Kenneth Crocheron; the records

| May 18, 2013

Kenneth Crocheron 1

I’m sure you remember this guy, Kenneth Crocheron, the ass monkey who dressed up in that clown suit to impress his neighbors. His knowledge of the Army Regulation 670-1 Wear and Appearance of the Army Uniform exceeded all of our collective knowledge. Well, Mary sent us his FOIA last night and it might explain why. It turns out that he earned much of what he was wearing – just kidding. Only the rifle badge;

Crocheron FOIA
Yeah, he had a whole four months in service and earned an expert rifle badge. It looks like the Army knew what a jacked-up ass monkey he was before he knew. During the height of the Vietnam War, the Army didn’t want him. Oh, wait, here’s the extent of his military training;

Crocheron training
So there you go…the real Ken Crocheron story. He deserves all of those medals and badges, so why are you H8ers H8n?

Category: Phony soldiers

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(Giggles) Seriously, people like this would be better off if they took up a hobby like Star Trekkism or RennFaire rennie. Then they can be all that they can be in those fake personae.


Damn, he served during Vietnam (4+ mo split between late 1966 and early 1967) and doesn’t even have an NDSM to show for it. Would love to know the backstory on that!


Never saw a National Defense ribbon above what looks like 3 or 4 Purple Hearts. Foreign awards above American. LMAO what a dip. They are partly together, partly 1/8th spaced and a Vietnam Vets t-shirt or jacket patch sewn above his right blouse pocket. Ribbons with medals. And get a load of where is CIB is planted! Some kind of stuff on his beret and a Colonel no less! It just doesn’t end. Thanks for outing him TAH. (Note to posers. If you are going to pose at least Google AR 670-1 so you not a complete ass hat.


I hope I didn’t make a mistake but it looks like an “I was alive in ’65” NDSM at the top of the precedence in his stack. Maybe I can’t see it well on my smaller screen.


But he still made O6. Amazing /s


@5 Doesn’t it do your heart good though to know a simple guy can serve a year or so and make O-6? Who says the Army doesn’t promote the best and brightest?


Sparks: yeah, he’s wearing the NDSM at the top in the photo – WAY out of order of precedence – along with two RVN decorations. Below that, he’s wearing the DSC w/2 OLC, the DSM w/1 OLC, the PH with what looks to be 2 OLC, the VSM, the ASR, and the RVN-issued VCM. The ASR didn’t exist until about 15 years after he was discharged. Unless you were still serving (active or reserve), it wasn’t retroactive.

According to his FOIA, he doesn’t rate a single ribbon – not even the NDSM. I’m just curious how he managed to not rate the NDSM after serving 4+ mo on active duty during the qualifying period.

That’s possible if that active duty was USAR or ARNG active duty for IET-only, he reverted immediately back to inactive status, and never again served on active duty except for training/physical/board. In that case, he wouldn’t rate the NDSM. But if he served on active duty in any other capacity except USAR or ARNG short-tours for training/physical/board, even for one day, he’d rate the NDSM.

Medals can be revoked, but if I understand correctly that generally takes some pretty serious doing for campaign and service medals.


@7 Thanks Hondo. Now I am pissed. I couldn’t make out the ribbons except the NDSM. You said a DSC WITH 2 OLC! That upsets me along with the Purple Hearts most of all. Now I would like to see him in person to take him to task.


What upsets me most besides the DSC’s is that a simple grunt hits the war zone and is killed his first week in action. He would only earn a Purple Heart for giving EVERYTHING. To see a POS like this wear a PH upsets me to grinding my teeth proportions.


Sparks: click on the photo and a better copy comes up. The ribbons are pretty clear in that copy.

Your browser might also expand the resolution if you hold the control key while pressing the + key, and reduce the size if you hold the control key while pressing the – key.


@10 Cool, thanks.


Just guessing here, obviously, but he must have showed something towards the end of basic or early on back at his unit that caused him to be busted out. Like homosexuality, or some such.

