Canadians thwart terror attack

| April 22, 2013

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reports that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police thwarted a terror attack on one of the busiest routes of the Canadian railways;

In a press conference that followed an exclusive report by CBC’s Greg Weston, police named the two accused as Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal, and Raed Jaser, 35, from Toronto. They have been charged with conspiracy to carry out a terrorist attack and “conspiring to murder persons unknown for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with a terrorist group.”

The two men arrested are not Canadian citizens, police said Monday, but would not provide any details about their nationalities.

The RCMP accused the two men of conspiring to commit an “al-Qaeda-supported” attack.

Police said the two accused were getting “direction and guidance” from al-Qaeda elements in Iran. There was no information to suggest the attacks were state sponsored, police said.

Naw, no way! Iran? al Qaeda? They’re not a threat, we’ve been told. al Qaeda has been “decimated” I was told. Just two months ago Joe Bite Me was pushing for direct talks with Iran. So we must be on the cusp of World Peace. There’s no way those two entities were plotting terrorism.

KTLA says, that even though the plot came out of Iran, there are no links to state sponsorship of the plot. Somehow. That’s what they always say when they find Quds links in the chain. So….

Category: Terror War

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Just Plain Jason

Yes because Joe “mfing” Biden and John “you know I was in Vietnam” Kerry are a team to rely on.


That’s what they always say when they’re covering for the incompetent administration. But, Baracka sure does know how to deliver a campaign speech at a memorial service.


The terrorists were detected by rooting for Iran at an Ottawa Senators – New York Rangers game.


this is the country with relaxed immigration laws right? curious to see how it get spun stateside…


More Islamic jihadists. How shocking. The sooner western civilization admits Islam is a political ideology the sooner we can effectively combat the enemy of freedom.

Living in Israel

And to think… just the other day, Canada was offering citizenship to 120,000 Palestinians, just to get them out of the UN’s budget sink.


Just because they were Islamic Jihadists doesn’t mean we should condemn all Ilsamic Jihadists, right? This is just one isolated indecent. One of many, many that have and will continue to occur. Why is the left defending these peo…… jackasses (people isn’t good enough for them)? I’m registered independent, slowly but surely this kind of crap is causing me to lean just a bit to the right.


And to think… just the other day, Canada was offering citizenship to 120,000 Palestinians, just to get them out of the UN’s budget sink.

@#6 Like f*ck we were. Cite your sources.