Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 16, 2013

Simple civility

White guilt

I present to you, a future unibomber

Heads, tails…same coin

Martin “murder weapon” for sale?

Save Florida!

Texting pink slips

…first, we hang all the lawyers…except the ones we like.

Hoo Dat Laff?

Oxygen thief

DUer’s are smart and shit when it comes to teh law

Hey Florida, sorry about everything, but you’ll have to suck it up for the team.

DUer’s are now audio experts in addition to teh law.

Clearly this isn’t about killing children. Clearly.

He was against it before he was for it.

$10 says this thread is gone by the time you read it.

Worst Case Scenario: Snowden Assassinated?

All it takes to be a “liberal hero” is some coat hangers and a shitty attitude.

Right wingers aren’t funny.

Still Bush’s fault

White-Hispanic man’s burden

No Disney World this year, kids.

Weiner king

In other news…Egypt, bitches.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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i read a few of these today, and now i regret it. i can not understand how anyone can be that stupid and not know it. i have always asked “do stupid people know they are stupid?” i can safely say they have no clue.

i did think the cartoon with morisi and obama in the “right wingers arent funny” thread was pretty damned funny


i especially love all the posts that if they were on the zimmerman jury, they would have made sure it was a hung jury. nice to see the open minded liberals they are, so much for that whole impartial part

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@1 Smitty, these are getting worse each Tuesday, it’s as if a giant intellect drain is happening at the DU. Not that there was any chance it was going to be mistaken for the MIT advanced tech lab in the first place, but lately it seems the only folks left there are the lunatic fringe. There used to be a few of them with some interesting viewpoints that could back their position up with some factual data, now it’s mostly diatribe and hyperbole.

For the record, (I know this will come as surprise based on my politically correct, restrained commenting) I lasted less than 48 hours before being banned for life at the DU…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@2 That is some truly reprehensible commenting, regardless of our personal feeling for or against Zimmerman it was clear to me the state did not make a case that eliminated reasonable doubt for a second degree murder charge. Adding the manslaughter option at the end seemed improper, as though the state were attempting to find some last minute way to salvage a conviction. I am glad the jury ignored that oddly constructed legal addition. The case, if it were to be brought at all, should always have been a lesser threshold manslaughter charge and the degree of manslaughter should have been considered using the lower legal threshold as well.


@2 – That’s funny. They don’t understand a hung jury would mean a re-trial, which would likely garner the same results from earlier in the week anyway.

@3 – You lasted longer than I did. Fug ’em.
I think NHSparky lasted about 15 hours on that site, based on a previous post somewhere. Maybe he can confirm and share his story. It’s pretty funny.


VOV, you lasted 48 hours? I lasted one comment. They were complaining about how “right-wing web sites” didn’t believe in the first amendment and squashed dissenting opinons. My reply was “like you do here?”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@6 never point out facts to a liberal hate site….they don’t like that sh1t….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I did like the chickensh1t who texted his employees they were all fired….geez what a ponce.


Reading that shit makes my eyes bleed……The Zimmerman outrage is priceless. Fuck the rule of law, Zimmerman was guilty cause we “feel” he was guilty….holy shit….comedy gold…..


You’re not really “DU banned” until they hit an entire range of IP addresses to keep you from lurking there. Who did they do that to? This guy, that’s who. 🙂


This one: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10023251413

…is the best one.

The comments allude to the Zimmerman verdict being fixed by the NRA and the State of Florida.


well done claymore, if i could stand reading anything there more than once a year, i might sign up and see how many times i could get banned


I just joined

Let’s see how long I last



ok, i can deal with the stupidity and brain dead liberalism, BUT TALK SHIT ON THE NUGE AND ITS GAME ON!!!


Jesus H. Christ ByrdMan, I just tried to read the post about how fucked up the prosecution was. Those are some deluded folks. One of them stated that they hate this country and everything it stands for. Pretty much the liberal mantra. Facts and evidence don’t matter. Personally I feel that Zimmerman is a buffoon but he met the criteria for self defense and the jury reached the correct conclusion.

DU is filled with the biggest collection of asshattery I have seen this side of a night of watching MSNBC…..


“Posting privileges for the account ArmyGuy have been revoked. See Democratic Underground’s Terms of Service for more information.

This decision can be appealed by contacting the Administrators, who may reverse the decision if they are provided with a compelling reason to do so. If the Administrators do not respond to the appeal within seven days, the appeal has been denied.”

Quite the free speech site DU is


points finger….we told you so


Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, unless it is Conservatives dissenting with liberal opinion. Then it is evil, racist, sexist, ageist, misogynist, war on women, capitalist, etc. etc. etc.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@17 I’m banned from my work IP and my home IP….haven’t bothered to spoof the IP and repost, fuck them if they can’t actually tolerate the diversity they claim to admire so dearly…


@5–Master Sergeant–when I was “honest” I got banned (including IP ban) before I hit my third post.

Then I put in a few moles over the years from other places. A couple of them have over 1000 posts. Nobody you’d recognize right offhand, but it’s nice to use them in case $kammer goes on DEFCON 1 and locks down the site like he’s done before.


Master Guns,(@19)

Whack jobs. I think many of them have custom tin foil hats.


@14/17 – What was the gist of your post, and the response? I’m curious. (Can’t seem to open the site using the links you provided).

@21 – Yeah, I thought you and I discussed that once before. Twist is the other one with the good story.