Pretty sure that you had to complete training back in the day to receive the NDSM. If he did not complete that initial four months training, he may not have earned one. (Memory may not be correct on that.)


Damn It! I just blew up the photo and that is a 3rd Award CIB! It is obvious this guy has shit in his mess kit when it comes to uniform wear, but 3 CIB’s! I am going to keep my eyes out from now on when I see these old guys in uniform. Most I see are for real or look that way at least by their uniform. But I am speaking out to the ones like him from now on. F–k THEM! They deserve to be taken to task at Walmart or a hospital and in public.


@12 As soon as I finished Basic and AIT the first thing they gave me was the NDSM.

2/17 Air Cav

This is clearly a false DD 214. The real one is at Langley. In a vault. Guarded 24/7 by SAD. Surrounded by wire and mines. The combination to the vault is ALWAYS carried with the GO codes for nuclear war. I am now a dead man for revealing this information.


Thank you, Sparks. Didn’t think that it happened until training was complete. If this fool never completed it but went into some sort of disciplinary holding pattern without ever being assigned to his actual MOS, perhaps that explains it.

Combat Historian

Well well well, colonel cockeroach is not a real colonel?!?! I’m shocked, just shocked. So, from a real O-5 to a fake O-6: Go f-k yourself, “colonel” cockeroach, and may you slither back into your hole and never bother anyone else again with your bullshit lies!


Combat Historian: may I humbly suggest “Colonel” Kenneth “Crocherot” Crocheron as an appropriate moniker instead? (smile)


For those that are new to the COL/MAJ (he skipped LTC), read the original thread that is linked and you’ll see what he did to a family. It is both sad and infuriating.


OWB: separation for physical or mental unsuitability would also explain it. Don’t think they did entry-level separations then for minor stuff like they do today, though. From all reports, that (mid-late 1960s) wasn’t exactly today’s “kinder, gentler” basic training – even for Reserve and National Guard.


We got our gedunk ribbons the day before recruit company graduation at Bainbridge.

How can you not even qualify for that one? He must have been a complete screw-up.



I got more time on the shitter at test depth than this fucker served. Jeez.


Yeah, that was the catch-all term for it, and it did include a wide variety of things. They really had no patience for quite a few nonconforming behaviors. Somewhere along about that time, Guard slots were becoming scarce and no goof ups were tolerated, at least on the Air side – there was always a waiting list of those wishing to enlist. After talking with a few guys from back in the day, the Army side was getting pretty picky as well. And they got really picky after the fiasco in Chicago in 1968.

By ’68, you really had to know someone to get in. But, with all the celebs and their celerity wives we had terrific entertainment at the drop of a hat. Folks also really did their jobs because they knew if they didn’t that they were out.


#23 was directed to Hondo in response to #20. Oops!

PH: Getting ready to go to an Armed Forces Day Parade here! Always a good time. And our local KWVA guys will be there.


Have some fun for me!! Hooah!

Hondo, can you write up a short piece on Armed Forces Day? Turman started it. It’s always the 3rd Saturday in May.


Sure sign that he’s a phony? the beret. Seriously, who WANTS to wear the Shinsheki Shame hat?


To all of you brothers, Happy Armed Forces Day! Thank you for your service to our country!

At least Kenneth Crocheron can’t look in his heart and say that to himself in the mirror. Well, maybe as he puts his 3 award CIB on his pocket flap he does. He is sad and pathetic. If he wanted to prance around McDonalds or Walmart looking for handshakes, that’s one thing but visiting sick kids in a hospital is just scum!

A Proud Infidel

Yeah, I was betting in the original thread that if he had served, he was probably a Boot Camp Reject! A 4 Month IET? I doubt it. I’m certain that he was a recycle that they gave up on. That, or they took their time throwing him out, my OSUT Unit on Fort Lost-in-the-Woods did that back in 1991, they took about a month after their RFT to throw the flunkies out, making them do all of their restriction/extra duty, paint details, and Statements of Charges for ANYTHING that was missing at turn-in!

