Manchin: IRS scandal doesn’t help background checks debate

| May 17, 2013

WV Senator Joe Manchin has been trying to breathe life back into his background checks bill which would make it mandatory for most private gun sales to go through the same background checks as gun stores sales and require that those records be maintained for government scrutiny by firearms dealers. But, I guess the fears that many of us expressed, that it wouldn’t stop there, have been illustrated quite well by the IRS scandal and concerns Manchin, according to the Washington Times;

“The difference is this,” Mr. Manchin continued. “Let’s say the EPA, which we’re fighting every minute of every day, because we believe that they’re overreaching, they’re creating rules and regulations. They’re interpreting and they’re doing things on their own because they are a federal agency. The Second Amendment is [in] the Constitution – it can only be changed by the legislative branch of government.”

Mr. Kercheval said Mr. Manchin’s legislation makes sense, but that the IRS situation doesn’t help the prospects of its reintroduction.

“Sure, it doesn’t help us – heck no,” Mr. Manchin replied. “But the bottom line is, [host Hoppy Kercheval], you cant stop government; you can’t stop this great country, you can’t stop the entrepreneurial spirit.”

Actually, you can stop government, Joe. That’s why there’s Constitution and a Bill of Rights. The Constitution was written to protect we, the people, from government. Like I’ve said, there are elements of the bill that I like – not needing a background check with a CCW license is an example, but I’ll give that up if it means less government intrusion into our legal purchases.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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you cant stop government;

Wasn’t that the prevailing feeling in England around the 1700’s? Didn’t work out too well for them as I recall.


Nik: I was thinking more Romania and Ceaucescu in 1989. Didn’t end so well for him and the missus, as I recall.


The Second Amendment is [in] the Constitution – it can only be changed by the legislative branch of government.

Oh my effing God, did he seriously just say that? I mean, yes, technically the process for changing the Constitution can be initiated by Congress, but it doesn’t sound like that’s what he meant.

Congress unilaterally changing the Constitution is no less of an overreach than the EPA creating rules and regulations that interpret laws in ways they were never intended to be interpreted. That a sitting Senator thinks it’s okay for him and 50 of his buddies to rewrite the Constitution, and thinks that it’s such a uncontroversial belief that he says so on the record, goes a long way toward explaining what’s wrong with this country.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

With d1ckhead statements like this, it’s a clear insight into the mindset of our ruling elite…they want us in the serf class to know we are here to do their bidding.

I hope the lazy, uneducated masses that our current electorate possesses in great quantities finally pull their collectives heads out of their 4sses and stops watching reality TV long enough to figure out they better start thinking about what the 4ssclowns they elect are doing on their behalf .



He’s just a Senator. What’s he supposed to know or care about The Constitution? It’s only the document our entire country is founded on. No big deal.


Again, Jonn–explain to me how this guy got his seat in the Senate? Then again, I guess I can’t bust on you that hard, considering MA has Lieawatha, CA has Boxhead and Feinstein, etc…


Yeah, it does seem like Ol’ Joe needs to study up on the Constitution a bit – in particular, on Article 5.

Seems he’s forgotten that the States have the final say on the matter of any Constitutional Amendment.


Dear Joe –

Government =\= country, dumbass!

Government is a necessary evil in a country.


Commie douche.

Combat Historian

Jonn, I learned this lesson a long long time ago: NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER vote for a demonrat…

2/17 Air Cav

“Let’s say the EPA, which we’re fighting every minute of every day….” Yeah, except when you’re sleeping, having a meal, going to the bathroom, having a photo op, attending other subject matter hearings, discussing other subject matter bills, giving non-EPA related speeches, or trying to push a gun-grab bill. How many minutes per day does that leave?


Not going to defend this clown, but he may have made an actual slip up on this one. He served as gov and secretary of state, and may well know the dif. Not that he cares.

2/17 Air Cav

“But the bottom line is, [host Hoppy Kercheval], you cant stop government….” Its large, its oppressive, it controls damn near everything, but it can be stopped. See Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, the USSR, East Berlin….


“Let’s say the EPA, which we’re fighting every minute of every day, because we believe that they’re overreaching, they’re creating rules and regulations. They’re interpreting and they’re doing things on their own because they are a federal agency.”

He conveniently left out the scores of other alphabet federal agencies that are all doing that shit. Typical progtard, in that he loves his government huge and overweening, but only when it’s set up HIS way and he gets to be a tyranical thug. Damn, I hate politicans. I hate D-ooshbag politicians the most.


“(T)he IRS situation doesn’t help the prospects of its reintroduction.” I’d have to say that Mr. Kercheval has a grasp of the obvious here. I’d even go so far as to venture that that is what’s been pointed out previously, by many.


Another liberal proglodyte parades his idiocy in front of everyone!