TAH interviews SFC Dillard “Carnivore” Johnson
So, SFC Dillard Johnson emailed us this morning for a phone call, and of course, I complied. Because we’re about the truth, no matter how it shakes out. Johnson acknowledged the fact that we were probably the most fair of the people who were writing about him. I had to remind him that we never doubted his Silver Star after he offered to send us his citation, but, I told we didn’t need it. I told him our that concerns were mostly about the 2700 kills. He told me that number came from his little pocket notebook that all of us NCOs carried. That he’d put in tick marks for the number of weapons and bodies that he counted between sandstorms on the way to Baghdad. He admitted that it probably wasn’t the best way to report “kills” after I told him that if I’d counted weapons from Kuwait to the Euphrates, I’d have beaten his numbers.
He also admitted that the 2700 kills were a total of his troop not just him and his crew. Johnson also said that the actual book doesn’t refer to that number – it appears on the cover and in the liner notes, but not in the actual text of the book. I just bought the book today, so I’ll let you know if I find the contrary to be true.
I told Johnson that in the future he should stay away from numbers, math sinks everyone. He said that he wanted to explain the number thing during his Fox & Friends interview, but that Kilmeade never asked the question about the numbers that they had agreed upon before the show.
Then came the 7,000 rounds of armor piercing ammo that he’d claimed to have fired so that he got cancer from the DU. Johnson admitted that it was a pretty difficult number to swallow, especially since Bradleys only have 900 rounds on board (three hundred in the ready box to feed the gun and another 600 stowed). So 7,000 is at least 8 trips to the resupply point. But he said the number comes from the discussion he had with techs from Redstone Arsenal while he was at Walter Reed being treated for his cancer.
So next up was the question about Johnson getting booted from the Advanced NCO Course at Benning for wearing an unauthorized CIB. He admitted that it did indeed happen. It also involved an NCO who had it out for him (a common thread through many of his stories). He sent me a copy of his DD 214 (I promised Johnson that I wouldn’t publish it, so, no you can’t see it…take my word for it) and, yes, there’s a CIB on it, along with his Silver Star and four Purple Hearts, six Arcoms seven Army Achievement Medals, 2 awards of a CAB, an MSM and a bunch of other stuff. I only see one Bronze Star Medal for merit, though.
But, yeah, he did get booted from ANCOC for that incident, he returned in the next class and ended up on the commandant’s list, he says.
So, that’s about the extent of our talk, I still have his number in case the rest of you have questions you want me to ask him. Trust me the first version I wrote before was better than this one, but the blog ate it during the transition to a new server.
Category: Who knows
I think the “Carnivore” is starting to slide down the food chain.
So he has a CIB? But got tagged for wearing an unauthorized one?
So now I’m confused. Can you in fact be eligible for a CIB and CAB in the same action?
Well…at least he isn’t threatening Jonn with his “lawer.”
I forgot to mention that he said he spent a brief period in the infantry, although his DD214 lists 19D (Cav Scout) as his only MOS for 20 years and 0 months.
really, so does his 214 list campaign awards for Desert Storm or Somalia? If he has a hinky CIB on his 214, the rest except for maybe the SS are suspect. Did you ask about the claims he got canned from his Blackwater job?
Well, you may be transiting to a new server, but Mercury is retrograde and these things happend when Mercury is retrograde.
I’m still finding you just fine. If I can’t, I’ll tell you.
I respect his service. I simply cannot comprehend how those who truly earned respect often ruin it all with such nonsense like this. I just dont’ get it. But I’m drawn in every time you write about it because I am amazed at how quickly this group deconstructs a fraud. It really is quite remarkable.
Knowing his reputation around here, which he no longer occupies, I don’t believe a word out of his mouth. TAH should know a lot about forged DD214s at this point.
Gunner–hence the FOIA. I’ve yet to see someone who could manage to fake THAT.
