Bomb threat to Texas courthouse in support of Hasan

| June 20, 2013

The Washington Times reports that there was a bomb threat by telephone at the Bell County Courthouse near Fort Hood, TX yesterday which cleared the courtroom;

The caller mentioned Maj. Hasan, and specified that officials needed to meet his “demands,” AP said. Bomb-sniffing dogs didn’t find anything, but the jail was placed on lockdown.

The specifics of those demands aren’t clear, authorities said. Maj. Hasan, who is defending himself from murder charges and accusations that he killed 13 and injured almost three dozen in a shooting on the Fort Hood Army post in 2009, hasn’t made demands of jail staff or at his court hearings, said Bell Count Sheriff Eddy Lange, in the AP report.

So, there’s yet another delay to Hasan’s execution. They should probably shave his beard to make sure there’s no explosive device in there. You know, in the interests of safety.

Category: Terror War

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They need to shave his beard and glue it to his head so he looks like a middle eastern Donald Trump.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Radical Islam, the religion of pieces!!

1. Rope.
2. Tree (or Gallows).
3. Terrorist.

Some assembly required.


Ya know, and this is just a thought here, but if they could get to Jeffery Dalmer (sp?) why can’t they get to this assclown?

Not like he could run away or anything.


Another delay? Sure, why not? After all, it’s only been over three and a half years since he was driven to “workplace violence”.

This stain on the escutcheon of American justice makes us a laughing stock.


Will no one rid me of this troublesome jerk?


sorta like the shave idea
“Time for your shave. Yes, I prefer a straight razor”
“Cleanup in cell 12, please”
problem solved


A Proud Infidel & Patriot @ 2: Substitute braided pig intestines for rope


@2 Thank you for that. Well put although @7 had a great idea. But…the Administration still can’t get the word terrorist out of their mouths about this ass hole.


By the way, never having been in the brig or jail, if he is still being paid doesn’t he have to meet Army regulation appearance standards?

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Maybe he could “accidentally” end up in a pen full of hungry hogs? Just another happy thought for the day, OR some fellow inmate stabbing him with a sharpened pig bone!!


@ #9- Sparks: If it were anybody else, yes. Big Army is obviously afraid to enfore regulations he’s violating.


At this point, the only thing that might get him are a urinary tract infection or pneumonia.


Why do I have this visual similar to Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome where they were lowering the stubby little guy into the pen full of pigs/pig shit, only Hasan won’t be squirming or wiggling around quite as much.

Yeah, it brought a smile to my face too.

CC Senor

@2 Not sure about Bell County, but Goliad County Courthouse has the requisite “hanging tree”.