Policy on auto-pilot

| July 9, 2013

You may have heard in the last few days about our Secretary of State, John Kerry, who decided to take a cruise on his yacht while Egypt burned. Of course, as we’ve seen from the State Department on most issues, they denied that was the case initially, even when confronted with photographic evidence of the contrary. Finally, the State Department admitted that their boss was on a float while the Army tossed out the elected head of Egypt’s government.

Today, Israeli media are complaining about Kerry’s focus on negotiation between Israel and the Palestinians, an impossible quest, while other issues, like Egypt and Syria, demand his attention;

Ynet News’ Hagai Segal’s angle: Why is Mr. Kerry trying to hard to facilitate a meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Liberation Organization Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, when Egypt and Syria are in utter chaos?

Even The New York Times wonders this question, Ynet said. And his work to bring about this deal is only “placing American foreign policy in a ridiculous light,” the Israeli paper opined.

“The U.S. cannot make peace between Arabs and other Arabs, yet it believes it can make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. … Is it possible that John Kerry is more talented than all the American mediators who came before him? Not at all.”

Or maybe working on Syria and Egypt is too hard for the silver spoon Secretary of State. It might even involve staying in a a three or four star hotel. Of course, our foreign policy isn’t the only thing on cruise control, The Hill noticed that Democrats in the Capital are complaining about a lack of leadership from the White House;

Supporters and critics of President Obama are looking for leadership on many pressing issues from the White House, but many believe they are not getting it.

On Monday, Obama held a Cabinet meeting and spoke about his effort to modernize government databases.

He avoided public remarks on several matters seen as more pressing, such as turmoil in Egypt and the wider Middle East, faltering efforts to reform immigration in the U.S. and the rocky implementation of ObamaCare. Instead the president spoke to a small group of reporters about his efforts to improve databases and make government more efficient.

“We’re working to make huge swaths of your government more transparent and more accountable than ever before,” Obama said at the White House.

Well, if you guys were looking for leadership, you should have run someone else in 2008, I’ve been saying since then that Obama isn’t a leader, he’s a community organizer. A leader tells you what’s best for you and then convinces you that what he’s doing is right. A community organizer does stuff that makes the people around him smile, whether it’s the right or wrong thing to do. A leader takes on the toughest issues first, a community organizer does the easy things first so people smile at him.

Does Obama have some grand plan to make the world right again? Maybe, but he’s not telling us about it, like a leader would. All we get from the White House is lies and obfuscation.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Kerry

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

When you elect a man whose sum legislative total was 4 pieces of legislation of no substance and a lot of co-sponsoring of other people’s ideas this is what you get….funny how we conservatives were told Bush made us lose the respect of the rest of the world but now that Obama is president the rest of the world now respects us? Based on what empirical evidence to these lefty morons make this claim?

Obama is even delaying small business implementation of his great health care act….that was his great accomplishment providing care for the whole nation regardless of the effect on the economy. By delaying implementation he’s trying to pass this disaster onto his successor….that way full of sh1t liberals and democrats can make political hay with more lies about the economy when their plan tanks the economy after they lose the office…just like they continue to perpetrate the lie of a budget surplus under Clinton…they are holding onto that like a dog on a bone…hypocrite sacks of sh1t.


Nothing shocks me about this administration anymore. I’m waiting for the day this administration tries to tell me 2 + 2 = 5. (With a nod to Orwell.)

2/17 Air Cav

I’m so happy that you published this story. I saw it the other day and I laughed heartily. The State Dept spokesidiot took umbrage (feigning anger!) at the suggestion that John “Jungle Stroll w/ Camerman” Kerry was afloat when all hell broke loose. Later, spokesidiot had to backtrack, w/o apology, of course. Perfect. The same day, Tessie Heinz was reported to be in hospital. I can’t help but wonder if that’s the Kerry variation of the Benghazi video BS or the bomb-the-aspirin-factory strategy of Clinton.


We got our doctors past the old idea of not giving us information for our own good 40 years ago. Now we have to accept that kind of behavior from our government?

2/17 Air Cav

@1. Quick! Pass this legislation! Hurry! We need this now! This is an emergency! Yeah, everything except appointment of OIGs (including those for State and DHS) needs to be done yesterday. Meanwhile, the OIG vacancies–the folks who pinpoint the lapses and BS in government–have been, in many cases, unfilled for YEARS by obamaman. Gee, I wonder why that is.

Club Manager

Cannot help but wonder if Kerry’s wife’s seizure and hospitalization were the real deal or were they taking a lesson from Hillary Clinton’s play book when she had her “fall” and avoid answering questions about Benghazi.

