Gary Sinise in the Saturday Evening Post
Someone sent us a link to the Saturday Evening Post interview with Gary Sinise. Denizens of this blog know that I spend very little time on the folks in Hollywood irrespective of their political views, however, Gary Sinise is the singular exception. I’ll admit that I’ve watched Forrest Gump a million times and every time I appreciate the journey of Lieutenant Dan. Apparently, that role is what has inspired Sinise to support the troops in the nearly fanatical way that he has over the years;
Life profoundly changed for Gary Sinise after his Oscar-nominated role in Forrest Gump as the Vietnam vet and double-amputee Lieutenant Dan—a character at first supremely bitter who ultimately finds the courage to come to terms with his disability and even thrive. Wounded vets everywhere responded, and Sinise found himself at the center of a vital cause—to bring attention, appreciation, and help to America’s sometimes-forgotten heroes, the real-life disabled military men and women.
But the meat of the article is in the interview;
Q: Any personal memories of the wounded heroes you’ve met that stay with you?
GS: There are many. I remember a horribly injured marine in intensive care. His wife asked me if I would go and see him. He had lost three of his limbs and most of his other hand. He was burned over 90 percent of his body, and he had suffered a very severe brain injury. She said, “He’s probably not going to know you’re there, but could you do it anyway?” I could see his eyes flickering as I was talking to him. I don’t know if he knew what I was saying, but I was just letting him know that I was there and that I supported him. It was very challenging because he was one of the most severely wounded that I’ve seen—and I’ve seen a lot of very, very badly injured vets. I never forgot him. Later, I called up his wife, and she told me they were moving from place to place, convalescing. I said, “We can build you a house.” That project will be completed this fall, and they’ll be able to move in. His wife is going to have to care for him for the rest of his life, and she’s so heroic and so incredible.
So you should read the whole thing instead of reading me prattle on.
Category: Support the troops
May God bring peace and wellness to that Marine.
Gary Sinise is a serious class act…
Gary Sinise is a serious class act…
x 1,000
/when Chuck Norris has nightmares, he sees Gary Sinise.
I have less than no respect for most Hollywood types off-screen… but I will brook no shit about Mr. Sinise. What Chip said.
Godammit, I’m at work! Got something stuck in my eye now…
Gary Sinise: Good actor, Great human being.
Well done, Mr. Sinise!
(In the interest of fairness and all, if we are going to rail against the Hollywierd crowd, then we must also praise those few who do good. That simple truth seems obvious to most of us, but these days? Not so much.)
OWB: indeed. There are a few in Hollywierd that “get it”. Sinise is one of them.
Kudos, sir. Kudos.
Sinise is the real deal.
What can you say about Gary Sinise? Not nearly enough, he’s a great guy who does good work wherever he goes these days. His service to those who have given nearly all in their service to the nation qualifies him for a straight shot into heaven, which I hope happens at a far,far distant future date after a very long, prosperous life.
Damn it! It’s dusty in here!
Jonn, thanks for bringing this to our attention. I wasn’t even aware that the Saturday Evening Post was still in publication. I always had thought that it gone out with 40s-50s-60s Norman Rockwell.
And to echo what #7 OWB said; if we’re going to excoriate the stupid for asshattery, then we need to give equal praise for the brave, no matter where we find it. And it’s damned hard to find outside the military/inside Hollywierd these days.
Mr Sinise, if we ever meet (which I doubt, but one never knows), I’d be proud to buy you a beer (and I don’t even drink).
Just wanting to give another resident of Hollyweird PROPS….
Denzel Washington giving a *sizable* contribution to Fisher house for wounded warriors.
It’s not been said how munch it was but Snopes says it’s not enough to build en entire Fisher house but the donation was “significant” in dollars.
@12 Jebus, I’m so channeling my inner Psul in that post. (christ)
Sinise found himself at the center of a vital cause—to bring attention, appreciation, and help to America’s sometimes-forgotten heroes, the real-life disabled military men and women.
You know, that was an aspect of things I hadn’t much considered before.
A lesser actor, no, a lesser human could easily have said, “Blah..blah..blah..I wasn’t looking to be a…blah blah blah…wounded vets…blah blah blah” and let it drop.
Sinese took that ball, an fucking ran with it. Wasn’t looking to be a symbol of a cause. Wasn’t looking to become a crusader. But reality presented itself with tons of wounded vets looking to him and he didn’t let anyone down. He saw the need and he met it.
Can’t really give anyone higher praise than that.
