Jihadists take Raqa from rebels in Syria

| August 16, 2013

Fox News reports that al-Qaeda-linked jihadists have pushed a rebel force out of the Syrian city of Raqa;

For more than a week, clashes have pitted jihadists against the Ahfad al-Rasul brigade, a part of the mainstream Free Syrian Army, which has the backing of many Western and Arab countries.

The fighting between the two rebel groups erupted when [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] attacked Ahfad al-Rasul positions in the city, according to the Observatory and brigade officials.

“They wanted to take our munitions and weapons,” an official from Ahfad al-Rasul told AFP on condition of anonymity.

I guess once the jihadists get the rebel’s weapons, we’ll give the rebels some more and keep throwing gas on the fire. Sooner or later, our troops will be facing those same weapons in some corner of the globe. I’m all for helping them kill each other, but with weapons that self-destruct in a year or so.

Thanks to Smitty for the link.


Also, in Syria-related news someone told us that there are reports that a doctor from Doctors Without Borders, possibly American, has been kidnapped in Syria. Sources say that nothing from potential captors has been heard. The ISIL is suspected to be the group holding the doctor.

Category: Terror War

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Combat Historian

From: The President

Subject: Syria

We need to increase the flow of arms, especially Stinger missiles, to the insurgent forces in Syria. The 400 missiles that were covertly diverted to them from Libya have obviously been insufficient…

Old Trooper

Man, this clusterf*** went sideways quickly. Who woulda thunk it?

Ein Maryak

So we kill them in Iraq and Afghanistan….but we arm them in Syria?
Amazing how a simple change in geographical location can turn one Islamo-fascist Jihadi
into a “freedom fighter”. I would even go so far as to wager that there are folks fighting Assad
that have been directly involved in actions against American troops in either theater prior to
making their next pit stop on the global jihad circuit….

JarHead Pat

You can’t ask for better,let them kill each other,hope to goes on for 50 years.We just need to kept old stupid morons like Mcain out of the mix.


@4 Thank you. My sentiments exactly. McCain needs to STFD and SFTU about Syria. Why does this man, looking at his experience of Vietnam and our current experiences of Iraq and Afghanistan, want us in another mid-east war where both side hates us more than they hate each other? We will become the common enemy…again. The weapons we send there today will be what kills our troops if he has his way and we end up with boots on the ground. Screw them, their sides and factions and let them kill each other off. Tell them if they export their violence and terrorism against Americans, anywhere, there will be no boots on the ground just bombers and drones overhead until they are truly decimated. The POTUS said that AQ was already decimated. Another Obama/Kerry idiocy in their lies to the American people to keep them quiet and happy. But the 1% who do the defending of this nation are non issues to the both of them and they give the American people the signal that the military is unimportant. Just cannon fodder to be used and forgotten. I can’t wait until we are out of Afghanistan and it turns back to the 7th century turd hole it was when we came. The American people, by and large don’t understand Muslims because the Administration tells them they are a peaceful people with just a “few” extremists. Bullshit. I want America to understand what a quiet Sunday would be like if Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans and Catholics all felt the same as the Shiite and Sunnis do and every Sunday there were bombings and blood baths in churches nationwide. The populace has been spoon fed into believing that this is what Muslims are. Just a few factions with minor differences. Again, Bullshit. Don’t misunderstand my writing, I am not calling for our American religions to fight one another to show America what it would be like. How awful. But every man who has fought in every one of our wars did so for, among other things, our ability to worship freely and peacefully… Read more »

B Woodman

You’re welcome.


They almost completed my master plan for Syria. They forgot one important step: build a big fucking wall around the country so none of them escape.

I want both sides to lose.

Roger in Republic

Syria sounds like the perfect candidate for total Nuculation. That might not help the peace process but it will give a lot of folks pause to think.