Taliban’s war on civilians

| August 17, 2013

The Associated Press reports that Taliban attacks across Afghanistan yesterday mainly cost civilians their lives. It began with a pre-dawn attack on some laborers building a road. Using RPGs and other small arms, the Taliban killed nine and a policeman.

A family of five struck an IED with their minivan, killing all of them in the Marjah district of southern Helmand province. Another roadside bomb killed three women in Helmand’s Sangin district. In a medical clinic, a suicide bomber detonated himself killing three more.

That’s a busy day for the forces of evil. The article says that the Taliban is trying to recover the territory that they lost, but I don’t know how killing unarmed civilians accomplishes that.

There’s no word of Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemning the attacks, you know, like he does in the minutes after he suspects that Americans have killed non-combatants, so we have to assume that he approves of the Taliban attacks on civilians.

And it appears that our rush for the exits is proceeding as planned, not to be delayed by increased Taliban-inspired violence. I think this administration said that our pace of withdrawal would be determined by safety of the Karzai government and their constituents, but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. This isn’t my surprised face.

Category: Terror War

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Just an Old Dog

Put a fence around the entire shithole and make it a 7th century living history museum.


LEAVE NOW, burn, bomb destroy anything that could be used past the 7th century. If they become a problem (and they will) bomb them forward to the stone age. Rinse, lather, repeat…


Who could have seen this coming? Everyone? What’s that reason that every history teacher gives for teaching history? If only there was a way to keep from making the same mistakes…


you mean the terrorists really were and are in iraq? but the left told me that we were only fighting for oil and that there were no terrorists in iraq and certainly no AQ ties. i just dont know what to believe anymore, big brother, hurry and tell me 2 and 2 make 5, plese!?!?!?!?!

Roger in Republic

Dear lord protect me from the fangs of the cobra, the claws of the tiger, and the knifes of the Afgahns. An old prayer from the Indian army. Alexander the great was stymied by the Afgahns about 400 BC. Those who know nothing about history will learn its lessons the hard way.


I’d hazard a guess that this Afghan contractor failed to pay the local Talib shadow governor his cut of the big American road project. You want to work in the district, you pay a percentage to the Talibs.