You can’t spell POSER without POS!!

John Robert Mallernee

When I finished my Basic Combat Training at Fort Lewis, Washington in February 1968, PRIOR to beginning our Advanced Individual Training (which, in my case, was Signal School at Fort Gordon, Georgia), we were told we could wear the National Defense ribbon, which we derisively called, the “Fire Watch” ribbon.

We never received any written orders authorizing it, but just bought it at the PX and began wearing it.


John Robert Mallernee: per the current Awards Reg, the only service medal that requires orders is the GCM. All others service medals and ribbons (including campaign medals) are awarded administratively; no orders are required (AR 600-8-22, para 1-26.b.).

Personal decorations (AAM and up) require orders. Ditto badges/tabs other than basic marksmanship, ID, and Army Physical Fitness Badge. The rest of AR 600-8-22, para 1-26, covers that along with who may issue those orders.

CC Senor

as I recall, the time frame of this guy’s active duty coincides with McNamara’s Project 100 thousand. Coincidence?

John Robert Mallernee

You know what?

Now that I think about it, maybe it was after A.I.T. when we started wearing the “Fire Watch” ribbon.

My memory is so fouled up, I just flat out don’t know if it was after Basic or after A.I.T.

Boy, those years sure go by, and memories get all scrambled!

Pineywoods NCO


It’s been found again…

Turd grains.

Alerting friends in Utah to keep an eye out.


My understanding of basic training for infantry during Vietnam was that it was essentially OSUT-like, and lasted 2 to 3 months. Was earning the EIB the final exam?


lol @ hat patch on uniform.

Somebody stomp this guy in the nuts, please.

A Proud Infidel

@26, Stacy0311, Not only willingly wear the “Shinseki Short Bus Special Headgear” but wear it like a PO’ed retarded French Pastry Chef on LSD!!
I laughed when I watched his “apology” news video, and all I could think was “F**K HIM TO DEATH UP THE AZIMUTH SIDEWAYS WITH A PILE OF RUSTY CONCERTINA WIRE, he was only sorry he got caught!!”. He ought to try to hang with the Trekkie crowd, he has a MUCH better chance of convincing people he really is a Starfleet Officer that has traveled back in time than he did pretending to be an SF Officer. Like I said, if he tried to parade around my town looking like that, there’s enough former and retired Military around, so it would only be a matter of time before someone treated him like a cheap doormat with Jane Fonda’s picture on it!

Ptolemy in Egypt

This guy is the Gunny Driveway of 2013!

Early fave for the Ballduster Memorial Awards competition.

About time to fire up the voting machines…

Ptolemy in Egypt

Although I would nominate him as “Colonel Crotchrot” before I did anything else…

Perry Gaskill

#32 John Robert Mallernee

Not sure if things were the same everywhere, but if memory serves, the way they worked things at Ft. Ord in late ’69 was like this:

On the very last day of BCT, they had a battalion-sized graduation ceremony that included awards and a pass-in-review for the brigade commander. The specified uniform for the troops was the first time for Class A (with M-14s and bloused boots. How weird is that?) and included the NDSM.

The awards were a fairly big deal because the company commanders were all competing with each other for the best troop scores for things like marksmanship and PT.

Per a separate comment, there was no distinction made for Regular Army, Reserves, or the Guard. Everyone was mixed in together. About the only time you were aware of who was what was when every once in awhile a drill sargeant would stand at the door to the mess hall, and tell people to sound off like they had a pair to announce whether they were RA, AR, or NG before entering.


His record shows, I believe a Commander’s Non Judicial Punishment, Article 15 maybe? Help me out. Could he lose the NDSM if he had “bad time” because of that and the bad time didn’t count?


He has to be one of my top 5 for turd of the year. Walking around Walmart for smiles and handshakes is one thing, breaking a little sick kid’s heart with a phoney beret is the lowest of POS whale turds!


He’s still denying he did anything wrong. If anyone would like to drop him a note, like I did today, his email is still: