Friday feel good story

| July 19, 2013

Chief Tango sends today’s story from Erwin, North Carolina where two armed men tried to turn their lives around in the early morning hours today, From a WRAL link;

Ronald McDougald said his 22-year-old son and his nephew live in the house and were home early Friday with the nephew’s girlfriend and her 2-year-old child.

Two men armed with a gun kicked in the carport door and entered, McDougald said, and his his son fired at the intruders. One of the men was shot and killed, and the other fled the area.

I’m betting that if police followed that slick brown trail that the second man left, they’ll find him eventually, unless he ran all the way to California today.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guns

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NR Pax

A heartwarming story of a man, his home, a gun and a wealth redistribution agent turning his life around. *sniff* Just gets me right there, you know?

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

One less “Victim of Society” slithering around…


To bad, so sad. I am glad the homeowner was heads up. Maybe he got a round into the other one too, I hope. When they catch him he can continue to turn his life, and butt around in in jail.


It’s sad that we find joy in the death of others, but that is were we are as a society – as we express joy that the occupants are safe from the thugs who kicked in the door, it looks and feels like we are glad that someone died. Guess those watching us will never understand the nuanced difference between being prepared to defend one’s turf with hunting for someone to kill. In the case of home invasions, it is the thugs who are looking for someone to kill. All the rest of us want to do is defend ourselves from them.


I love this story and I’m glad he isn’t in Florida because some idiot would have him up on charges of some sort!


Article doesn’t say if one of the perps would have looked like Obama’s son.


OWB: Well said. Hit all points very well.

Retired Master

Good article, I love hearing good news like this..

B Woodman

This story just warms the cockles of my heart, don’t’cha know.
No further range time needed.
If they ever do catch the second perp, HE’LL be the one charged with the murder of his accomplice friend.
I just loves me a happy ending.


@9 Yes, it warms the cockles of my heart, maybe the sub-cockle region, maybe the liver or even the kidney, we just don’t know (apologies to Dennis Leary). 🙂

Roger in Republic

The only fitting end for a Goblin. A room temp body temperature.We can only hope these people eventually figure out that a life of crime can be a short one. The shorter the better in my estimation.


I wonder if Stevie Wonder will boycott North Carolina now. Anyway, a happy ending to what could have been a very sad story.


Please keep the survivor bad guy in N. Carolina… We have enough a$$holes out here in the Peoples Democratic Republic.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

In more than a few States, there are Laws that call for surviving accomplices to be charged with Murder or Manslaughter in situations like that! Maybe NC has such a Law?


They should have just laid on the ground and let them have the money like a good little liberal. Glad that kid had the stones to fight.


UpNorth@12, you beat me to the punch. I was going to comment that now we can add North Carolina to the list of states that Stevie Wonder will be boycotting.


Guess SW will never see NC.


They forgot to mention the drug activity that goes on at this house.


That’s really interesting, anon–but considering where you’re posting from is something like a 5-hour drive from where this story took place, how exactly would you know?

Oh, I know, I know, you’re posting from a cell phone and the IP doesn’t mean anything, right? Wrong. Verizon parcels out their IP addresses to certain locations, so while some IP trackers might only go to the national in New Jersey, several went right to where you are.

Obvious troll is obvious.