Wittgenfeldian Symbology

| September 9, 2013

So Wittlessone is on a tear again, and it’s as exciting as ever. A few days ago he was citing to this nonsense and saying it summed up attacks on him perfectly. This is what that page says:

Cyberbullying tactics are Information and Communications Technology methods used to harm, tease and disparage children by other children.

So, I guess now he at least admits he’s a child.

Then he shifted to citing to the laws of West Virginia (HERE) and saying:

…. NOW ….. All you West Virginia cyber/bullicide iPredators need to read these rules/laws that you all break incessantly.

Read and Understand, Ridge-Runners….

the LRRP 41…. Cometh to West Virginia……

a) He’s the slowest LRRP in history, since he’s been comething to West Virginia for 18 months now. And he apparently hasn’t even made it to the Georgia state line.
b) None of those laws have anything to do with “cyber/bullicide”.   That whole page deals with illegally accessing data, or disrupting other folks’ computer services.

Anyway, that was all build up to today’s picture, which I must admit, I just love:


a) To answer the unasked question, no, I was never knighted. However, I did watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade last night.
b) Also, that is a photoshop that added Don Shipley’s hair to my head. Why didn’t he steal a normal picture of me, like he does with everyone else.
c) He has it in his head I am some sort of religious zealot. Why? Because he found another Mark Seavey on Twitter that had a picture of Jesus on the cross. Now, because he can’t even follow through on that research, he apparently doesn’t realize that isn’t me. Yes, I go to church every Sunday. Yes, I go to Bible study every other Wednesday. But when is the last time you heard me on here telling you all to repent and stop sinning? In case you were thinking it, please, no graven images of me in your front yard, I must insist.
d) I am so down on the Legion totem pole that grass is over my head. There are 5 bosses between me and my National Commander. Why would everyone salute me? Or were they paying tribute to the hair? Unclear.
e) Why would the Nazi’s, who were not devout, be seig heiling me, if I am some sort of Christian crusader? Did I miss a step in there somewhere?

Anyway, is anyone out there a master of Wittgenfeldian Symbology? I figure if people can study Sandskrit (You are majoring in a 5,000-year-old, dead language?) then someone must be able to study what is going on in Nostradummass’ head.

Jonn added: I just thought that maybe everyone ought to see how Wittgenfeld looks without a stolen valor Green Beret;

Wittgenfeld mugshot
His story is that he was beating someone wearing a SEAL Trident…I believe that, hardly.

Category: Shitbags

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Oh, geez! psulie-o the uncoolie-o, do you not get that no one gives a flying fart in space about anything you think you have to say? You are such a dirt bag, you drunk old fart.

Shut the fraack up and find a real job.

You’re in enough trouble as it is.


Your record in the court system is rife with criminal complaints going back to 1997, you imbecile.

Virtual Insanity


Just to be clear, have you decided NOT to kill the people you threatened to before, just harass them with the courts?

I wonder if that will really be terribly effective, considering your relationship with law enforcement in the past.

And, let’s face it, you haven’t managed to follow through successfully with any of your threats since you started all this.

Virtual Insanity

By the way, are you still doing this for Phil, or is this all on your own now?

Frankly Opinionated

Paul K. Wickre: You lyin’ sack of shit, go to bed, you’re plastered again, and have done nothing to diminish the established fact that you are a MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER, unable to have any sincere friends, attracting only the dregs of society, i.e. the pukey purple suited bald headed, jailbird, Dullass Whipitnflogit.
You are a nobody, you have contributed squat to society, and you HAVE NO VALUE.
Suck snot, bitch.


I think this is yours, psul the uncool. It’s got your name and signature crazy stuff all over it.

Paul Kevin Wickre says:
September 6, 2013 at 2:25 am
upi are raiing yur lilyrs posts and wi=ont evn uttrn thm..

Ye mersf g09jg t0 mtwk the oioyes podtd sfn f9rc y0u t9 fsddree them”Uff a!1


So what were you scarfing down when you passed out on your keyboard?

Frankly Opinionated

Paul K. Wickre:
What about the $100,000, or $200,000, that you claimed you would invest in “hit men”? When are you going to find the intestinal fortitude to engage any one of us males in a back and forth? The females here have handed you your ass in style.
You are the most useless, the most idiotic, the most undesirable of people. You don’t even make a good slinky anymore.
It must suck to be you.


