
| July 22, 2013

Yeah, that should pretty much cover it……

Jesse Ventura lawsuit vs. murdered Navy SEAL can move forward, judge says

Jesse Ventura’s lawsuit against “American Sniper” author Chris Kyle — purportedly the deadliest-ever American servicemen — can proceed with the war hero’s widow as a substitute defendant, a judge has ruled.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Boylan reportedly wrote in his decision concerning Ventura’s defamation suit, “(if) a party dies and the claim is not extinguished, the court may order substitution of the proper party.”

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Shitbags

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Holy crap! This has got to be a new low, even for this dingleberry …

JarHead Pat

Do you remember when someones asked ventura about Vietnam,and being a SEAL,and he replied,”there’s nothing like hunting a man dude” or word to that effect,what a douche noozle


VOV: This just could be a textbook case to explain the difference between what could be done and what should be done. Yes, he has the right to sue. Is it the right thing to do? Not so much.

IF he were standing on some sort of principle, several posters have made valid suggestions about how to make that point successfully. Instead, he is putting himself out there as a spoiled, whining brat thus proving himself to be wrong.


Ventura is another version of Wittgenfeld


What a chickenshit bunch of crap this is…

I think he should be on the stolen valor page for stealing the valor of those that went before him with this happy horseshit…

He may have been a SEAL, but to pull this crap relieves him of any valor he may have had because he was a SEAL…



ByrdMan: I saw that as well. However, it’s from InfoWars.

If InfoWars is the only place you’ve seen something, I’d it with a huge grain of salt. Like about 1/2 kilo’s worth.

Common Sense

Do Ventura’s lawyers REALLY think they can win this one? The beautiful and stoic widow of a national hero against an old has-been WWF fighter and general loon? Chris and Taya Kyle have far more goodwill and standing in the SEAL community than Ventura could even dream of. Their lawyers will have SEAL after SEAL on the stand confirming Kyle’s version of events while Ventura will have who, the bar owner?



Yeah…I didn’t realize that infowars was crap until after I posted that link and read up on them. Additionally, further reading leads me to believe that Terry Moy isn’t actually the “owner” of McP’s. So thanks for nothing infowars.

Ventura keeps claiming he’s worried about his reputation. What does he think will happen to his reputation by suing the widowed Mrs. Kyle?


I never read Info Wars, or a couple others for that matter…..the far, far, far right. I did read Chris’s book, that punch must have really hurt Gov Jessi’s ego….Ventura wasn’t a Navy Seal………..he was UDT.


IMO the court should have listed the publisher and not the widow in the law suite…


“Janos” is supported by the “Birthers”, “9/11 Truthers”, and all manner of tinfoil hat brigades. That’s enough right there for me to doubt him, even if he wasn’t an arrogant jerk.

In fact, he’s the only “SEAL” I ever hear of bragging about it. The others I’ve met were all rather self-effacing. And going after

You guys with the gold pins are all plenty tough enough to whup me; but that don’t make “Jesse” right.


ByrdMan: live and learn, amigo. I’m sure we’ve all bought some plausible-sounding story we read on the Internet at least once – and found out later it was pure male bovine excrement.

You can find damn near anything you want on the Internet. Unfortunately, often it’s mixed with in a ton of crap – so one has to watch out for sources that are “full of it”.


Conducting lawfare against a dead SEAL’s wife? Yeah, that’ll keep his show on the air and books on the shelf.

Barry Manilow has more class than Jesse Ventura. Then again, so did Osama bin Laden.


Shoot, DaveO – Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton had more class than “Jesse”.


Honestly….I’ll drop a few pesos into Mrs. Kyle’s legal fund if it is needed.


My left testicle that I lost in a bar fight over a “buy me drinky girl” in the PI has more class than Ventura.

BTW. She really loved me … She was not like the others.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Paul Wickre ( Given his initials, we should have nicknamed him “Pee Wee”) has more class and character than Ventura does!


IMO Terry Moy is from Newport, RI. An old school frogman who works in the NSW community. He does not own McP’s. Terry and I share the first name and same AOH chapter.


No, Proud! That is just WRONG!! As low as “Jesse” is, he still has more class that your friend Pee Wee. (Not much, to be sure.)


PickWick Peckerwood compared to Ventura?

As much as I find Ventura’s inflated sense of who he is and his tinfoil hat stuff smacking of impending senility, he DID serve honorably as a frogman in the 1960s on a UDT. He may be an asshole, but he put his time in.

Peckerwood has NOTHING to offer but noise that would embarrass Hogzilla.


My dad was UDT and BUD/S in Korea. I am proud to say that when I mentioned Jessie’s name to him he gave me “the look”. You know the one, the one that says you look like you just rolled in pig shit and tracked it on the carpets.

Dad is not a fan of Jessie “The Douche” Ventura


To borrow GT’s fave epithet: TURD.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

OK, y’all, I stand corrected. I do dare say I view “Ventura” as a gutter level upstream from Paul “Pee Wee” Wickre. Declaring Bankruptcy to avoid repaying Family is one thing, but suing a Deceased Warrior’s Wife is nearly as low. Chief Kyle was a SpecOps Warrior and a real man. “Ventura” has been part of a UDT Team, a “Pro-Wrassler”, and Governor of Minnesota, the State that “elected” Al Frankenstein to the US Senate. He’s since screeched that he was going to move to Mexico among other crazy shit, he has less class than a public school on Sunday!!!


Proud – Check your Facebook messages, please.


0645. FCN – Fox and Friends is covering this story.


Judge Napilatano and host discussed Ventura’s character.

Judge says this type of law suit is quite rare because subject is not here to defend. But it is moving forward.

I think there will be a shut the fuck up settlement. Jesse does not have a regular job and he is clearly looking for money. His reputation is already shot.

MCPO on Ventura - FINAL

Lets be clear. CPO Kyle was right to do what he did. There were many witnesses at McP’s. Ventura, as the author above noted, is a Shitbag!

CPO Kyle took the shot for MA2 Monsoor.

Later MA2 Monsoor’s parents would be presented with the Medal of Honor by President Bush:

Rare memorial video, the end of video is telling:


Wow. This is really some low class bullshit. I read Kyle’s book. It was really interesting reading about one of his tours, 05-06 when I was in a lot of the same places in and around the same time. Kind of cool. He didn’t mention the douche by name, but I guess he confirmed it in an interview later. I’ve read a lot of differing stories about what happened, both sides have witnesses, so I guess no one really knows for sure. I thought I read somewhere right after Kyle was gunned down by that POS asshole that since he was dead, the story was over. I guess now it isn’t. F&ck you jesse.
