Don’t Hasten Your Time to Join Them

| May 27, 2013

A lot of you out there are going to have some long hard memories to pick over.  Every year at Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day a lot of memories are bound to come flooding back.  It’s the nature of the beast.  There are so few veterans in this country that our country needs to be reminded of the sacrifices that made them free.  People just don’t know veterans or have connections to Gold Star families anymore.  So they must be reminded.

But that also reminds us.  It reminds us of the fear.  It reminds us of the sweat tears and blood we shed.  It reminds us of young men, and now women gone in the prime of their lives.  The unmitigated cruelty that such as them should be gone from the world.  We remember, and we wonder.  Why am I still here?  I would be lying if I said there aren’t days I wish I had never come back from Iraq.  Some days I want to grab a rifle and go out again, once more unto the breech, as it were.  There are parts of my live right now I just don’t want to deal with.  Sometimes I’d rather run up and down Route Irish butt ass naked with a cross over my head and a sign that says Mohamed was a p**sy than deal with things in my life.

But I’ve also come to realize that this life is one worth living.  I still can make a difference.  I know some of you are struggling.  I know some of you are having a hard time.  There are no jobs.  No one seems to care, and when they do ask about your war stories they always want a body count.  I get it.  Believe me, I do.  But you are not ALONE. If you’re struggling today, let someone know.  Ranger Up is monitoring their Facebook page, as are most of the veteran themed Facebook pages.  Reach out to old buddies.  If you don’t trust the VA hotline, or you don’t know who to call, TAH is here these guys will move heaven and earth if you need help.  Read a Duffel Blog article.  Whatever it takes to get you through today.

We’ve lost enough buddies.  Don’t let the war take you long after its over.  Don’t join then before it’s your time.  If you or any of our brothers and sisters in arms need help, make sure you get it before its too late.

Category: Politics

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Ptolemy in Egypt

Thanks Jonn.

Ptolemy in Egypt

Thanks Doc- my bad- should have checked to see who posted before I put in the comment.

This is meaningful & should be read and passed on to as many as possible


Thank you TAH. Thank you all those who have given their all. Let this nation, never, ever forget.


This is one of the best places to come to. Thanks for posting that, Doc.


I know how you feel Doc. I hate my current assignment so badly that my wife once said I seemed happier in Iraq. She calls this blog my “therapy”.


“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” A co-worker of mine is fond of that quote, especially after struggling with his own demons for years.

Doc, you wrote yet another necessary and well-written piece. Thanks for all you do, and thanks to all those who left a better part of them in the far reaches of some far away country.

I’ve quoted the following poem often, because it fills me with mixed emotions–a sense of sorrow for those lost, yet also a sense of celebration for the lives they lived:

“If you are able, save for them a place inside of you and save one backward glance when you are leaving for the places they can no longer go.

Be not ashamed to say you loved them, though you may or may not have always. Take what they have taught you with their dying and keep it with your own.

And in that time when men decide and feel safe to call the war insane, take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind.”

Major Michael Davis O’Donnell
1 January 1970
Dak To, Vietnam
Listed as KIA February 7, 1978


Beautifully put Doc


Excellent, Doc Bailey.

AW1 Tim

I often look back at my time in service and wish I, too, could go back. It was a time when I felt a real purpose to my life, where things had meaning, and there was a bond, a trust between us that seems to exist no where else. I miss those days.

In 1946. just after WWII, there was a movie made that summed up all of this pretty well, and showed that some things never really change. It is titled “The Best years of Our Lives”. If you get a chance to see it, you should.


On a slightly morbid note, I saw that you linked to the Duffelblog. Their main article today is about a suicide memorial for vets. Appropriate satire or over the line, especially today being what it is?


The comments are their FB page are pretty good. I think it’s an even split with this one


Thank you.

FYI “The Best Years of Our Lives” is on Turner Classic Movies 1700 EST this afternoon.

Born To Lurk

Thank you.


Doc….you and the others on TAH are the reason why I visit here several times each day, but this article surpasses many that I’ve read before.

May 1968 is a very long time ago for me (and others) and as the years pass it seems that sometimes the days are tougher and longer to get through.

You’re a good man, Doc! You touch the right nerves and say all the right things……..thank you.

Green Thumb

Spot on.




I can’t bring back my friends but there’s always the good times….


I know it’s very rough for Vets. My Step-Dad is having trouble today. I just want to put it out that if anyone needs someone to talk to I’ll listen for as long as it takes and Hondo Jonn and any other “Powers that be” You may give my e-mail address to any who might need a friendly ear. I trust y’all’s judgement. Be at peace today.


Well said, thank you.


CalARNG/USAR 1963-1969


While I am a long time commenter here, I will speak only for myself. If any of you young guys that are vets or active duty are in need of help? Never hesitate or be ashamed to ask! I would like to think that one of the many reasons we congregate here is because, We are all veterans and we do care. Hooah?

Retired Master

#21 You could not have put it better!!


I hope everyone made it through Memorial Day alright. I know it was a sad day for me remembering my fallen friends, but I made it through by keeping myself busy and a few adult beverages.


#4 Agreed.

Thank you Doc.