Yeah, he has a Southwest Asia Service Medal, but there’s only one campaign star on it (I had three, for Desert Shield/Desert Storm/Provide Comfort). He was in OIF I & III.
@2 I”m sure if that NCO really did hated him, he probably found a way to nail him, or maybe he got the CIB later.
I have to say, owning up to everything takes guts, besides the amount of stuff he has … wow, Jonn let us know about the book if its a good read I might get a copy read it myself 😛
Two awards of the CAB? Not possible.
While I appreciate that he requested an interview, the fact remains that he had the opportunity to correct the inflated numbers of his “body count” and number of rounds fired prior to the book’s publication and didn’t.
The numbers had to come from somewhere. His co-writer and editor didn’t simply pull those numbers out of the ether and publish them.
Valor award(s) and Purple Hearts aside, he deserves all the scorn we can heap on him for the disservice he’s done to the memory of the 3-7 Cavalry troopers killed and those wounded during his deployments, as he seeks to line his pockets on the backs of their sacrifice, as well as for being the serial bullshitter and embellisher he was throughout his illustrious career. It’s far too late to be contrite, there, Carnivore.
214s are not the most accurate things in the military. Mine shows that I spent only 14 months as a 92Y when that is only the amount of time I spent on orders. Heck, my 215 revokes an award I never received (and it wasn’t even on my 214 in the first place).
I’ll withhold judgment until the FOIA comes in.
NHSparky: negative. It’s one or the other (or possibly the CMB, if medical).
It is, however, possible for one individual to have both the CAB and the CIB – either if they changed MOS, or were Infantry/SF and were engaged while assigned to a non-Infantry/non-SF unit or to an infantry HQ at higher echelon than Brigade, and also qualified for the CIB for a different action that occurred while assigned to an Infantry unit. CIB requires assignment to an Infantry unit of Brigade or smaller size.
Regarding multiple awards of the CAB: Loach is correct. If Johnson’s DD214 says two awards of the CAB, his DD214 is in error.
The CAB was created in 2005. It’s awarded to non-Infantry/non-SF soldiers (and to Infantry soldiers assigned to non-Infantry units and/or to HQ above Brigade) for “engaging or being engaged by the enemy”. It may be awarded for actions occurring “from 18 September 2001 to a date to be determined. Award for qualifying service in any previous conflict is not authorized.” Like the CIB, only one award of the CAB per qualifying period is authorized.
We’re still in the first qualifying period for the CAB starting on 18 Sep 2001. Since the CAB is not retroactive to engagements occurring prior to 18 Sep 2001, you cannot be awarded one for action occurring in the Gulf War or Somalia.
Johnson thus cannot possibly have multiple awards of the CAB. Indeed, by AR 600-8-22, para 8-8, nobody can.
@6 Andy, he didn’t get fired from Blackwater, he was there through the transition to Triple Canopy in May of 09′. Unless he re-joined their WPPS/WPS program in Afghanistan at some point since.
I did hear he was canned from SOC-USA’s WPS program, however I cannot confirm nor deny it’s authenticity and don’t know enough details to pass along regarding such.
Now, he did get transferred from a team with Blackwater for massive ass-hattery before setting up his dictator-like reign of terror with one of the Tactical Support Teams as the shift leader.
What about his 4 Purple Hearts ? And cutting the 220 volt electric cable in two with hie Gerber tool ?
It took 3 years for my CAR to finally appear after it was submitted and that included 2 years after my EAS. Military records are dick.
Sounds like the publisher was playing fast and loose with terms and numbers to advertise the book rather than the guy flat out lying about his service history.
With all coming out….wearing unauthorized decorations still warrants a foot up the
4th point of performance. No excuse…especially in a school environment. No excuses allowed. Looks like this guy got too many passes in too many areas and stuff comes back. some warranted, some not. He put himself out there…just like when he went to ANOC.
@18 yes… He no longer is employed here… He did have two kills on contract. He backed over two SAWs with a Bearcat.
