Monday feel good story

| September 23, 2013

UpNorth sends us the story today of Bennie Hill who attempted to turn his life around with the money from a convenience store. In fact, I heard Benny Hill music in my head while I read the story from Tifton, Georgia;

“We estimate around 8:53pm, a tall, heavy-set black male had come into the store wearing a do-rag to cover part of his face, a dark blue shirt and gray pants,” said Lt. Lee Dunston of the Tifton Police Department.

Officers say the suspect, later identified a 35 year-old Bennie J. Hill, was carrying what appeared to be a gun wrapped in a cloth.

“He confronted the store employee near the back of the store and demanded money,” Dunston said. “The employee pulled a handgun and shot multiple times at the offender. The offender was struck multiple times.”

Hill ran out the door with an undetermined amount of money and drove off, but got into a wreck five blocks away from the store near Old Ocilla Road and East 12th Street.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

You’re right. I can almost see the British Bennie Hill doing a robbery skit. Too bad this other Bennie Hill didn’t also stick to comedy skits.
But to me, here’s the “money shot” (NO apologies for the pun):

“The assumption was that it had something to do with the gunshot wounds, but we’ve requested an autopsy.”



I’m sure he only went into the store to ask for change for a .40. Guess he got it.




Another “Son of Obama” fail…that Department of Wealth Redistribution of his needs to close its doors with the high number of failures these rookie DoWR field agents are having. *snort*

Joe Williams

More range time, he was able to flee. Joe

Green Thumb



Roger in Republic

So now Mr. Hills’s body temp is equal to his IQ (72).


That is a damn shame!

Can the car be repaired?

Old Tanker

@7 Roger

In the morgue cooler it’s more like 45F which is probably even closer to his IQ 😉


Dead? GOOD!
/cue Grumpy Cat.


I’m not a doctor and didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night but IMO, gunshot wounds would be my guess of how he died.


@9, I don’t think Bennie’s IQ would even approach room temp inside the drawer in the morgue. Which is probably about 38F.

Roger in Republic

@#9 and #13
I was referring to Room Temperature but you are both correct on your Body Temp VS IQ. Six feet underground the temp hovers around 50 degrees F. One thing for sure, his IQ will never be higher than it is now. He will never make the Deans List.