Little Willie Arkin laments noninvite (UPDATED)

| May 23, 2007

During my nightly perusal of my favorite blogs, I stumbled across this from Blackfive who mentioned a line from an almost forgotten William Arkin, so I went to Arkin’s blog to read the whole thing. He’s still a sniveling little elitist;

Let’s see if I can do this without insulting either baseball fans or bloggers. Blogging baseball fans, I ask for your forgiveness preemptively.

I went to a Red Sox game on Saturday, and up above home plate I couldn’t help but notice the press box: five, six, seven tiers of desks, filled with print, radio, television and who knows what other media all reporting every move and anomaly. It dawned on me that there are more reporters covering the Sox, just one baseball team, than cover the Pentagon.

I’ve been wanting to write about the 2nd Annual MilBlog conference (I wasn’t invited), and did write earlier about the brouhaha over the Pentagon’s supposed new restrictions regarding blogging.

First of all, let me say that there were alot of people at the Milblog Convention who weren’t invited by name – I was one. I met a guy there who blogs about maritime stuff that I didn’t understand. He was interesting, but he had never been in the military, didn’t know anyone in the military and didn’t blog about the military. He’d just read about the conference and saw there was still a slot open, paid his $40 and went to meet other bloggers. If you wanted to go, William M. Arkin, you could have found a way. But seein’s how it’s Mud Season in Vermont, I’m sure you didn’t want to miss a moment of that.

And the crybaby way you started this piece hoping you wouldn’t tick off any baseball fans – was that yet another shot at us?

And the only reason you, and your fellow “journalists” stuck up for Milbloggers recently because you saw it as another opportunity to criticize the Administration and the Pentagon. It’s not like ya’all give a tiny rat’s ass about the military bloggers (you made that quite clear in the first blog I read from your poisoned pen). So this line, from your latest attempt at smoothing ruffled feathers rings hollow;

The MilBloggers got an extra boost of attention after the news about the Army’s “crackdown” on blogs, with the overheated claim that the new operations security (OPSEC) and bandwidth rules cut off soldiers from their families and restricting people’s freedoms. An extra boost from whom, you ask? From the mainstream media they so seemingly despise….

Blackfive replied that we only despise you, but I won’t go that far. I despise alot of members of the more traditional media, so, although my list is longer than Blackfive’s list, there are similarities in the content.

UPDATE: Day-by-day gets into the Arkin-bashing;

Category: Media

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Not that Wee Willie Winkie has a clue, but the military hasn’t “cracked down” on all blogs. As in every war, OPSEC is paramount. It’s okay to give an opinion as long as it doesn’t divulge classified information. Arkin saw the announcement, figured he could weasel into the conference, then backed out because he probably realized he was out of his league and might figuratively (and literally) get his ass kicked. That’s the first smart thing he’s ever done.