Bloomberg: Constitution needs to change

| April 23, 2013

Ex-PH2 sends us a link from Politicker in which Nanny Bloomberg tells us that we to start looking at our Constitutional rights differently after the Boston bombing;

“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex word where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”

So, if the mayor will allow me to translate; you have no expectation of privacy (except to allow you to have an abortion), you have no expectation of making your own choices. Nanny thinks you should trade your own happiness for his type of security. Remember that his type of security led to the shooting of nine people outside the Empire State Building last year when NYPD cops shot innocent people trying to take down a single shooter.

And to prove that he is serious about his total disregard for the Constitution, there’s a law suit against the city, that you probably need to hear about in a link sent to us by Dominick;

“I was texting while I was walking and by the time I looked up an officer was in front of me,” he tells theGrio. “He took my phone, told me to put my hands against the wall, and then patted me down.”

From there, Peart says the officers asked for his ID, took his keys and asked which building he lived in. He complied, telling them which key opened the front entrance to his building and which key corresponded with his unit’s front door.

“Not only did he enter my building, but he went to my door. I know that because my younger sister called me later and told me,” he says.

Meanwhile, Peart says he was held outside and handcuffed by the other officer, who then ordered Peart to get into the backseat of their police cruiser.

“It was the first time I had ever felt cold handcuffs on my wrists,” he says.

From there, Peart says the officer asked if he was carrying marijuana, and proceeded to take off his sneakers. While one officer searched Peart’s clothing, the other returned from the apartment. After discovering that Peart was clean, the officers let him go, he says.

I guess there’s no such thing as unreasonable search and seizure in New York City. And this is the millionaire who wants spend his millions so he can craft our gun laws.

Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755; Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Category: Liberals suck

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A Proud Infidel

Evidently. Bloomie-boy also wants to be surrounded by people wearing armbands and chanting “sieg heil…..”. Privacy? Security? NEIN, according to [wannabe] Fuehrer Bloomie-boy, he says we need to surrender it for the common good! Correct me if I’m wrong, folks, but isn’t what ‘lil Bloomie proposing just what Hitler wanted during his time, neighbors encouraged to rat on each other, dittofor kids on parents,…. and of course he wants his Polizei to have free reign?!


You need to re-read what he said Jonn. He doesn’t want to bother changing the Constitution. He just wants to ignore it. He wants “change the way we interpret it.”

Now, if there were only a mainstream group of people that would argue for the Constitution, instead of just those that want to scrap the financial system, and pull America out of the world into a state of isolation.

But erosions of the Constitution have effected nearly all those sent to Washington, as the erosions empower federal politicians, and increase their own financial accounts.


Time to read “1984” by George Orwell. The parallels are growing by the day.

A Proud Infidel

I see what you mean, but as I see it,’lil Bloomie perpetually wants more and more power and control no matter what. Power-cravers like him see everyone else as just mere idiots that HAVE to be controlled as much as possible, the typical liberal mentality

A Proud Infidel

As for your reference to “1984”, YES, you’re right, and it’s coming from the left!

NR Pax

It’s a crying shame that we don’t live in a more ideal world where political animals like him would be in fear for their lives if they ever said anything that dumb.


Samuel Adams once said “if you desire welth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servity over the animated contest for freedom, then depart from us at once, we seek neither your council nor your arms and my prosperity forget that we once called you our bretheren.”

Old Trooper

Just a small correction, Jonn; Bloomberg is a Billionaire with a B.


1984 definitely came to mind. I kinda wanna watch “Logan’s Run” too.


This is what happens when you live in a one-party/belief bubble. Eventually you start believing your own hype. Sad fact is, if Bloomy took his schtick on the road, he’d get a very rude awakening.

But then again, he knows that.

No, what pisses me off MORE is the fact that the MSM has this information, this knowledge which would paint so-called “liberals” in a horrific light, yet because they agree with his worldview, they choose not to publish it because they too recognize there would be a massive backlash.

“I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.”


Looks like history is repeating itself, isn’t it?

There’s a very slight difference. These ‘rules for society’ that are oppressive are imposed on people who know what real freedom is.

This isn’t France in the 18th century, when a drought destroyed crops and the peasanta rioted. It isn’t Tsarist Russia, when the serfs finally revolted. And it really isn’t a pseudo-Hitler after one ethnic group (the Jews) of people, because his Jewish mother got sick and died, and her doctor was Jewish.

No, this is Big Money setting up rules that the rest of us don’t agree with, because it’s afraid of those of us who have and know real freedom. It’s Big Money protecting itself from us, and nothing else. As long as certain sections of the populace run like lemmings toward Big Money instead of to reality, you’ll have this fear of losing it all running through large parts of the populace in cities like New York and SanFran and Hollywierd because they’re too damned lazy to take care of themselves.

