More PPACA Entertainment

| November 22, 2013

Here’s another batch of daily comedy entertainment inane stupidity news from DC, again courtesy of that “wonderful” new law called the Plainly-Pathetic Absolutely Comical Absurdity Patient Protection and “Affordable” Care Act (hat-tip to the Drudge Report):

In parting, here’s a photo (and article) that sums up the situation nicely and succinctly:


As I said elsewhere: you really couldn’t make this sh!t up.

Category: Health Care debate

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B Woodman

But . . .but . . we had to buy it before we could see what was in it!! (/snarc off)
As if no one with even half an ounce of sense, and more then one brain cell to rub together, could see that this was a train wreck on steroids coming down the track.
For once, the Republitards showed some political backbone by NONE of them voting for this in 2010. This one is AAALLLLLL Libtard DemonRats.

B Woodman

To quote that great musician and philosopher, Frank Zappa, “Do you love it, do you hate it, here it is, the way you made it.”

The Other Whitey

Time asks what broken promises mean for Obama. I ask them, “which one?”

He already got reelected, Christ help us. Just like he told Medvedev when he had that hot mike incident, he can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants now, voter approval be damned. Even America’s #1 Democrat shill rag doesn’t like him any more because–gasp–we conservatives were right all along about their Anointed One being a lying sack of shit, abuser of power, diplomatic amateur, and all-around douchebag.

Top W Kone

I love the one artical about NY hospitals not being part of insurance networks. How Blue Cross wanted to make the top hospitals “in network” but not the doctors AT the hospitals.

The hospital bill would be covered, but all treatment and care would be out of pocket.


What? The media darling is losing his darlinghood?

Or is that ‘darlingness’?

Well, you know what will happen. If it’s allowed to continue, the medical community will be replace with Doctors Without Borders. There will be 3-day weekend clinics for people who need serious medical care and are chased away from emergency rooms by thugs with guns (unless they have some kind of Med ID card). And last but not least, if you’re on the way to a hospital to have your baby and you have it in the car, you’ll just have to turn around and go home because the hospital can’t charge you for medical help.

Duloc is, Duloc is, Duloc is the perfect place!!!!!!!!


@3,5; Don’t worry the Liberal media will be back on the wagon here shortly. Liberal commentators had a closed door meeting at the Whitehouse yesterday to recieve their marching orders. 2014 Obamacare sign up just got pushed back from 15 October to 15 November. Gee, I wonder why that could be.


You have to wonder what Sebelius has on Obama that she hasn’t been fired yet. I’m thinking copies of those mysterious transcripts that he protects so stringently.

The Other Whitey

@6 Maybe he just doesn’t have any more incompetent cronies he likes well enough to give them an important job to ruin. You know, like Sebelius.

The Other Whitey

Actually, that was in response to @7, not 6.

George V

Given the progressive’s desire to get to single gov’t payer health care, this whole mess seems like a good way to destroy the US private health care market.

Recently I happened to re-watch for the 743rd time part of the third Star Wars movie (Return of the Jedi, not the more recent Episode III). In the scene where the Rebel fleet is approaching the trap at the new Death Star, the Emperor says “Everything is proceeding according to my plan”. I couldn’t help but but think of the truly screwed up Unaffordable Care Act. But maybe I’m paranoid…. oooh!! I think Obamacare will cover that!!!!

A Proud Infidel

All I can say to B. Hussein 0bama and everyone who voted for this mess is “You’ve shat in your bed, now it’s time to lay in it, no blaming Bush, either!”.


What’s next? Tell us we have to get our homeowners coverage from duh gubbmint???


Well, Hondo, they’re already peeking into my hard drive and snooping about my plotlines and ideas, and stealing them.

They’re just — what’s that word? Oh, yeah: THIEVES. Plain and simple.

They never give ANYONE credit for anything, especially when they steal it to begin with.