East Regional Second Round
1) Phillip Dale Monkress
8) Jesus Angel Gomez
4) John Boudreau
12) David Bergin
3) Punk Lewis
6) Freedom Douglas Stansbury
7) David Chenicek
2) William Blake
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We all know whose going to win this region…
This could turn out to be the 1st unanimous selection in scumbag history!
monkey azz #1
This bracket is TOUGH. Major shitbags abound.
But I have to go with my man; The “Punk”.
Substitute “Funk” for “Punk”.
We want the “Punk”…..
Wow, the first one was a no brainer. The decision was easy, too.
Monkeyass FTW! (or lose)
Shit, I bet Paul K. Wickre (GH!) is logging in from multiple computers behind multiple proxies just to get in a few extra votes for his old boss.
GT, I know you love the Punk, but I had to go with Freedom Stansbury because he’s such a piece of utter crap. But, for your sake, I did choose Billy ‘never went there’ Blake.
It was a toss up between the Punk and Freedom. I ended up flipping a coin.
Also, Gomez is a pedophilish-looking shitbag.
Monkress is tougher, but I feel that Gomez should have been seeded higher.
He wound up in a TOUGH bracket.
Too bad I had to oust “Freedom” and “Gunny Chenicek”
Freedom made it this far on his chutzpah alone, takes major balls to pull off the corrective PT action he was pulling off. If he would have come on here and defended himself or had a sock puppet do so he could have went far. Chenicek had a lot of potential, theft by deception, completely made up career and the pond scum-like move of using a made up wounded warrior story to scam folks. His attempt at self defense was pretty weak sauce and he went away too easily.
Monkress is here still due to the actions of Paul Wickre alone, at least Blake is a self-made buffoon.
Blake managed to turn a bullshit story to get a slice of trim into an all out war. He would have been long ago forgotten if he didnt keep his asshattery up.
GT, I know you think I fell out of step, but EffinFReedom was lower in my books than the Punk. However, if the Punk survives this round, He may get my vote, unless he’s paired with Monkyass.
And anyway, we’ll ALWAYS have Billy “Not BT Not DT” Blake.
I hear you. As someone else commented, Freedom had guts pulling off that corrective PT.
However, “Punk” played the back nine on BS claims. AND had WWP sponsor him.
Plus, he is pissed this is going on.
I know your out there watching “Punk”! I am pulling for you!
Nope. It will not be unanimous unless one of you comes over here and breaks my computating machine in the final round.
@14. That’s two of us, OWB. Monkey w/o that Wickre guy is just a run-of-the-mill entrant. He’s not much alone. Give me a guy who bilked a charity, duped a kid, accepted applause or honors for valor not his, and I’m there.
Here’s a story to check:
@15 I am with you Crotchrot has to be #1 in my book for what he did to the sick boy beyond just being a POS poser.
Gomez! Gomez! Gomez!
Phillip Dale Monkress won’t get my vote *except on more google hits.
Besides just look at my boys photo… That much douchiness in one picture? Gotta give him a vote.
Despite ALL of our dislike for Wickre, I think we should run Phillip Dale Monkress on his own merit. When it comes down to it, if you strip away the encrusted fecal matter further splatted on Monkress by the anal antics of Paul K Wickre, hes not that much of a stand out, if at all. A 2200 kill fake, who bullshitted a paper, A goldbricking piece of shit playing the system and a loud mouth punk who is more than likely bilking the VA as well as lying about combat service. Fairly stiff competition for a govt contractor who lied about being a SEAL.
I wonder if “Punk” uses a cart or carries his own clubs?
GT, the choice WAS a tough call for me.
But I took into account that the Punk did have actual service and EffinFreedom did not.
Since sealmonkeyass is the top dog in this regional, I’m having fun with choosing between bergintheozzieseal and 2200killboudreau in the other bracket. Gave the nod to bergintheozzieseal, since his Aussie-based poser shitbaggery involves American awards and combat qualifications, and that pisses me off even more than 2200killboudreau’s U.S.-based newspaper lies…
@15, 17, 19, I’ve been saying this all the while pouring fire on Paul K. Wickre (GH!) It’s not fair that Phillip Dale Monkress (GH!) had his own publicist/promoter shilling and pressing flesh for him. Crotchrot for the win.
The thing about Monkress that makes him such a scumbag is the fact that he was so willing to double down after getting caught solely for his own benefit. The guy simultaneously lied about never claiming to be a SEAL, but worse, engaged in a multi-faceted plan to vilify, undermine, and attack real veterans through various means. All this instead of owning up or just moving on. I believe Paul Wickre’s initial antics, to include the harassment and false pretenses, were at a minimum encouraged by Monkress, at least until Wickre f’ed it all up.
That sheer extent of Monkress shadiness in furtherance of the lie makes him competitive.
Blake is similar in that he has sunk to attacking real Beruit vets in order to continue rocking the lie.
Punk Lewis got my vote, but the more I think about it now, the more I think I should have voted for Gomez!
@24: Again I repeat myself, but Phillip Dale Monkress and Paul K. Wickre (2xGH!) need to be taken out of the competition and given their own special achievement awards. The irony that these would be non-competitive awards should be lost on no one. Monkress has spent his whole life avoiding fair-and-square competitions and getting his way based on set-asides he didn’t earn – far be it from TAH to break his “winning” streak.
And in Wickre’s case, he’s spent his whole life bullying his way into getting things he DIDN’T want, like jail time – again, this would just be the latest chapter in a long series of such dubious achievements for him.
Did the “Punk” prevail?
[Removed by the guy who pays the bills]