Scott Hamilton Mackler; phony Marine

| November 15, 2013

Scott Hamilton Mackler

Scotty sends us his research into Scott Hamilton Mackler who was an entry-level separation from the Marine Corps. He spent five months in service and still didn’t complete basic training, but somehow he thinks that he can be a staff sergeant. And you probably don’t recognize his highest award in that picture, probably because the American Defense Service Medal is for active duty between September 8, 1939 and December 7, 1941.

Here is his DD214;

Scott Hamilton Mackler DD214

Notice on his FOIA, his education is “None”;

Scott Hamilton Mackler FOIA

So much for the scuba badge and the jump wings.

Category: Phony soldiers

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From looking at his DD-214 and FOIA, he was an injured recruit who could not overcome his injuries and was sent home. This would explain 5 months in recruit training.

As for that uniform, he is one fantastic soup sandwich. There are so many things wrong, I do not know where to begin. So I won’t.

The fucktards are really coming out of the woodwork lately.


The American Defense Service Medal!?!

I wonder if they go window shopping on and think “that one looks nice” Ah well, it’s good that posers are stupid-it makes them easier to catch.


Are these people all showing up because it’s Friday? Well, it does give us something to chew on.

So this one is a complete buffoon, almost as bad as the shirtless tatted bunny sniffer. It must be Friday. They’ll show up at the local Chili’s looking for free drinks or something.

Green Thumb



What in the Wide World of Sports is he trying to pull off exactly?

Combat Historian



You better trademark that. Hell, let Jonn do it and he’ll make a few extra ducats when the dickweeds don’t click on the ads.

Combat Historian

Go for it, Jonn 😉


At this rate, Jonn is going to have to have a quarterly qualifier for the Soup Sandwich Tourney. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

In the photo, there is one thing missing: a red arrow pointing to his mouth and a comment that reads, “Stupid, shit-eating grin.”


Or a red arrow pointing at his mouth that reads, “Cock Holster”.


Can’t these guys try a little harder and at least get the uniform right?


The Navy and the Marines are getting hit hard lately.


Next year tournament brackets are filling up fast.


@13 and unfortunately in these cases, imitation is not a sincere form of flattery.




Maybe he is gay and/or adopted

Just An Old Dog

The Marine Corps is getting a shitload of posers lately…. would like to see an article written by one of the honchos here on the numbers. If I had to write a paper it would be interest to break down posers by age, sex, location and branch.

HS Sophomore

Seriously, who puts a Navy and Marine Corps Medal last in order of precedence? The fucktardedness is strong in this one…

HS Sophomore

Although, he at least appears to be in line with the height and weight standards. So, there is that.


@19–Maybe my eyes are getting old, but that bottom ribbon looks like it might be a CAR, given the stripe in the middle (the NMC Medal doesn’t have that.)

Nikko "Kaha" De'Lozada

@19 HS Sophomore

That is the Navy and Marine Corps Medal

That is the DFRQ (Dolphin Fish Riding Qualification)Ribbon

Mr Mackler was a student of mine at the Dolphin Fish Riding School at Fort Huachuca

Nikko "Kaha" De'Lozada

Should be “That is NOT the Navy and Marine Corps Medal”

Just An Old Dog

@22 Thank you Nikko, We have missed your wisdom and guidance this part fortnight or so. I’m taking things well well at the Jimmy Carter annual Potato Salad and Turtle Riding Festival.


I was thinking the other day about this victimless crime of Stolen Valor. Then a remembered a couple of Narratives to some famous people that got their starts with Stolen Valor.

Joseph Stalin and Kim Il-Sung. The company you keep.


I guess I can remember, but I cannot remember to proof read.

HS Sophomore

Eh, you guys might be right. I just went with what was written. Still-that uniform is so FUBAR I don’t even know where to begin. But I’m sure you guys can see it, having actually served.


@19 @21 It looks like the CAR to me.


Dennis: concur. The NMCM’s 3 stripes are all roughly equal in width. The CAR’s gold center band is much broader than the blue and red side stripes. The one this tool is wearing seems to have a broad gold center.

2/17 Air Cav

@19. HS Sophomore. Be careful, pal. I know it’s fun and all to be here, especially on a school day, but adopting the profane ways of some of us is not something your family or teachers would be at all happy with. Here’s a good rule of thumb: If you wouldn’t say it aloud with a parent or teacher within earshot, don’t write it.

HS Sophomore

Alright 2/17th, I’ll tone it down. Only “freakin'” and “jerk” from now on. Just using the language of the crowd. Sorry.


@18- I think its pretty well par for the course. They seem to come in packs, as if the ‘Dusters brackets are some sort of recipe for douchebag pie. Six fake marines, six fake army. Marinate in SEAL, and add a pinch of air force pj for flavor.

Which would put plain old “Navy” fake claims in the same category as a recipe for liver or blood pudding. It just doesn’t happen unless you really dig the flavor, or if you are really short on cash.


@31 Foul language is an art, one properly applied curse word is worth 1,000 adjectives. Profanity loses its power when it’s used too often.
A really good curse word combines originality and application, or, one may cheat by reading history books. One of my favorite curses dates from the US Civil War, “I wouldn’t piss on his ass if his piles were on fire.”
Think of it as singing, one shouldn’t sing a song in public until one knows the melody and the lyrics.


@31 Foul language is an art, properly applied 1 curse word is worth 1,000 adjectives. Profanity loses its power when it’s used too often.
Curse words should be original and applicable, or, one may cheat using history books. My favorite curse dates from the US Civil War, “I wouldn’t piss on his ass if his piles were on fire.”
Think of it as singing, one shouldn’t sing a song in public unless one knows the melody and the lyrics.


@33 I’m sorry for forgetting to put my name on this. Dennis


You can do an amazing amount of vehement near-profanity without every using one syllable of actually profane language. I’ve done quite a bit of that myself.

HS Sophomore

@33, Thanks, that’s good advice. I’ll keep it in mind.

2/17 Air Cav

My father never cursed the way we are accustomed to hearing nearly everywhere nowadays. He was 5th Army WW II and grew up a NYC boy so there is no question that he had a ready cuss library from which to draw whenever he chose. There were a couple of times when I was growing up that he lost it. He would slam his hand down on the nearest table and say, without shouting, “Dammit to hell.” I don’t recall any one of my five brothers and sisters getting him to do that: just me.


that last ribbon looks like it is the USN/USMC Combat Action Ribbon… Wow 6 awards of good conduct and you are a SSG with only 1 hashmark? Sounds like one helluva NEX-Warrior to me!

Retired Master

Ex, I just can’t imagine you using any syllables of profanity!!
