Ia Drang Valley, 14-17 November 1965
A bit more than 30 miles southwest of Pleiku, in what was once the Republic of Vietnam – AKA South Vietnam – flows a river. It flows through the region of South Vietnam called the Central Highlands.
The people living there were the Nguoi Thuong. They were not ethnically Vietnamese. Westerners termed them “Montagnards”.
In their language, the term “Ia” meant river. The river referenced above was the “Drang”; the place it flowed, the Ia Drang valley.
In November 1965, the Ia Drang valley it was the site of what is generally regarded as the first major battle of the US Vietnam War. The battle lasted for four days.
For a bit more about the battle, you can read these articles (here, here, and here) previously published at TAH and elsewhere. Or you could read LTG Hal Moore’s and Joe Galloway’s book for a more detailed account.
Those there were, for the most part, soldiers. Many were young; some, not so much.
Many who went to the Ia Drang valley in November 1965 didn’t come home. That’s true for both sides.
May the fallen, and those who have passed since, rest in peace. And may the passage of time, along with the grace of God, comfort the survivors – both the families of the fallen, and those still among us who lived through the battle.
I just thought this deserved a mention today. Today’s the 48th anniversary of the battle.
Category: Historical, Real Soldiers
IMHO, We were Soldiers Once – and Young is the best book ever written about men in combat.
The book and movie were both very good. Mel (I love Jews and booze) Gibson did a great job with LtGen Moore’s role.
My father was assigned to Charlie Co. 4227th Aviation Battalion two weeks after that battle took place.
I agree with MIke in #1. That book is one of the most honest about battle and combat (along with Avigdor Kahalani’s The Heights of Courage).
I served with a guy that was a replacement for some of the men lost in that battle.
@2; I wish that they would do a second movie about what happed LZ Albany. I watched the movie before I read the book and was surprised to find out that the fight didn’t end at LZ X-Ray.
First Team…Live the Legend…Garryowen!
Great Book and movie. Bless those men who stepped into that valley on this day.
(Twist. This is about LZ Albany)
Okay, this is very weird. I have a few times attempted to post excerpts from an account that all here would read with awe. It’s from a fellow named John Eade who didn’t speak about his experience at LZ Albany for 40+ years. Each time I hit the submit button, it would be relegated to internet hell or something. Perhaps the link is coded not to be fowarded? I don’t know. So, you’ll have to google “John Eade” yourself and it will be the commandpost link with the quote “I will die well.” You will not be disappointed. In fact, you will be grateful that you took the time to make the effort. Guaranteed.
Not totally on topic, but the post reminded me that I signed my enlistment papers 47 years ago today, one step ahead of my “friends and neighbors” at the Draft Board.
I agree, We Were Soldiers is one of the best ever written.
Air Cav, is this the article you referenced? http://www.commandposts.com/2010/11/john-eade-i-am-going-to-die-well/
Holy shit, Air Cav. The same thing just happened to me. Maybe there’s a ninja hold on that article, and it can’t be c/p’d? You’re right, it’s well worth the read.
Anyway, 47 years ago today, I signed my enlistment papers, one step ahead of my “friends and neighbors” at the Draft Board. I remember, because I told my mom and dad that I’d enlisted just before Cronkite did the first report on Ia Drang that night on TV.
I found your comment in spam UpNorth but I didn’t find Cav’s
Really? Here I just thought it disappeared into the ether. Thanks for putting it up.
Could be something at that website that your spam filter doesn’t like.
Thanks for posting. Know several participants of that battle. The legend and results of it and the following LZ Albany battle permeated through word of mouth during the following years to incountry 1st Air Cav troops.
@13. Yes, UpNorth, that’s it. And happy anniversary, a day late.
@14. I didn’t even rate being spam? That sucks. Nevertheless, Jonn, if my missing posts turn up, please leave them missing.
To 2/17 Air Cav, thank you for the heads up on that article, you’re right, I was not disappointed, what an awesome story.
To UpNorth, thanks for posting the link. 🙂
Damn, I forgot to take my shoes off to count the years. It was 48 years ago the 14th, not 47. 🙂