So, does this mean you’re NOT going to put a bullet through my forehead?

I’m SO disappointed. Geezo pete, even the Taliban live up to their word on that!


Frankie, how patient do I need to be? His one and only post was an hour ago. I need some shut-eye.


Can someone translate #151 for me ? There were way too many “as to” references for me.


Well, it goes something like this:

I’m mad at all of you because you think I stink, and I’m going to hold my breath over it until I turn blue.

‘as to’ is the ‘mark’ of paul k wickre a/k/a the wickre mann a/k/a psul the uncool.

That, and signing his entries with something, and typing when he’s crocked and incoherent, are what alert us to the posts that are his.


Paulie – tell all of us about the lawsuit your dear Mom and Dad were the subject of in 1961 (the AM radio station in Longview, WA that dear old Dad bilked his partners out of money)? Did Daddy ever recover from the “breakdown” over the lies he told his partners about the money that they invested?

I guess lying is in the Wickre family genes, isn’t it Paul?


This is your brain. –> healthy brain
And this is your brain on Paul K. Wickre’s rants…

Just an Old Dog

All I got of that was “forced retirement”,,,, All bought about by your idiotic behavior. All you do is waste time and money, none of it earned by yourself. You live in a fantasy world, where you think your opinion and threats have a meaning. The only reason you aren’t under a jail now is that the legal system realizes you are nothing but an impotent, alcoholic, mentally deranged punk ass little bitch. Your bullshit hasn’t worked in the past few months and it won’t work now. You are like our retarded little monkey we keep in a glass cage. Once in a while you get likkered up and screech and rant and sling shit. I was looking at your picture last week and your look like a pasty-faced flabby he-bitch that has to turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble. I saw a loud mouthed racist old shit like you on an internet video who tried to pick on a young teen who was simply riding his bike by a pond in the old bastard’s community. Just like you this deluded shit stain thought he controlled everything. He came blustering at the kid flapping his suck hole about he was on the board of the HOA and so on and so forth and the teen wasn’t allowed to ride his bike there. The young man was also a resident of the area and knew full well that he was allowed to ride his bike there. He remained composed and calmly stated to the Psul Weekre looking sack of crap that he was going to continue riding his bike. Of course the loon went apeshit and called security, who told him that the teen was allowed to have the bike there. Instead of acknowledging he was wrong the idiot “went full wickre”. He ran up and started threatening the young man and telling him the security was on the way. The young man knew he was lying about law enforcement ( just the way Psul Weaker does) and kept riding anyway. To get to the end of… Read more »

Mark F

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Actual.

I think Scorcese may have based “Shutter Island” entirely on this loon.

Jonn Lilyea

Yeah, because all of your rants have come to fruition before, Wickre, we’re running scared now. You can’t even get your lawyer to return your calls. I wonder why. You keep saying “we” like you have someone in this with you. No one wants to come near your insane, bloated ass. If you really had a legal plan, you wouldn’t be blasting it all over the internet. You have nothing. Go bully the paperboy or your neighborhood barrista. You’re a coward and a blowhard and you’ve finally met your match. Nothing written in the comments of this blog would bother you if hadn’t come here 270 times since May 20th. Obsessive half-wit, racist fuck that you are.


Paul – Bring it Bitch! I think you’re a fucking coward. Now what!?


Did idiot boi go buy yet another computer or tablet just so he could comment on here? Jonn’s done everything he can to protect this sack of rotten yak’s meat from himself but all he wants to do is run his taco tunnel and threaten people.
I’m a firm believer in stupidity should hurt, but damn you’re not suppose to like the pain of it.

2/17 Air Cav

I read only the first few lines in comment 151 and was reminded that, aside from a lapsed stay-away order to bar him from contacting LE and the prosecutor’s office in MD, buried in one of the cases in which he was defendant was a motion to require that he undergo a psych evaluation. I wonder how that worked out.


He paid only one visit last night. What a disappointment it was, too. I had all the armor, ammo and stuff available and he only showed that one time, so I got bored and got some sleep.

Must be a little like Afghanistan – short firefights punctuated by long bouts of sheer boredom, except the food is better and there are flushables nearby.


@151–yo, Psulie-boi! Uh, typing it out when you’re sober then cutting and pasting ain’t working either.