Nik, I have to agree with you and everyone else, Mr. Sinese not only took the ball and ran with it, he’s scored a major touchdown in what he’s done for Wounded Vets. Mr, Sinese, MEGA-KUDOS TO YOU for what you’ve done for our Wounded Brethren!
Heaping the gratitude to Mr. Sinese to the level of gravy over the biscuits at a Redneck Convention in Pine Bluff Arkansas !!!
Someone should e-mail him the link to this blog…if someone knows where to contact him.
James Woods also immediately jumped on to the twitterverse (I know nothing about) about the Delbert Belton murder asking for support.,0,3037624.story
ChipNASA, you might find that he reads here. I know he used to read Blackfive on a regular basis, not going to swear he still does. I had the opportunity to meet him in person at the World Premier for “Brothers at War” at Ft. Bragg. They did ceremonies on base, then went to the theater out in Fayetteville proper in “limos” (i.e. Humvees). He signed on to the movie as a producer just so it would get better distribution and play because he thought so much of the movie.
Class act does not begin to do him justice. He’s also one of a handful of entertainers who does regular unpublicized trips to entertain the troops, and insists on going forward (Robin Williams and Chuck Norris are two other actors who do this, and several singers do as well) as far as they will let him.
Mr. Sinese and his “Lt. Dan Band” came to Davis-Monthan AFB a few months ago. I was working late, but managed to catch most of the second half of the concert. Excellent musicians when you can make an aircraft hanger ampitheater sound that damn good.
The hardest part was finding a place to park, they had to keep expanding the parking area in the field across the street….
Comrades in Arms: I didn’t know the “SATURDAY EVENING POST” was still being published. I fondly remember reading it when I was a boy, oh, so many years ago. And, yes, I also enjoy watching my DVD of “FORREST GUMP” over and over and over. I see so many uncanny parallels between the life of that character and the events in my own life. He was retarded. I spent my formative adolescence locked up in a maximum security ward for the criminally insane, where my only associates and influences were psychotic murderers, violent criminals, perverts, and deviants. He was blessed with a talent for running. I was blessed with a talent for singing, strumming guitar, and composing original songs, both lyrics and melody, all done from memory and “by ear”, because I have no musical education. He got to go to the University of Alabama. I passed a GED test and most of the CLEP test, and took college courses in the Army. Miraculously, I was drafted into the United States Army after being denied enlistment in the United states Marine Corps. He got the Medal of Honor. I got the Bronze Star Medal (which when they handed me the orders, I laughed, because I thought they were playing a joke on me). He visited the White House several times, and so did I, on several occasions (although I was just a tourist, and never saw the President). He accidentally crossed paths with a lot of famous people, and so did I. He experienced the heartache of unrequited love, and I lost my wife to another man, something I’ve never recovered from. See all of the uncanny parallels? It’s like someone followed me around, wrote down my story, and changed the names and locations. Oh, by the way, Bayou Le Battrie, Alabama is just right down the road from here. Mox nix. What a grrrrrr-REAT movie! Well, it’s time for chow. Since I’m still recuperating, and I’m still very weak, I reckon I’ll have them serve me a bowl of chicken and rice soup, with a glass of cranberry juice… Read more »
There are a few people in Hollywood the Industry who support the troops, like Gary Sinise and James Woods.
The WWE guys like John Cena do a lot for the troops, too.
No grandstanding, either. They do it right.
When we took the kids for a 2 week DisneyWorld vacation in Dec 2001 (yes, great timing), we were excited to see that Gary Sinise was the narrator for their Christmas choir performance. Choirs from all over join Disney workers in singing Christmas songs while the Christmas story is narrated, it’s a wonderful experience and Gary Sinise made it just that more special.
He’s a good man.
Kelsey Grammer, IIRC, did a lot of visiting wounded-warrior wards during the peak years of OIF/OEF, and didn’t make a big deal out of it. I got to meet him about a year ago coming through the airport. Very mellow, down to earth kind of guy.
Keep up the good work Mr. Sinise! One day you might be honored with the same distinction as Mr. Hope (USNS Bob Hope) and honorary veteran. As it is, you are sure on the fast track!
He was just out in my neck of the woods with his band to raise money for a local vet.
Gary Sinise is indeed a lovely, gracious, and very honourable man; I’ve met him twice, and spoken to his mother when we were sat in front of her at one of his Steppenwolf theatre plays. He is incredibly kind to his fans; always careful to ensure that everyone gets autographs and photos if they have been waiting for him; and what he does for the Military is astounding; he is just tireless in his efforts. He should run for Government; he would be an amazing president.