Dane Seiber; the Special Forces tattoo dude

So one of our friends ran into this guy, Dane Seiber, at the local voting station last year. Well, I’ll let him tell the story;
He had a HUGE SF decal on his truck with 777 under it. I waited and coin checked him. He kind of looked at my coin like a deer in headlights. He was very vague and didn’t seem to want to talk about “Group”.
I told him about a secret “vetted” site on FaceBook for only SF qualified people. He said to find him on FB. I was never able to.
Months later, I saw him comment on a thread of a friend we shared. He had an SF Crest as a profile pic, an SF action pic as a Banner, and pics of him wearing an SF shirt and his SF Tattoo on his calf.
I started commo with him and told him I was in the 7th, he then said he was in the 5th and 11th as an 18D….back in November he claimed 7th. hmmmm
He then went on to state that he DID NOT want me to get him vetted as he was a private person. LOL, for being a private person he sure did have a lot of SF stuff posted.
I asked him some further vetting questions that only an 18D would know and he blocked me from further commo…… That’s when I decided to send for his stuff.
Below is our commo before being blocked, his pictures, and the FOIA stuff I received back.
Our Friend; Dane, what’s with the SF Crest? I was 7th grp. I’m also in a vetted SF group with 2300 fully vetted SF troops. Is this something you want into? Did you graduate the Q-course?
Dane Seiber; I’m retired. 18D. Do I know you? Served with 5th. and 11th
Our Friend; Probably not. I saw your profile pic of the SF Crest on a friends post we share. You want me to throw your name out in the vetted SF Brothers and have someone bring you in? Did I Coin check you up at the voting booth a number of months ago? I saw an SF Crest on a van and met a dude from group at the voting booth.
Dane Seiber; Yeah That was me. Im good thanks for asking. But I don’t want to be on face book pages or anything. I like being private. Just my way. Hope you understand
Our Friend; I thought I saw an ODA from the 7th on the vehicle.
Ok on the group add then?
Dane Seiber; Please no group add. But ty u.
Our Friend; Sounds good
Dane Seiber; Be careful what you put on line. All the military groups are being monitored.
Our Friend; I hear ya
Dane Seiber; And no in not crazy. Lol. Maybe a bit paranoid.
Our Friend; I thought you said you were in 7th grp?
Our Friend; Hello?
Notice in his Tattoo pic he still has the SF Crest as a profile pic. Also, notice on his action pic he has for a Banner, He changed his name by deleting the last two letters. That only lasted a few hours before he went back to his real name.
So, here are his records;

And his assignments;

And the famed tattoo;

So, being an 05B radio operator in the 82d Signal Battalion and in the Berlin Brigade is just like being in the Special Forces. I think they’re right down Ardennes from each other, only mile or so.
Now the 11th SFG is a reserve unit, but the 7th and the 5th are active duty units – and those are two of three groups with which he said he served. His active records don’t reflect that service. He used to have this as his banner on Facebook;

Since this little encounter, he’s changed it;