@22 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA! Yeah he killed a HMMWV trying to do a J-Turn at Crossed Swords back in the day that got him booted off of the Counter Assault Team…
That’s it! Maybe he’s trying to hide that he got his 2700 kills from losing control of his Bradley?
Trust I’m not poking fun at the Army, but if a Marine were to report to a school – especially a leadership school, and was sporting awards/devices he/she didn’t earn, the Marine would likely get Article 15, an adverse fitness report, and then sent home with lots of embarassment. I witnessed that happen time and time again. While holding people accountable is the right thing to do, giving them a pass and pretending an infraction is no big deal gives them the sense the rules don’t apply to them – then they fuck up something later in their career.
Maybe I’m just old, maybe I just ran with a different crowd of people, but nobody I knew really gave a shit about awards per se besides their “fish.” And it was easy enough to know who earned them and who hadn’t–because you HAD to earn them within a certain period of time or get booted out of submarines.
But nobody ever dreamed of slapping on shit they didn’t earn, either.
Meh. I’m satisfied. Looks like he made a good faith effort to correct the record here.
Hey, if you are reading, please understand that letting someone exagerate your service in your presence without correcting them (as Murtha did) is just as bad as doing it yourself. You know better, don’t let it happen again.
It takes stones to willingly submit to the intense scrutiny that is TAH and it’s eagle eyed denizens. He’s willing to stand up and make an accounting of what’s going on, so this is points in his favor.
I have to agree with the SGM here, or CSM (depending)…
Embellishing what has happened with the men who died on that deployment is a big no no, no matter what the case may be for it. Memoir why or otherwise. The man has a Silver Star (no small feat in any stretch of the word, shape, or form), and yet goes on something like this!
SFC Johnson, thank you for your service, and I hope that you don t let this overshadow your accomplishments. As long as you come clean with everyone on this point forward, I think you ll be alright in my book.
Let me relate a short story about stolen valor. I knew a fellow who claimed to be a Viet Nam vet. A Captain. went thru ROTC at the University of Washington. He was the right age and lots of the guys in my crowd were vets. He never told any war stories or claimed any tin. He died and we all went to his funeral. Guess what, no flag on his coffin. No Honor guard, and no mention of any service, commissioned or enlisted in his epitaph or eulogy. I never suspected that he was lying because he was low key about it. He just wanted to fit in with the rest of us who had served. Because I would never lie about my service I assumed that nobody else would either. A lot of the lairs today are trying to take advantage of the good will that has been bestowed on service men since the GWoT. My generation were labeled as baby killers and given no respect by those who never served.
Valor awards or not, this guy sounds like piece of shit.
@20. Even if the publisher was playing fast and loose with the numbers, Johnson would have had ample opportunity to correct the mistakes prior to their publication. Authors are sent rough drafts (I think they’re called “galleys.” Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.) from the publisher for the author’s approval and comment/correction.
Apparently Johnson was happy with what he saw from publisher and the book went to press and the PR machine cranked up. It was only AFTER the negative reaction from the veteran’s community at large and the Soldiers who served around him in particular did he try to correct the inaccuracies.
Johnson should not get a free pass for this. He lied about the numbers to his co-author and editor or was okay with the distortions of the truth. Either way, he’s wrong.
As for the comment that he didn’t think the public would know the difference between a “Sniper” and a “Designated Marksman” he could’ve simply included a couple of paragraphs explaining the difference.
Johnson is simply a braggart who finally got caught in his lies.
@31 agreed. Seems like this guy was legitimately at the tip of the spear for a time and has a lot to be proud of. But it doesn’t seem to be enough for him. He is a braggart and a tool. His grandstanding is a disservice to those he served with and those that died. Being a combat vet does not exempt you from toolbag status.
@29, I’ll play the Devil’s advocate. Could it have been that he just didn’t want Military honors at his funeral? I don’t know the whole story, I’m just asking.
Did he ever explain about his sniper claims?
