Gallup: What are some of the reasons why you own a gun?

| October 29, 2013

That’s the question that Gallup asked a sampling of 309 Americans who own guns.Their top answer, overwhelmingly, was “personal protection” beating out “hunting” and “recreation” combined.

Personal protection is the top reason Americans own a gun, as was true in 2000 and 2005. This, rather than views on the Second Amendment, may explain why moving toward greater gun control, as Obama and many Democrats have sought to do, is so difficult. Those who own firearms for protection may feel that their own personal safety is a vital need on which they do not wish to compromise.

Yeah, unless the Obama Administration finds a way to disarm the criminals first, they won’t find anyone willing to give up their “last chance”. You can see the results of the poll at the link above along with the methodology.

Since my hunting days are far behind me, personal protection is my main concern – and I bought another one last night.

Category: Guns

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What’d you get? I just finished assembling a lower, got an Adam’s Arms piston upper to go with it. My first adventure in putting together a stripped lower. It was educational!


Why do I own a gun? Because I don’t want to have to go all kung-fu on some intruder at oh-dark-thirty in the morning, with my stiff back and all my freaking aching joints!

Mr Wolf

Sorry. Lost all of mine in a boating accident last summer…

But I saved the boat!


I have a Caspian steel Commander slide on a steel Officer frame that needs a front sight and a coating job. And I have a Caspian steel 5-inch slide on a steel Government frame in the same situation. The latter one is a gift to Numba One Son who is just back from The ‘Stan. Both in .45 ACP, both with three Wilson magazines.

I did all of the work myself: slide to frame fit, barrel fit, bushing fit, filing the frame to fit the beaver tail grip safety, filing off the back of the slide to match the extractor and ejector, trigger, and fitting the bobtail main spring housing. Right now the slide-to-frame clearance is “light interference” so I will have to increase that before I get them coated or I will have to hammer the slide onto the frame 🙂

Why do I own a gun? Is there an “all of the above” box? And because making pistols is enjoyable.


I have a 9″ cast iron skillet with a long wooden handle.


1. Sig P220 .45 (G Serial #)
2. S&W Model 10 Short (aka M&P)
3. Sig P226 Navy 9 mm
4. Sig P239 .357 (off duty weapon)
5. Glock 26 9 mm
6. AR-15 Pre-Ban
7. Mossberg 500 (with many attachment)
8. Collection of long guns that would impress most collectors.

Why do I own guns you ask?

Because I swore to defend the Constitution at the age of 17 and that oath is still in play!

Personal, family and protection of others. My favorite is Glock 26 tucked up next to my Irish.

Plus with a list like above … who wouldn’t want to own guns?

Oh … ammo you ask? Technically, I am not a prepper … but ammo is not a problem!


What? Shovels don’t count??


@8 If you sharpen it, it counts just fine!


Sorry, I lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident. I now have to rely on my rottweiler for home protection. Trust me when I say that if my gentle dog saw someone threatening my family they would be begging me to shoot them.


@ OWB …. I fergot about the 17 shovels I have … thanks!


Why do I own a gun? Cause I suck at knife fighting.


Has that weenie been bugging you again, Jonn?

He has no manners. Maybe we could hook him up with that phony sheriff’s deputy who likes to handcuff women who dont’ want to date him. They’d make a perfect match for each other.


Guns are bad and evil and not good. Go to all these other peoples houses first during the “Great Purge”. I will be obediently standing in my yard waving a flag Mr. Prezbo.

No really, I swear. Nothing to see here.

509th Bob

Will that be the Gadsden flag, RangerX?


Am guessing that “None yo damn business if, much less why” was not one of the approved responses.


well, IF any were resident in my place, it would be because I love fine machinery in any form, appreciate machines that work eficiently and well, and incidentally it would be unwise to be standing in the area I was aiming at should one of ’em happen to go off. Theoretically. But since Bloomie and Biden say otherwise, I guess I should shop for a double-barrel to shoot off the balcony. I only have one question – since my house is a ranch-style place, where the hell do I shoot the shotgun?

Joe Williams

At #19 ,David bite-me says thru your door.The AFT knows I have some long firearm and hand held ones. Why I own firearms? For investment and hunting, training my Grandchildren, target practice,drills.I like gun trading,always trading up to a higher value firearms. At #11 Chief, you might consder PMing me your phone number sometime and we talk about firearms. Joe


@ 12. You won the snarky and pithy response award! NICE.

Herbert J Messkit

The progs do not recognize the legitimacy of personal self defense and the means with which to perform it. My 80 year old mother should not have to fist fight a home invader and neither should I.


Jonn. I do the same thing. Everytime 2nd Adm is in the news we stop at the gun shop for something. My wife puts up with it, funds the tranaction and attempts to totally agree with purchases.


@ 15 Jonn. Give them my desk number. Hehehehe!


Because I can.

No other reason required.

2/17 Air Cav

Why do I own guns? Because I haven’t yet figured out how to fire rounds without them.


@15–you’d think he’d have learned to leave well enough alone by now, but noooooooo…


AirCav, I thought you guys ate bullets for breakfast and spit them out ono patrol.


@13, 14, 15

I smell the strong, stinky odor of a Psul.


OldSargeUSAR, you have to remember that Halloween is tomorrow night and the trolls, goblins, ghosties, beasties and things that go ‘BURP’! in the night come out in full force this time of year.

I think we should have a Halloween blog. Let the crankycranks have some room to sputter. It might be fun.

The Other Whitey

Why do I own guns? Yeah, all of the above reasons. And here’s a few questions in return.

Why do you own comic books? Those things are ridiculous and tend to be ultra-violent. Why do you have an Xbox? Aren’t you entertained enough by what’s on TV? And if you NEED a game system, why not just get a Wii instead? Why do you have cable TV service instead of satellite? Why do you live in that house? Lots of families have successfully raised their children in affordable studio apartments, so why do you need three bedrooms if you only have one kid? Why do waste your money on something like an IPad? A desktop computer can do everything it does? Why do you drive that car? I guarantee you there’s 3 other models for the same price that give you the same performance, and what’s with that color you picked?

How about this for an answer to all of the above: none of your damn business, and I have no obligation to justify myself to you.

I like to own a gun (or 30), and you like to read comic books, drive a Honda, or whatever it is that you like that I may or may not like (and possibly regard as some kind of deviance or excess). You do your thing, I’ll do mine, so why don’t we just leave eachother alone.

Virtual Insanity

Papa Insanity’s answer was best: “i’m too old to take an ass-whoopin’ and too fat to run.”

He’s a retired SGM. I like him a lot more now than i did as a teenager.


Virtual Insanity: it’s amazing how much smarter your dad gets between your 14th and 30th birthdays, isn’t it? (smile)

B Woodman

#6 Ex-PH2
Didn’t at one time you said you had a cat that you carried tail end front as one means of self defense? Or something like that?

Joe Williams

My Uncles used to tell me this “Don’t mess with a old man,he just kill you”. Now, I am the old man! V>I, you forgot if we win or lose.We take longer to heal up and fighting is no longer fun. Joe


BWoodman, that was when someone woke me at 1AM trying to get into my house.

Now, I would use a harbor cannon for noise and cooking spray plus a butane lighter for a flame thrower.


I own ’em because I can…