Robert C. Slaymaker-Johnson; phony Marine

| November 15, 2013

Johnson in Blues
Robert C. Slaymaker-Johnson is a very special kind of phony – he has no military service, but he stopped in to a Marine recruiting station in Green Bay to have them straighten out his rack, so he has them all in order;

johnson Uniforms 7
But Mary and the Marines who he visited checked on him and he has no military service, least of all with the Marines. Jerry, who sent us the tip says that the Marines also snatched some of his phony gear – “The recruiter confiscated numerous uniform items including a Drill Instructor Campaign Cover and Duty Belt. The recruiter advised that Slaymaker-Johnson appeared at the USMC recruiting office and requested a Marine inspect his uniform as he was preparing to march in the Memorial Day parade. He was apparently interviewed in uniform by WFRV TV although the link appears to be down.

The pictures appear to have been taken at a recruiting office.

This post has been languishing in my “Drafts” folder since mid-June, so it gives me great pleasure to present his long-awaited FOIA;

Slaymaker-Johnson FOIA

Category: Phony soldiers

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It’s kind of like walking into the police station with an illegal, full auto AK-47 and asking them how to charge the weapon…after you show them how you put the magazine in. This is just too retarded a guy to be sucking air.

Just An Old Dog

Shooting badges are crooked as all get out. Huge alarm goes off when he has War on terror Expeditionary Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Iraq Service, Afghan service…. and no overseas ribbon period. Glad the recruiter took some of his stuff, wish they could strip him naked and run him out of the office,,, Got to admit it’s pretty ballsy to walk in a Marine Recruiter’s office as a poser and ask for help setting the ribbons straight.


First of all, no self-respecting Staff Sergeant will go to the recruiting station to have them unf@ck his uniform. I’m glad they confiscated his stuff. They should have kicked his ass, stripped him to his nasty skivvies and thrown him the hell out on the street…

I don’t know who the recruiters were, but good on ’em.


This is like those dumb f*cks that call the cops because a hooker stole their drugs


Fucktard Friday in full fucking bloom!

HS Sophomore

While seeking an expert opinion is usually your best course of action, sometimes it should be forgone. Especially when there are interactive websites that will build you ribbon rack, and when the order of precedence is available on Wikipedia, and checking with an expert will net you a place in history on TAH.


Full moon tonight, maybe? No, I checked. The full moon isn’t until 11/18/13.

Must be the water again.

But I’m just a cook. Just a lowly, lowly cook.


@3 Agreed. This guy should report to his nearest US Marine Corps facility and perform the dirtiest, hardest, nastiest, most un-wanted detail over and over again until forgiven.

Doc Savage

And this, kids…is why it is so very,very important that you stay away from drugs…..

Combat Historian

@5: Fucktard Friday indeed!!!


There’s no cure for stupid.

Stupid is forever.

Robert C. Slaymaker has no Johnson.


Those who “Walk-in” recruiting offices are usually pretty fucked up. This is no surprise.

(My apologies if any of you were “walk ins”… just citing my experience.

He’s lucky to be walking.



What. The. Fuck? Seriously, how fucking stupid can a person be???


puts on SSG rank
goes to recruiter station to ask a bunch of CPLs and buck SGTs to check his uniform
here’s yer sign…



But, aren’t you Army?



Well, it’s not walking onto a post dressed like a Power Ranger wanting to get a piece of the SGM’s Ass but it’s pretty ballsy.


Oh, I was a walk in also.

A Proud Infidel

He’s Semper Fucktard, 100% 8TFU for sure!!!


Dennis@8, that would be recruiting duty. Does anyone else find it ironic that someone sporting a Drill Instructor ribbon needs someone to check his shit?


@12- What is the preferred method?

I don’t know the full story with this dude, but I don’t think he was there to enlist.


What a dick


If he was smart, he would have ran away and tried to forget pretending to be a Marine. Marines requested him to come into the recruiting office. He should have tucked tail and run.


@12–I was a walk-in too. 12L, ready to enlist, no waivers, nuke, three weeks in DEP. I was what Navy recruiters refer to as a “wet dream.”


Great bust. What a moron. For the record, there is no such thing as an illegal AK-47 or full auto as we are allowed to have these weapons but the government created illegal laws that has violated the real law on arms & thus, sigh, we’re unable to get them without going through alot of red-tape and paying out money to have them.

John Robert Mallernee

I was a rejected walk-in.

After multiple failed attempts to enlist in the United States Marine Corps, I was finally inducted into the United States Army when I volunteered to be drafted.

That was in 1967.

Guys today can’t do what I did, because there ain’t no mandatory military conscription.

Audie Murphy also got into the United States Army after being denied enlistment by the United States Marine Corps.

That’s why I love watching that 1976 movie, “BABY BLUE MARINE”, starring Jan-Michael Vincent.

John Robert Mallernee

@25 MIKE:

Thanks for pointing that out.

More people need to know that.


How hard do think it was for the recruiters not to beat hell out of this clown?

Green Thumb

I was a walk in as well.

Fuck this guy.

I bet this dude can totally slay some Johnstons.


Green Thumb

That hat should be a tray.

“Would you like a glass of champagne?”


I was a walk-in. Twice. 2nd time around, my (same) recruiter had his 20-year hash marks and a gold crow, and did a spit-take when he saw me.


Looks remarkably like the chump is this video..


Gonna be brash here, but motherfuckers like these should be thrown in prison and have the crap beat out of them by people who actually served. Myself and others have gone through hell to earn the right to be called Marines and men have DIED wearing the uniform that this scumbag has dishonored.


Are there some kind of legal ramifications for tho type of dishonor?