Tuesdays with Claymore

| September 17, 2013

Loose Hope & Change

Colder War

Art Bell; DU’s next great admin?

Pathos of DUtards

“Progressive Agenda” poll is pretty much what you’d expect.

Quoting The Guardian as fact

If you don’t support Obama, you are a traitor and a racist.

Hitler, King Tut and Aliens

Wall of Stupid Text

Oh, well if a doctor said it, it must be true…isn’t that right Mengele?

Russians stirred the JFK conspiracies.

So here we go with this bullshit…

Kabuki theater in pant suits.

Power couple

DU vs. Alex Jones…hard to pick a side on this one folks.

Yes, because the NRA = the Constitution. Brilliant.

Summation; punish the rich, disarm, gut intelligence, inflate wages on low skilled labor, build shit no one wants, waste money on “green initiatives”…basically hand the UN and China the keys and walk away.

“The world is a dangerous place…”

It’s all the Republicans’ fault

DUer’s know a lot about the military and stuff.

Obama will negotiate with Egyptians, Russians, Iranians and Syrians, but not Republicans.

Liberals want all our guns locked up like they are on military posts…because you know, that’s worked out so well.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Old Tanker

Damn, I hope I didn’t get a little of teh crazy on me over there…..


OUCH!!! i read some of them and my Iq has dropped to the point that i can not figure out how to stop drooling on myself nor how to clean up the drool. i hate you claymore! why do you do this to us?


…because I’m the hero TAH deserves, but not the one it needs right now.


Claymore, I tried to read the first one, the “loose hope & change” thingy, but I bogged down in ‘WTF?’ when the responders put Bush/bad and Clinton/bad in the same paragraph.

Apparently, the DUs think Clinton was a GOPer or something, because everything that’s wrong is the fault of rich Republicans and Bush and Clinton both seem to be at fault. It’s never ever the fault of union organizers demanding excessively high wages that eat up profits and drive up the price of everything that used to be manufactured in this country.

I had no idea that Clinton and Bush fell from the same tree.

That all just gives me a headache.