Tuesdays with Claymore

| September 24, 2013

Optical DUlusion

Bush’s Fault

Oh God

Top 20 Unfunny

When telling a story isn’t enough

Tea Party Monsters

Ban on kissing is school is because of teh ghey

…somewhere in Kenya.

Basement Dweller Avengers!

From the “Hey, No Shit!” File

…but an actual enumerated right, like the 2A is up for interpretation.

DUer’s hate moderates.

Death Panel

Bush’s Fault…forever.

Apparently pant suits are a security issue.


The British are coming!!!

Keeping the “I’m rubber and you’re glue…” reply alive.

Rainbow Warriors vs. Spetsnaz…hmmm.

DUer questions “Obama Derangement Syndrome”, gets smacked down.

Matthew Sheppard – Gay Martyr Even If He Wasn’t

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I try to read that idiot’s posts but they give me headaches because of the lack of connection to reality.

But this (in Bush’s Fault) line caught my eye, so I have preserved it for posterity: ‘If it weren’t for my wife still being employed, we would be on food stamps, and lose everything we own. She’s going to retire soon, as her company is putting pressure on her to leave. Once that happens, I’m afraid we’ll be in the soup lines like the millions of people are now.’

Soup lines? Did time start moving backwards and we’re in 1932 in the Great Depression, and nobody told me? If that’s the case, my Social Security makes me damned wealthy!!!!

Soup lines, huh? I think this might have been in Chicago during the Depression. http://0.tqn.com/d/useconomy/1/0/c/1/-/-/Soup_Line.jpg

All I could find on contemporary soup kitchens (2012) was related to open kitchen restaurants, which give cooking training to foodies as a social event.

Now, the food pantries, which support people in poor areas, are open to everybody with no questions asked. The Society of St. Andrew (Lutherans, I think) sponsors gleaning weekends to glean/harvest foodstuffs like potatoes, sweet potatoes, unsold fruit like apples, melons and strawberries, unsold vegs like zucchini. And those are just samples. They go after ANY produce that is not perfect for marketing.

They are a nationwide organization. Here’s their link: http://www.endhunger.org/

Everyone is welcome to participate and they save millions of tons of produce that would otherwise be discarded by growers.

But the DU poster who put up that post really needs a good talking to. He is so full of crap, it hurts to see such ignorance.