You still sound like a booger-eating moron.


@ChipNASA. Whenever I saw the news about that tragedy it hit me like a ton of bricks. So many lives just turned upside down in an instant. I’ve talked to a number of guys who were there that day, lucky to have survived.

Psul, GFY you ignorant bloated old fool. The only other party you could even possibly have is that mentally challenged idiot this topic was about. You make a nice couple though… Did you guys compare mug shots on your first date?


Notice in his post, that he got ChipNASA misspelled. I think he meant ShempNASA. Different guy altogether.

And he learned a new word: hobby. He stole that one from me. I think he should pay royalties, don’t you?

Still standing by, psulieboi. It’s one of those campfire things.

You’re just as dumb, drunk and incoherent as you ever were.

Frankly Opinionated

Paul K. Wickre: Haven’t we told you that “Going full Wickre” is easily recognizable, and we knew that it was your alcoholic, drug addled, out of shape, old ass, regardless of the sign on name, regardless of the obsession with using “as to” an excessive amount of times, regardless that you didn’t mention your actual name. We knew. You are such a pattern oriented idiot, that we can see you coming even before you post your drivel.
It must so hurt the following morning, when you regain some small degree of lucidity and realize that you’ve done nothing more than just run your suck hole.
Pauli boi, we here, fully understand why your wife does not “perform her wifely duties” with you. Regardless of whether she is as pathetic as you, we can truly understand how nauseating it would be to have to copulate with your useless ass.
So, in my summary; AS TO your rant of last night: You have not lessened the knowledge that you are a
Does it really make you want to puke to read our comments that always follow your sorry assed attempt to establish yourself as superior? Does that puking help cleanse your system of that cheap shit you drink?
I didn’t bother to stay up last night waiting for the followup comments that never came. I needed the sleep so that I can spend time to day enjoying the fact that I have now successfully completed 73 laps around the sun, and will be in the company of people much greater than you.


And Psulie-boi, you want to threaten me with lawsuits? For?

Standing, you withered fat old fool. Look it up. Pay a real estate “lawer” to do it for you, then tell you that you’re pissing into a hurricane.


I’m still waiting on TSO’s update.


Morning everybody, I miss anything last night?


Nothing more than usual. Dean Wormer would be having a field day with this guy by now.

He WAS right–fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life.


@179, Go up to #151 and you will see the usual rantings threatening to get you fired and losing your license to practice law.


Yeah, well that’s not going to happen. But, since Paul wants it to play out like this….

At about 9 am I will be putting up an update that will show the specific physical threats Wickre has been levelling against Jonn and I. It will have a small opening statement by me that doesn’t say much, and then in Paul’s own words you can see what he has said. We have kept his emails private until now, and have blocked those comments from coming through, but he seems to be wanting to up the game, and we have no choice but to defend. Give me until about 9 am.

Old Tanker

That’s a special kind of crazy right there…..and he comes by it so naturally it’s almost hard to believe…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

50 attorneys from the department of justice? Really?

M17 Stavenger??

If I didn’t know better I would think I had stumbled onto the Veterans Today site and was reading some of the works of the great Duff man….

A Proud Infidel

Hey Psul, come on, DEEDS, NOT WORDS!!!


Morning folks,
Ball Check… And ah one and ah two
Yes they are where they’re supposed to be.

They are not cut off and stuffed down my throat as Psul the Weak threatened and I have not been choked out until I’m dead as Psul threatened and not only that, but I am feeling fine and doing the happy dance so, “as to”, listen up.

Come on big boy. Bring.It.On.

Cocoa Beach is the place to be!!
/”Working on my tan with umbrella drinks.”
//Maybe I’ll give Phildo and his Motorcycle club a visit.
😉 😉 As To, Cha Cha Cha…..As To, Three, Four, As To, “Hi Paul’s MOM!!!!” Cha Cha Cha!! As To, As To.


ChipNASA, psulieboi got you mixed up with ShempNASA ‘as to’ his post about you.

I was wondering if the other Stooges were there at NASA, too? Or have they retired from that already?


@183- You’re such a tease. I suppose at noon you’ll make us sit through some Amway sales pitch before posting the Wickre write up, and Wickre’s secret emails will consist of “remember to drink your Ovaltine”.

Well, I’m on to you.