Million Vet March in DC on Sunday

| October 11, 2013

Apparently there is an event on Sunday down at the Mall in DC, so if you happen to be in the area, maybe you want to take part.

I want you to circle the date of Sunday, October 13, 2013. And then I want you to help “circle the wagons” on that day to help protect and defend our brave veterans who risked their lives for our freedom – and now are being barred from visiting the memorials erected to honor their deeds. In a mean-spirited fit of selfish anger, Barack Obama has shut down our nation’s war memorials. And he has declared open war on our honored veterans! The World War II memorial … the Vietnam Veterans Memorial … the Korean War Veterans Memorial – Obama has shut them all down to force his will on the House of Representatives and frankly, to get revenge on the American people who oppose Obamacare and his other naked power grabs. – See more at:

I hate when people put “million” in the title because you sort of are dooming yourself from jumpstreet.  I’d think even 50,000 would be a success, but when you say millions, it seems like you have 1/20th of what you said you would.  Either way, should be interesting.


Category: Politics

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The Poet Laureate

I volunteer with the USO and will be staffing the lounge at Reagan Airport from 1 to 6 pm. Any of you knuckleheads coming in for the march — or happen to be in the area — and want to swing on through, I’ll make sure there’s fresh coffee for ya. I’m the cutie with short brown/blonde hair.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, I’m in. OWB–check your email. I have my old OD fatigue shirt, replete with 101st patch. I’ll not be wearing it. I have a set of utilities given to me by a friend who served in Desert Storm. I’ll not be wearing those either. I can make and carry signs, but I won’t do either. I am not one who is given to protests or rallies. In my mind, I will go to respresent those Veterans–some Fallen, others infirm–who cannot be there but would if only they could.


It’s the new math, TSO! Doesn’t matter whether it is 3 or 3K, these days it’s reported a 1 mil, at least if it is a media supported event.

Meanwhile, it’s definitely ON!

NR Pax

I’ll be there. Won’t wear any uniform item beyond my combat boots but I still want to take part.


Air Cav speaks volumes.
Give that little cocksucker a good poke in the eye.
The depravity it took to withhold the deceased Veterans fund from those families is unbelievably crass and is the worst thing I have ever heard of from any politician.
The depths of this presidents hatred for us Veterans is palpable and we need to give him a good old fashion stick in the eye.
I wish I could be there but I can’t make this one. If I could be there I would no doubt be loud and proud of my service and I am proud of those that continue to serve.


I’m with you TSO: I’d have preferred they left the “million” out and stuck with “Veterans March on DC”

And Cav, for what it’s worth: I support your decisions, particularly in choosing to not wear any version of the uniform. I hope ALL follow your example on that.

As to the signs, I’m sure there’ll be enough others with signs demonstrating the “why” and the “who” of the March/Gathering.

I’ll be there in spirit, but can’t be in person. Fortunately, there remain locations within the various States for those like me, and hopefully, that part gets some publicity as well.


Just a note to all, that the Iwo Jima Memorial also has
been shutdown and I would hope some Marines and vets
would be there. S/F

Just A Vet

Wish I could afford the trip! I’ll be there in spirit and on my FB page though. 😉


I’ll be in the area for a family gathering this weekend. Still on the fence as to whether or not I will attend. Fully plan on visiting the memorials Saturday, though.

Just Plain Jason

There are smaller gatherings around the country going on at the same time if you cant make it to dc.


If you can’t be there you can participate by going to their website, signing the petition and then making a contribution to help underwrite the costs. I can’t do the first but I did do the other two.


Aw, Zedechek! Come on down. You will be in good company. No one looking to be arrested. Just a respectful bunch of vets and the patriots who love them.

Seriously, though, I have been to the Memorials on my own and it is always an incredible experience. I have also been with groups of fellow vets, and that experience is even more profound. You really might want to give that some thought as you make up your mind whether to join us or not on Sunday. It may be a while before this opportunity is available again for you.


I would love to be there, but, not much chance unless I can convince a private pilot/veteran friend of mine to wind up the rubber bands in his puddle jumper to fly us out.


To those that can’t make it to Washington: There will also be gatherings in EACH of the States, listed on the same site as above.

That’s not getting a lot of coverage, but it would be helpful to have the numbers in each of those locations, for all those that can’t go to DC.

If your State’s location is too far (say you’re in Memphis and Knoxville is too far), look across the state lines to say Arkansas and Mississippi.


For those going there, be ready to ‘spot the phonies.’

You know in a setting like this, there’s going to be plenty of those ass clowns.


Tman: Could be, but in a setting like this, unless they do something stupid, ignoring them might be the best plan. Am hoping that all who attend have appropriate, respectful behavior in mind. If not, it can be effectively neutralized, but this is Memorial ground. All of us should be mindful of who we are honoring with our presence.


I’ll agree with TAH SOP here: it doesn’t matter what the imposter supports, or which party, they should be given no quarter. Phonies are phonies and deserve the spotlight on their lying ways.

With that said, I’ve witnessed more phonies in the anti-War/anti-Vet crowds than in the pro-Troop crowds, but I’ve busted more in the pro-Troop crowds. Generally, they were trying to ride the coat-tails for a piece of tail, but some were lying about their Veteran status to afford credibility to their political positions.

2/17 Air Cav

@18. Thanks for that. I’ll be heading over to DC when the last of the drunks are waddling out of Georgetown. I guess OWB is already there–poised and ready.