Islamists slaughter students in Nigeria
According to the Associated Press, as many as 50 students attending an agricultural school in Nigeria were murdered in their beds last night by Islamists;
“They attacked our students while they were sleeping in their hostels, they opened fire at them,” [Provost Molima Idi Mato of the Yobe State College of Agriculture] said.
He said he could not give an exact death toll as security forces still are recovering bodies.
The Nigerian military has collected 42 bodies and transported 18 injured students to Damaturu Specialist Hospital, said a military intelligence official, who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press.
The school’s other 1,000 enrolled students have fled the college that is about 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of the scene of similar school attacks around Damaturu town, said provost Mato.
What gets me, is that the Associated Press still calls these guys “militants” when clearly they are targeting civilians who have no military role in society – they’re terrorists. The article goes on to detail the other terrorist activities and the deaths they caused against unarmed civilians over the past few days in northern Nigeria. I wonder why these attacks don’t garner the news coverage of the mall attack in Kenya last week.
Category: Terror War
The Administration Press also can’t bring themselves to call them Islamic militants. Because that doesn’t fit the narrative being pushed by Baracka.
Well, leftbots somehow understand that “one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.”
These “militants” are probably friends of Amnesty International.
The Obamanoids in both the administration and the LSDMedia have so thoroughly expunged the word and concept of “terrorism” from their vocabulary and thought (??) processes, that they cannot speak it, or even conceptualize it, when it stares them in the face and even bites them in the butt. Especially when it concerns Islam.
Oh. Except when if concerns Sen Ted Cruz, Sen Mike Lee, and others of the TEA Party who want to cut back on gubbment overreach and spending. THEM, they call “terreorist” at the drop of a hat.
Such is the twisted, convoluted, illogical, so-called “thinking” of a Progressive Libtard.
I’ve meet enough Nigerians here in NYC/NJ and this is exactly why they are here. And now that our policy is talk and talk and talk and talk and no action it only emboldens these subhumans.
Of COURSE the terrorists are murdering innocents in their beds. It’s what they do. And what defines them as terrorists. (Except in the vernacular of the US left who filter everything through their situational lens of political correct insanity.)
these attacks dont gain the media’s attention like the mall attack, because the mall attack killed americans. no one cares about 50 little african kids dying in africa, that isnt news that interests anyone in the states. now a mall, anything that happens in a mall will get readers, add in that its a terrorist attack, and thats breaking news. the media wants to pretend that these acts arent terrorism, they call it a civil war or “up rising” and pretend the terrorists are the good guys, just look at syria
My sympathies to the families of those young people.
I feel nothing but pure disgust for this act of cowardice. This is murder, and nothing else, by psychotic creatures who need to be rounded up and moved away from civilized people. Their only purpose is preying on other human beings.
ISLAM, the religion of carbombs & cowardice!!
This is only one of hundreds of incidents. The truth be told, radical Islamists have invaded the Horn of Africa, west to east from the Med and straight down the east coast of Africa, the invasion of Africa is all but complete. Christians and non-Islam believers a like are targeted and slaughtered daily. And NO … It won’t be called terrorism because the US, UN, MSM, and other orgs are too afraid and concerned about offending the sensibilities of good Muslims.
And the bar has been lowered … We are now negotiating with the # 1 state sponsor of terror. What happened in Nigeria therefore is simply insignificant and meaningless.
But, but…. moderates… peaceful religion…
It has just become worse as time goes on the past 5 years or so.
If Ogabe had a Militant Son he would look like these guys. The rest of the world knows Ogabe is the weakest pResident we have ever had. A milquetoast spineless gay, muslim sympathizer.
I still think he flies Bo the dog separately from himself (who the fuck names a dog after themselves?) everywhere so he can show his muslim buddies he is not unclean.
It is estimated that only 10% of Islam are terrorist. But
10% is a huge army, and with our own armed forces cutting
way back, its going to be hard to help kids like these. For
now the terrorist have a hollow victory, killing kids in
their sleep.
“I wonder why these attacks don’t garner the news coverage of the mall attack in Kenya last week.”
Because the President’s father wasn’t from Nigeria.
These Qu’ranimals are the descendents of the PLO, which has a close, unbreakable relationship with the Democrats. In 2008, when Obama needed more cash to get out his voters, the Palestinian Authority and Gaza Strip contributed several hundred million. In exchange, Obama has left the Qu’ranimals alone to regroup, refit, recruit, and reconnoiter.
Defeat Democrats, and you defeat Islamist jihadists everywhere.
@11, Azygos, Bo the dog is a lot like B. Hussein 0bama, he’s half black, half white, and NEUTERED!! He also knows how to swim, just like ted *HICCUP* Kennedy, who gave him to them. Hey, waitaminnit, didn’t B. Hussein 0bama say he and his family were gonna adopt a pound pet? Yeah, they did, and that went straight out the window alongside everything else they’ve promised!
Same day had bombings in Peshawar and Irbil
@12: 10% of 1.5 billion means there are approx. 150 million extremists around the world. Yeah, that’s quite a good sized army.
#17 is me
“It is estimated that only 10% of Islam are terrorist.” Yeah, and the other 90% support them with words of encouragement and money. I’m sick and tired of hearing that the majority of Muslims disdain the violence. Really? Then, if that’s true, the 90% could stop the 10% yesterday–if they wanted to do so. I tell you, until Islam is destroyed–obliterated–or the so-called peaceful; Mulims hit the retsart button on their religion, this cold and unjustified violence will not stop.
The religion of peace once again bringing a permanent peace to heretics the world over.
Every muslim is a terrorist if they do nothing to voice outrage and disgust. All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing…thus the muslims who do nothing are aiding and abetting the muslim murderers who kill people in their beds, their offices and their homes…
In spite of what our president said we are at war with muslims, because they choose to do nothing to aid in stopping those of their own who would commit murder throughout the world, the sooner we recognize this religion of peace as a religion of hatred and murder by cowards and their silent observers we will make it easier for us to develop a plan to contain this religion to those areas where the infestation is already entrenched for centuries and root it out where it doesn’t belong by killing it down to the roots…
Oh come on now, we know muslims are peaceful. There are National Park Service videos that prove it. Kids sitting around saying they are having a tough time because they are misunderstood. Islam is about peace and brotherhood and women’s rights. The videos from the National Park Service say so.
//Sarcasm Off//
That is All.
Off topic a bit, but for those of us who understand the differences between Christianity and Islam, the problem of religious relativism, how many contradictions can you find in these statements by the “President”? Looking at these statements he has made at different times only confirms for me, time and time again, why he is unqualified to make such pronouncements due to his lack of intelligence on the issues, let alone the position that he holds.