And In the “More Good News from Egypt” Department . . . .
Well, it looks like we have more “good news” regarding those friends of tolerance and democracy, the current government of Egypt. You know, that Muslim Brotherhood dominated group that the current US Administration watched overthrow the government led by former US ally Hosni Mubarak?
About three weeks ago – on 7 April 2013 – there was a funeral at at St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo. The Cathedral was later attacked by persons using firearms, machetes, and possibly firebombs.
Egyptian police were there at the time. They stood by and did nothing.
Yeah, that’s a strong statement; it will take some strong evidence to support it. Well, would video of the incident in question do?
But don’t worry, folks. Letting the Muslim Brotherhood itake over Egypt and run things was in everybody’s best interests. The current US Administration has matters under control here. There’s nothing to worry about.
Yeah. Right. I heard that before, too – in 1978 after a change of regime in Teheran.
Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War
When we live in an upside down, inside out world, it is somewhere between difficult and impossible to explain any of this rationally.
It looks from here that the US government is funding our enemies on our behalf and contributing to their distruction of us. Have looked and looked and find no other way to describe it. Whether this is from complete imcompetance, part of a greater design, a combination of the two, or something else entirely we may never know.
It doesn’t really matter much – the results are the same. Sounds, and feels, like a very slow and agonizing way to commit collective suicide.
Well, as long as the Red line wasn’t crossed, it’s all good, right?
@1 – OWB – When someone is addicted to being stupid, it’s very difficult to break that addiction.
The stupidest part: the people who depended on tourism to make a living are slowly starving to death and the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t give a damn.
Yeah, we’re being led by the “smartest man in the world”. I’d hate to see what it would look like if the Preezy was an incompetent, partying and golfing narcissist. Oh, wait…….
Like our traitorous pukes in this retarded administration that watched live feeds of our brothers fighting for their lives in Benghazi. Fighting for hours alone, after calling for help.
American forces only a few hours away to stand down or stand by.
Knowing at the end that they were betrayed and left to die at the hands of the savages.
And then the politicians get out and blatantly lie about what happened. Over and over, all up the food chain.
Revolutions have started over acts like this. Time for one now.
@5. The people are complacent, the lion’s share afraid or merely content to be allotted what dwindling resources are given to them. Principles don’t provide obamaphones, free housing, foodstamps, and tax refunds for people who paid no income tax.
Religion of peace.
Notice the police using classic claymore doctrine of front towards enemy?
Oh, the days of bread and circuses. I remember them well. Gladiatorial games in the Coliseum, bullfights in the morning, parties in the afternoon… those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end, we’d sing and dance for ever and a day.
Sometimes I wonder if polticians start eating from lead plates the minute they get to DC. And theh I wake up and find out that they do.
It won’t be long. The barbarians are waiting, on the opposite banks of the frozen Rhine — the Vandals, the Suebians and the Alans.
Sleep well, you nitwits in WDC.
To quote “The Smartest Woman To Have Ever Walked The Earth”, “…at this point, what difference does it make?”
This Administration is more false and corrupt than any I’ve seen during my sojourn in this vale of tears. That includes Nixon and Clinton. All we can do is prepare for when the SHTF.
MAJMike: I’d have to agree. The only one I can remember that might top the current one for dishonesty is the LBJ Administration. Dishonesty was LBJ’s modus operandi pretty much his entire adult life.
Hondo – yeah, LBJ was monumentally corrupt and self serving. Still, could he have imagined the scale of hedonism with which we now must contend? And I doubt that even he wished for the utter destruction of the country. Can’t say that about the Ayers et al who are now driving everything.
OWB: I believe LBJ could indeed have imagined the hedonism. From account’s I’ve read, LBJ gave JFK a run for his money regarding personal hedonism – but was substantially more crass about it.
You’re probably right about LBJ not actively wanting to destroy the nation. That’s probably true about the current Administration as well. But LBJ certainly wanted to bring about “fundamental change” – look at his “Great Society” programs (Medicare, Medicaid, National Endowment for the Arts, Public Broadcasting – and a huge group of programs collectively called the “War on Poverty”, including the Job Corps, VISA, expansion of Food Stamps, and many others). And he wasn’t above lying through his teeth to do that – especially about future costs.
I don’t see a helluva lot of difference between LBJ’s administration and the current one, frankly.
Understood, Hondo. Never thought to see myself in the position of even remotely looking to “defend” the master of political manipulation that was LBJ. In that regard, the thuggery of the current administration is relative amateurish. But with the power of unions and the assorted other thugs they have cultivated and the billions available through folks like Soros, this is a much more dangerous threat to national security.
What may get even more interesting to watch is what happens when the red diaper doper babies realize that they will not be in charge if the current crop of decision makers have their way with us all.
And certainly cannot argue against any assertion that LBJ was about as amoral as anyone ever to set foot in the White House. Nixon could not even compete with him, although he did try.