Insider attacker escapes from Afghan custody
The Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports that an Afghan who killed one troop and wounded three others in an “insider attack” last week escaped from custody with the help of another Afghan charged with guarding the flea;
[The slug] escaped from custody Sunday morning after a soldier guarding him devised an elaborate ruse to sneak him out through a military hospital, officials said.
The imprisoned soldier, identified as Lamber Khan, and his guard escaped from an Afghan army base in the southern province of Kandahar, according to Gen. Abdul Hameed, the commander of the Afghan 205th Army Corps.
But, yeah, lets turn over our prisons to Afghan control and let’s release those Guantanamo prisoners to some Muslim countries, because it will make the world safer, or at least we won’t have to wring our hands over the moral consequences of their incarceration.
Category: Terror War
So when we invaded this nation and removed the Taliban what the planned endgame for the mission? So far it appears that the previous and current administration have no plan, thus this nation of ignorance and poverty will remain so and most likely will revert to Taliban control because it appears the people there like that idea and are willing to kill each other to make it so….
Pay attention Americans, this is what happens in countries where there is no common bond in nation building only a diverse, unassimilated collection of tribes without cohesion….celebrating diversity of ancestry is one thing, forcing a continuous separation of diverse cultures through legal methods doesn’t make you stronger it fragments and weaken everyone.
IMHO, we won’t be gone a year before it is a Taliban government and the same mess we were looking at when when got there. Some people put ethnicity before common sense. In other words I will die to be Shiite or Sunni but I won’t die to be free and have a voted democracy in my country. When everything they do and profess comes from their interpretation of the Koran you will never, ever get through to them. Someone famous once said, “never come between a man and his God”. To these people everything is about their “God” Allah and Mohamed his prophet. You will never talk sense into them from that perspective. There is a lot of sadness in this for me. If they wanted to kill each other off to their hearts content, fine. But WE have sacrificed lives and blood to help these people and could care LESS! They are just waiting for us to leave so they go completely back to the 14th century.
@2 Additionally any religion that disallows secular education is an attempt to keep a populace ignorant to control that population. At one time (a millenia ago it would seem) science and math and open relations and trade with other nations were prized in muslim countries. It would appear less so now, and as a consequence those nations have a very low standard of living. An uneducated agrarian subsistence culture can never progress out of 3rd world bare survival existence. Education coupled with a unified legal system that promotes food source productivity is step 1 in creating a nation. If you can’t feed your people you can’t progress. Well fed and educated is the basis for a successful nation and economy. Subsistence living is antithetical to progress.
My hope is they have some pretty good intel/background on this dude, as they should for any prisoner (i.e. clan, geographic location). My bet is he’s on his way back to whatever province/rock he crawled out from.
Launch the Predators and hunt his savage ass down.
This should teach us that the only thing we should be using to detain them with is lead.
#2 Sparks – “They are just waiting for us to leave so they go completely back to the 14th century.”
14th century? You give them too much credit. They’ve never made it out of the 7th century, 8th century tops.
#3 VOV – “At one time (a millenia ago it would seem) science and math and open relations and trade with other nations were prized in muslim countries.”
VOV, are you sure you’re not confusing that with the pre-muzzie Persian culture? The pre-muzzies were as you said, highly literate in science, medicine, math, the arts, etc. Post Mohammad, not so much.
Personally, this nation-building crap is pissing me off. If someone attacks us (or harbors those who did attack us) we should go in, kick their ass, and topple the government. Perhaps the next government that rises from the smoldering crater that used to be their capitol city will pay better attention to the things that piss us off.
Y’all already said what I believe. There are few other countries worth one single drop of American blood right now.
If I was President I would implement a new military policy. It would read “Bomb, then walk away…”
Gee, big surprise… next we’ll be finding they grow dope there.
@8 – I can think of only one country that’s worth spilling ANY American blood, and it’s the one we live in.