Angels and Oxcarts – Addendum
For what it’s worth: I’ve finished reading the material found at the link in my previous article on the subject.
Yeah, it was worth losing some sleep. All I can say is . . . wow. Just wow.
- The operators: package, granite and/or stainless, size XXL.
- The designers and administrators: simply magnificent.
- The machinery: absolutely awe-inspiring.
If you have an interest in the history of aviation, intel, or photography – you’d do a helluva lot worse than to spend a day or two reading through that material. It’s 400 pages plus, and the material redacted amounts to maybe 5 or 6 pages – much of which is in the last appendix.
Category: Historical
For some more fascinating info regarding recce aircraft, this is a good overview site:
Good stuff, Hondo. Thanks!