Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 9, 2013

Bitter sweets

US is just a big ol’ bully.

Just like Hitler

Iron(y) Man

Smoke ’em if you got ’em

Kill and kill again!


Al Sharpton; Clairvoyant Race Pimp

“…where the hookers at?”

Atlanta burning

DUer fears the right to kill children may be on the way out.

The first victim at DU is always the truth.

Justifying the same shit they crucified Bush for

Trayvon was a law abiding citizen

…then everyone applauded; immigrant edition

Laundry list of stupid shit

The cancer of nostalgia

“Yeah, why can’t they move this to one of those trashy red states?”

Zimmerman trial is an indictment on gun culture

Limited government is unconstitutional

Breaks the law, gets mad that the officer didn’t consider giving him a break. Welcome to the bullshit police state you wanted, asshole.

DU’s HR moment

Dumbing down the definition of “good”


It’s simple; if you’re a leftist and you criticize the president, you’re a racist. Period.

How original. /rolleyes

Two step process to basically end America

Dumbest Bush quotes in all 57 states

Control over one side of Congress equates the ability to impose their will? Are you retarded?

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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some people in “Bitter sweets” are actually making sense.
they will be banned soon.


Ref: “Breaks the law, gets mad…”

They just don’t get it, do they? And in that case, it might not have been just a fine — it might have been the morgue, and all he can whine is that he didn’t do anything wrong. This is one of those situations where a fine might have been the only hope of getting this dumbass to pay attention.


@3 – read the same one (can’t read many, makes my head hurt) – so typical… “other people are f*ckups and need to have ZE LAWS! enforced but I am an exception” – it’s always “other people need to be responsible, not me”. How about just once” I was well aware of what the law says, I broke it, and I got a fine – my fault”. Really – just once.


@1, I read that one and I agree with you 100%. A few people on that topic are soon to join the rest of us on the banned list.


@1 You’re correct; they will get banned. And something else, too. When I changed careers, I took a $5/hr pay cut to get an entry-level position in my new field. Did it hurt? You betcha but what would have hurt worse was no job at all and a stalled career. You do what you have to do, sometimes.


Guaranteed minimum income is stupid on an epic scale (which is why lefties love it, I suppose). There are so many obvious flaws with the concept that you’d think even the simplest of minds could understand why it wouldn’t work (but-again-that’s why lefties, lacking either the ability or desire, or both, to grasp even basic economics, don’t get it).


I always liked the interpretation of minimum wage as: “We would pay you less if we could but it’s illegal”

Just Plain Jason

The Kayaker’s problem in a nutshell…
DU: We need laws to protect stupid people from themselves!
LEO: Here is a ticket.
DU: Wait officer, are you telling me I am stupid?
LEO: Yep…