographed by Norman Reedus. I think I win.

Old Tanker


Shoot, I only have a compound bow signed by Ted Nugent….you win…

CC Senor

What I’m wondering is did the gun laws work and Maldonado had to use a crossbow because he was barred from purchasing a firearm?


I want a ‘Hello Kitty’ crossbow.


@18 Don’t we all…….


“You can have my crossbow when you pry it from…”

Roger in Republic

So after they ban crossbows, what’s next? Will they try to ban Ballistas? Catapults? Slingshots? Daggers? Rocks? Sticks? Bare Hands? Where will it end?


@22 – Thank you!


@15–sure, sure…everyone makes fun of the redneck until the zombie apocalypse rolls around.


Here’s one of the places where you and I differ. You see? I’ma gonna use this here crossbow event to get ahead of the curve and use it to drum up legislation preventing the use of hammers and kitchen cutlery.

Hammers and kitchen cutlery together kill more peeps than anything else in the entire world… except maybe cars.

We should ban cars too.



Behold the fully automatic crossbow…


When were crossbows made legal? I remember when it happened, but can’t come up with when that was.

Eagle Keeper

Casey @26: Thirty-seven different angles of the old coot shooting his [ahem] “full-auto crossbow” … and not one shot of his actual target?!


The Chinese had a war wagon with a repeating crossbow with automatic relaod in their arsenal. Mid-5th century, BC.

I don’t think crossbows were ever illegal. They’re strictly for hunting, right?


However, the 2nd Lateran Council banned the use of crossbows in 1139.


@ 11. Just as a reminder, all assault weapons must be registered in NYS by April 2014. Yep … I just dropped a shit load of money on a bow … This thing is awesome and I do not have to register it. I am looking for the sawed off version next. Then an auto loader. And I don’t have to register any of my new found weapons.


Master Chief, does that mean I have to register my 9″ cast iron skillet AND the lid?