I went to ANCOC with Johnson and was in his small group. The person in question didnt have it out for him. But hey…it is what it is. I will ask you this, if you earned a CIB and you were called on it, Could you not produce proof that you indeed were awarded it? Why take it off your uniform when your called out on it?
Most true warriors I know are hesitant to share their exploits – or at least modest about it. Anyone who talks about “I, me, my” is usually suspect in my book, especially those who “tell their story in honor and memory of their fallen comrades”. If he’s contrite, it’s only because he got caught and is busy making up excuses. They always do, or just dig their heels in with bigger fabrications. To tell a man he has “no honor or integrity” used to mean something and were fighting words. Nowadays, they don’t mean anything.
Once upon a time I found myself in a quandary; I had an award citation for a Marine for a Navy/Marine Comm with/V and a charge sheet for ‘misconduct in the face of the enemy.’ I took counsel with my Bn CO who said, “Pin the medal on him, then run his ass up the flag pole for the charges. Some of the biggest assholes I know have all kinds of medals.” I loved that guy.
This guy is not humble. He tried to say at one point that he didn’t want to write the book. That’s a load. Publishing a book is a very difficult process.
To get a book deal, he probably embellished in areas to sell the marketability of his story. Whatever. Its distasteful.
In the famous words of Pappy Boyington “Scratch a hero and you’ll find a bum.”
Ah…so it was in his trusty Memorandum For Record Book…Well, at least some stuff is backed up.
I want Johnson to sign the SF-180. Four Purple Hearts? A CIB that still shows up on the 214 even though he was kicked out of ANCOC for wearing it? Something doesn’t smell right.
@35 Used to be a saying my dad used for years; “if your word ain’t worth shit, neither are you” nobody is offended by that concept today. They don’t mind not being worth sh1t because none of their celebrity heroes are worth a sh1t. Art does indeed imitate life, we’ve become a nation of liars, fakes, and j3rkoffs who worship and celebrate those celebrities who are also liars, addicts, and reprobates….the large number of celebrities defending Roman Polanski is quite amazing…to these folks if you are a talented artist being a drug addict or fucking kids is no big deal…
So, Hi… I’m “Lieutenant Goulet.” I got out as Captain Goulet last year and was mentioned in the book. Next you can ask him why in the “boat mission” chapter, why that is all a bunch of sh*t? And, why he made his peers, his fellow NCOs, his subordinates, and his leaders out to be pieces of sh*t in the book? And, while it was all about him. I will be rewriting that chapter in hopes for someone to publish it.
PS: Not only would he have had to go the Ammo Resupply point at least 8 times, I believe the barrel would have had to been changed out at least once!
He was a lieing piece of shit when I worked with him in Baghdad an nothings changed.
My first tour in the Army I was assigned to Special Forces. I was a radio repairman in Sig company. When I got out I used to like to wear my old field jacket with my jump wings and the unit patch until I had too many people ask me if I was a “Green Beret”. I got tired of explaining it and just took off the patch which at the time was the only unit patch I had ever worn. Point being, I went out of my way to not be a poser. I think all here can understand that.
you do realize he was fired from a contracting job for falsifying information on “his” DD214 right? so that DD214 he showed you, was the same one that got him fired from a government contract job, that had fake information on it….
Dillard Johnson has been a running Joke in the Airborne/CAV community for a long time at least since the early 90s. He has always arrived at his duty stations with false awards ( CIB Ranger Silver star from the first gulf war)And we always dime him out, looked at his Fiche what ever. He has a few Relief for causes in there. He’s been fired at just about every position he’s held. There is a reason why he is nick named “Shady J” I think he forged the SS paperwork, I’d like to see the submission. Like he forged his Jump log to get Senior Wings. A naive or compliant S1 can do wonders.
And, of course, it’s all the publisher’s fault:
Guess whose book is half off it’s original cover price on Amazon? From one Marne soldier to another, Fuck you Dirty J.