Category: Phony soldiers
Thanks Hondo, we’re actually on the same page on this. Our quoted sources are actually saying something very similar. 😀
I did mean years with 50 or more qualifying points in my original comment. I’m fanatic about maxing my inactive points, and usually view years with less than 50 qualified points as “zero years” for purposes of reaching the 20 year mark… even though they officially could count that time as time in the reserves.
…but not time counted towards 20 qualifying years for retirement…
thebesig: yes, with that clarification we’re indeed on the same page. I took your original comment 32 as being about total service, and it’s worded in such a way to make that a reasonable interpretation. Restricting it to “service credible for reserve retirement” puts us fully in synch. As I recall, the rules for officers are a bit different. O3 has no protection whatsoever – they can be kicked out for 2x nonselect at pretty much any time (I believe those with substantial prior service as enlisted may have the option to revert to enlisted status, same as with the AC). O4 is guaranteed service to 20 years commissioned service (not necessarily 20 years qualifying for retirement). O5 and O6 can serve to 28 and 30 years commissioned service, respectively; GO/FOs can serve longer. Can’t remember the rules for the WO ranks. You (and anyone else still in the RC) are smart to do as much as you can to maximize inactive points – consistent with living the rest of your life, of course. I certainly could have done a better job of that in several of my years before retirement – but civilian job and family responsibilities made things difficult enough I opted not to. Since reserve retirement is based on the formula (total points / 360 ) x 2.5% x (final or high-3 average salary), each point has a monthly cash value when you start drawing retired pay. I do wish there was some way to recoup the 220 or so points I had to leave on the table in those years when I managed to exceeded the inactive point limit, though. (smile) Also, ensure you and your folks understand the difference between “discharge” and “retirement” when ending the career (I’m betting you do, but some of your folks might not). The discharge option can really cost those under the “high-3” system – because that option means retired pay is computed based on pay scales in effect at time of discharge vice when retired pay starts (which includes time spent on the retired list and potential additional longevity… Read more »
I was the one that met this turd at the voting booth. He looked at my coin like a deer in headlights. Where in the hell do these people come from? Why not be proud of being in the 82nd?
This is the retirement year that I go above 7,000 retirement points. 😀 I’ve also left some points on the table as a safeguard. I’d rather go overboard than to have less than 50 in a year. As for the difference between getting out, and transferring to the retired reserve, I’m tracking that difference! 😮 Anybody that decides to get out rather than retire is shooting themselves in the foot in the long run. That’s something that others would definitely need to know. I’m trying to get an NCO professional development class slot to go over this stuff with the other NCOs, so that they could pass the information on to their guys. Not many are aware of their points, the minimums, categories, etc. Not that many are aware of the different ready reserve categories (TPU/IRR/DIMA/IMA), the standby reserve, the retired reserves, etc. For example, with the right IMA, a Soldier could get their AT and BA days out of the way in chunks rather than spread out… depending on the mission of the IMA unit, and the Soldier’s ability to make certain times. Not many Soldiers know that if they transfer to the IRR, they have to do qualified correspondence courses each year to get the 50 point minimum. The correspondence course option is easy for me, as they have a large number of business courses that ATRRS tracks. Someone like me, with an MBA, would easily go through those and rack up the points. My unit’s AT time for my last retirement year got axed, but thanks to my maxing the correspondence courses, I ended the retirement year with 130… leaving over 30 points on the table. After passing the 20 qualified years mark, I’ve zeroed in on issues like concurrent receipt, drawing VA disability and doing reserves, how long one could do TPU after receiving the 20 year letter, etc. Also, depending on the condition and the officer’s situation, an officer that twice failed to promote has the option of coming back in as an enlisted Soldier. This is assuming that they didn’t have enough qualifying years… Read more »
One of phil’s buddies I am sure.
Proud of all of you; SF or just serving proudly….wish I could say thank you daily to all that served. Even the turd who posed, he still served, for that I give him a pass….again brothers, remember imitation is the highest form of flattery, & let’s be serious, 30 sec talking to anyone and you know if they “lived through” the Q course, made it through the dark of STAR, know who Robin Sage is ( ie not a sit com actor), & understand what it means to live behind enemy lines daily with 11 other ‘life-long’ brothers who I’d stand in traffic for a decade later…..let them pose, I’ll just grin & fade into the shadows…..
If he’s a poser no biggie. Wannbe’s are just that. I don’t waste my time with them. As for records pull, I laughed at that. I went to RCPAC in St Louis a couple years ago and pulled my records. They were an absolute mess. Even found orders in them I never received. Me, I’m an old school 2/75 Batt boy before the regiment and an old group dude way back when SF and The Batts were limited. No regiments back then, just a handful of groups, 2 seal teams and 1 force recon. That was it.
G Man. So what are you doin’ now?