Old Trooper

Was there ever any doubt that Obumbles would be worthless as tits on a bull? The guy had done absolutely nothing in his life to give anyone the notion that he could lead a little league team, let alone the entire fucking free world. I asked the question “what qualifications does he bring to the table”? I was told; “he’s running a campaign for President, which makes him qualified to be President”. Really? That’s what you dumbfucks hung your hat on? What did he do in the Illinois State Senate? He voted present 137 times. What did he do in his 140 days as a US Senator? Nothing. Not a motherfucking thing. What did he do to earn the Nobel Peace Prize? Nothing. Not a damn thing. People have been showering this sonovabich with accolades and awards he hasn’t earned throughout his entire life! I guess it was just a natural progression for people to be famously stupid and elect him to the highest office in the land; twice!! Nope, he didn’t fuck up things enough in his first term, so we gotta give him another 4 years so that he can finish the job of destroying the nation. I’m beginning to move toward not blaming the person in office, but rather the stupid motherfuckers that continue to vote for these assholes and then stand around bitching about things not changing. Einstein said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We have a lot of people in this country that should be locked up and heavily medicated by that standard. Dumbfucks. Anyone that votes for Bella Pelosi should be throat punched. That stupid bitch stood in front of the entire congress and said “we have to pass it in order to find out what’s in it”. This was the person 3rd in line to the Presidency! Yet, people just shower her with accolades and botox like she’s the smartest person in the House. A fucking cactus is smarter than that bitch! Yet, people continue to vote for her. We are… Read more »

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@7 Indeed, as a nation of great economic prowess and ability you would think the population would be highly educated and focused on people who contribute to the greater good….it’s amazing the almost no one in the US has any idea what or who Patti Maes and Pranav Mistry are or what they have been doing and how it might affect computing and device interaction in the decades to come….but every f#cking moron in the nation can identify Kim Kardashian who is famous for being a whore….

That’s all you need to know about our culture to understand why we are hosed as you point out….

Green Thumb


Way to sum it up.


@9. Thank you, Brother. High praise indeed.

2/17 Air Cav

@7. Yep, but don’t depair b/c after another 30 or million Mexicans are legalized, they’ll help to return conservativism to Washington! Sure they will. Can we just start the rebellion now and settle this thing the way it will ultimately be settled anyway? Besides, at my age, I’d really rather go out for something worthwhile than choke to death on my own spit.


#7 great comment. I only would like to say that if the msm had not sat on all the scandals that we now have here, I really wonder if he would have been reelected.


There was a saying I heard once. “The whole world is watching America…and America is watching TV”. That has become so much more real and evident as we watch our leaders play golf and have yachting trips during international crises. This Administration is achieving what I believe has been their big priority. The numbing of the American mind. As someone in an earlier post wrote, it is the difference between a leader and a community organizer. Lots of smoke and mirrors, lots of slight of hand and never, ever ask who the man behind the curtain (golf cart) is, what he is doing, what America truly means to him (especially our military) or what his agenda is. I think he has made it crystal clear what his agendas have been and are. I say I have not seen one yet that is pro America for the future.


Either the people who keep voting for what we currently have are too stupid to realize what’s happening, or they keep voting for the direction we’re going because that’s where they want to be.

I’m not sure which is more frightening.


‘complaining about a lack of leadership from the White House’

Awww, isn’t that just precious? Bless their stupid little hearts. I guess they just don’t think their glory boy is quite so glorious any more?

VOV, the rest of the world sort of still respects the USA in general, but they almost unaninmously wonder what in all the Hells is going on here.

But you pretty much put a good summary on it, frankly. I can’t figure out what is so important about a brain-dead girl whose mother bulldozed her into a Playboy layout, and who is famous for being famous (and stupid), and who named her infant North West – I kid you not. Guaranteed to get him beat up in school by the end of first grade, if he even goes to school.


Don’t be to hard on Kerry, he suffers from PTSMS (Post Traumatic Seared Memory Syndrome) you know. He might be trying to take the Isabel up river this moment.

Roger in Republic

Who cares where Kerry is, or was, or will be? He is no more a leader than Obama is. By definition the Sec.State implements the Presidents foreign policy, and there is, as we know, no foreign policy coming out of the oval office. And so what? We all knew that BHO could not lead a Cub Scout pack. He is like so many clueless dipshit managers promoted for their supposed gifts only to find out that he is an empty suit. Devoid of any real ability. He is done with playing president, now he just wants to play golf and read pretty speeches that promise everything to everybody. This man makes Jimmy Carter look like Winston Churchill.


@7 Old Trooper

Preach it, Brother!


Please lay off the “Duke of Ketchup.” Whilst on his tax minimising yacht he is less able to damage America.