Your Winners from the First Round

| June 14, 2013

winner 1

Winner 2

winner 3

Winner 4

Category: Politics

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Some real blowouts there… Phillip mokeysass Monkress. Some real close ones there also, cannot believe our own TAH Poser Poole did not get out of the first round!!


Holy crap–Moschetti’s gonna be pissed that Martinez went all Coppin State up on his ass!

And I knew Monkeyass was gonna win, but by over 90 points? OMFG…even the Elvis Factor can’t cover that one.


Who were the four peeps who didn’t vote for Monkress?

I’m thinking it was probably Wikre, Monkress himself, and two other All Point Logistics employees.

Green Thumb

Upsets abound!

Moshitty, Conley and Partain.

As I stated, its anyone’s ballgame.


Monkeyass and Crotchkey were gonna be winners, hands down.

Combat Historian

Hooah! bergin the oizzie seal makes it to the East Regional Second Round…he’ll give 2200killboudreau a run for his money…


Monkress all the way!


My bracket is still looking good!!!


Roy Antiqua got knocked out? wtf? He was faking USCG, LEO, and several other things I can’t remember. Most fakers pick one branch/rank/award and stick with it, Roy faked them all.


My boy Partain out in the first round? I really thought he would at least make it to the semi-finals, and then win that one because his opponent from Cobra-Kai used an illegal leg sweep….sorry, getting lost in the 80’s. But Partain had a tough first round, because Pusley is such a douche.
Happy to see Photoshop Artist Romeo move on. His opponent claimed a Medal of Honor, but in the Stolen Valor world, he forgot to get a fake photo to back up his fake claims…what an amateur.


How does the 50.9-49.1 deal work in the bottom two races in the North?

Combat Historian

North Regional dark horse action: Gidduck versus Annunziato, both are assholes supreme, with Gidduck bullying real SOF operators and Carmine ripping off real GIs with his surplus fraud. This Round 2 secondary action will be a fun one to watch…


Folks, if you notice all the numbers add up to 100, they reflect percentage of votes….not actual votes. So 4% voted against not four voters…probably a feeble attempt from APL staff to stuff the ballot boxes. The 50.9-49.1 reflects a means the difference was .8%

Virtual Insanity

South Regional battle between Crotchrot and Tesla is gonna be epic.

Combat Historian

I see that we are well on our way to an epochal third round “female faker” showdown between amy the hooker and spankarella in the South Regional. Due to popular demand, though, I think spankarella will take that one to move into the regional championship against kendude crotchrot…


Monkress all the way.


Fecal 4=Gidduck, Ladner, Crotchrot, Monkeysass

Combat Historian

It’s an interesting question who Ladner will face in the West Regional Championship; I think it will be either Danny Russell Crane or Todd Michael Hamilton; but given Ladner’s asshhatery and resultant injury to his wife, Ladner will take this region no problemo…

Green Thumb


That was funny.


@17 My guess exactly.


I think it will be a duel between Crotchrot and Monkress right up to the end. They’re both frauds, they’ve both done nasty things and they’ve given me the creeps. I would really like to see Todd “chopper pilot AND baker-chef” Hamilton get in there, but he keeps moving around.


Crotchrot will take this. Lying to sick kids. Motherfucker needs death by a thousand paper cuts.

Open Channel D

Smart money has MonkyAss going all the way, but look out for a late surge from Crotchrot when the West Coast and overseas votes are counted.

Tom Huxton

I consider all those eliminated from this round to be “Winners”. Remember that we are voting for the most accomplished LOSERS. Without a Degree-of-difficulty test to spread the field, I’m afraid we will be forced to make personal preference choices to sort the tepid/ bland/ mediocre candidates that remain.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Donice the hooker/half-man implant flaunting poser pulls an upset….

So not only does she steal your money for a blow job, she steals your achievements as well….I guess once a lying whore always a lying whore…

If Crocheron wins I am hoping the award is driven into his eye and then his brains….


monkeyass is going to call for a Florida recount on those four votes.

Club Manager

Once again I am outraged, outraged I say, that my nomination of Barack H. Obama for impersonating the Commander in Chief did not make the initial cut.


Did really well across my bracket! I knows a loser when I sees one.

Some tough decisions to make in the second round.

Just An Old Dog

Monkress will pull it off, on the shoulders of one Paul K Wickre. If not for him Monkress would have just been a brown skid-mark in the toilet that is stolen valor. Paul K Wickre is the sewer-diving rat that rescued him from the Septic tank of douchedom. Now Monkressis the prize terd bobbing in the bowl of shame, like the pride of the poser fleet.

SSG (R) Richard Thayer

@27 Lol. Glad to see my boy Punk Lewis made it out of the first cut. Punk going against Stansbury is gonna be a close one, I don’t think vegas would take odds on it.

Green Thumb



Punk and Freedom will be a dogfight.

Brooklyn Tool

Was Sharkey snubbed and not put in the tournament?


I keep sayin’. Monkress deserves his own award.

Crotchrot deserves to win this on his own merits. He didn’t have a sock puppet to motivate the troops like Phillip Dale Monkress did.


Monkeybutt 95% to 4%! Impressive… I’d bet that Paul K. Wickre is responsible for 50% of that blowout vote.

Green Thumb

There appear to be some CRAZY matchups next round.

Punk vs Freedom, Gidduck and Annizu..whatever, Calvert vs Bustamante.

Wide open.

And Tirao has the turdsackiness to knock off the CAP woman.

Good stuff!

Just An Old Dog

“And Tirao has the turdsackiness to knock off the CAP woman”

I got to step in and champion “Buffalo Wallow Woman” for a second. Tirao is not even a pimple on the cellulite-dimpled ass of Tesla-Anderson.
Tirao is a one entry face book commando. Tesla is a multi state con-artist TV getting- on Attention Whore.

Green Thumb


Dude has been everywhere and I mean everywhere, but done nothing.

The “Expendables” really needed this guy.

The woman is a clown. Typical female EM (EF) drama queen. A dime a dozen.

Just saying.

Read the Bio.

Just An Old Dog

Somehow I feel like a Reverse James Quinn,,,

MrGameandShow formerly C2

Freedom continues on. Good stuff. Romeo is definitely a darkhorse. Forgot about that loser.

Monkress is a dominator right now, I dont think anyone can stop this guy..tearing up the polls.


how can even monkress be favored above Ladner? Ladner’s douchery got him all the prizes and treats that he is now being prosecuted for, and cost his wife her leg! he is the absolute proof that Stolen Valor is not victimless. on a parade he was part of because of stolen valor, a train hit his float (how do ya not see a train coming a mile away?) and took off his wife’s leg. he is the ultimate stolen valor (and karma) story! monkress is just annoying, as well as his friends. i put him as a number 1 seed when i sent TSO my bracket, but he doesnt come close to Ladner. Crotchrot is a good challenger because he lied to sick kids, but still not on the hit by a train as a direct result of stolen valor. Gidduck is worth while, openly harrassing actual SOF, but again, his law suits didnt get hit by a train and take his wife’s leg off!


[…] Results are here: […]

This Guy

Dammit, Tesla vs. Crotchrot? Talk about ruining my brackets. 🙁

Although, you know, Tesla is a celeb: Rooked all of VA CAP (and others, Nationally), lied about her “dead brother” so she could attention-whore during an Arlington event, the weird background stuff (S&M sites, wrecked cars, cancer/brain injury claims, “government contractor” and no visible means of support) and then her stardom on TV…

I think she’s got staying power.