They are just a bunch of lazy fucks and they want someone else to do everything for them.

It does not mean the Big Money will last any longer than the next real war or terrorist attack, because those have the elements of “SURPRISE!!!!!” attached to them. And Big Money does NOT know how to deal with surprises. They can put all these suffocating rules and crap in place, but it won’t stop the next attack.

So here’s my opinion (nothing else, but a pattern is emerging): we (everyone in the world) have from now until about 2020 to get our act together.

If we don’t, then all this bullshit that Big Money thinks is so precious will go right down the toilet and take Big Money with it. I’m seeing more of a Mad Max ending than “1984” or “Logan’s Run” in this.

Anarchy’s Rule No. 1: There are no rules any more. Rule No. 2: See Rule No. 1.


This isn’t France in the 18th century, when a drought destroyed crops and the peasanta rioted. It isn’t Tsarist Russia, when the serfs finally revolted.

Because, PH2, most uprisings don’t happen over money. They happen over FOOD. No nation is more than three meals away from revolution.


From the Gospel of St. Thomas:

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

Think about it for a minute.


Sparky: the truth is out there, looming large.


While I agree fully with the modern interpretation of that Franklin quote, the context around the original is far from what I expected it to be.


Seems like it would be much easier to change Bloomie than to change all the rest of us.

Meanwhile, could someone just unplug his microphone? His blathering is getting more and more difficult to tolerate.


In case I wasn’t clear, Sparky (my bad, it’s early and I was up late last night) — where was I? Oh, yeah, in case I was not clear, Big Money can try to control food production and its distribution.

Remember those stories about people being told they can’t have a veggie garden in the front yard because it doesn’t conform to ‘regulations’? That’s in this country, whereas in Tajikistan, every square inch of available space, including around houses and along roadsides, is devoted to food production.


somebody needs to run a hose from Little Mikey’s limo into his office and stick a towel under the door

Miss Ladybug

I saw this last night. The only source I found was the Politicker thing. Did I miss somewhere about where Bloomberg was when he said it? Was he being interviewed? Was he giving a speech? I know it *sounds* like something he’d say, but I would like a little more detail about the circumstances surrounding the statement. He’s done and said plenty to make people think he really did say it, but I want something to prove the veracity of the Politicker piece.


Well, it appears the good people of Watertown gave up their rights for “exigent circumstances”. I’ll let you attorney’s hash it out.


Let’s remember that Bloomberg is not only a pants-wetter and a thumbsucker, he’s also an old man.

When you get to his point in life, if you’re like him – a control freak to the 10th power – you face the one thing you absolutely cannot control and it scares the living shit out of you, so you take it out on everyone around you by being a super-control freakazoid to the 100th power.

If you don’t know what that one thing is, go visit a cemetery.

Herbert J Messkit

I think the thought process goes something like this; “I’ve been elected to a high office, therefore I am duty bound to speak out on every lame idea that pops into my peanut sized brain.

Miss Ladybug

I take everything from infowars with a HUGE grain of salt. Too much tinfoil hat conspiracy there, even when there is a grain of truth. I’ve started seeing other sites reporting on the searches, and I’ll wait to see what shakes out.

Common Sense

@21 – that was what I was going to comment on myself. No reasonable cause, no warrant, just do what we say at gunpoint, and no, we don’t have to ask nicely.

At that point, they were looking for ONE 19-year-old, yet had the entire city locked up under threat of arrest. He was finally found AFTER they lift the ban by an unarmed civilian, OUTSIDE their search area.

Please explain how the Boston Police, MA State Police, FBI, and ATF let him escape from the shootout when he abandoned the vehicle only 4-5 blocks away and was wounded and on foot.

Out of all the reality police shows my sons have watched over the years, not one of the people being chased has escaped, even at highway speeds and without all the Federal law enforcement. Not one. And despite committing horrible violence, this guy was no SERE-trained commando either.


The infowars story is incorrect. I watched that while event it was going on, as did anyone else who was able to get to a live picture online or on TV. People in Watertown were told to shelter in place, meaning stay indoors, lock your doors and don’t answer the door. No one was forced out of his home. Saying that people were forced out is baloney. It was not until the police, most of whom were standing around with their thumbs in their belts, gave the “all clear” that people left their homes to do things like walk the dog. When the word came that Tsarnaev had been spotted, everyone was told to get back indoors until he was actually taken into custody. No one was forced out of his home. I, too, thought it was a bit ludicrous that a bunch of cops couldn’t stop a kid driving a stolen car AFTER he ran over his own brother’s body in his haste to get away. But I also have to take into account that the cops in question probably had less experience with actual criminals than any of the county mounties or state cops in the dashboard camera chase videos I’ve seen on that “Wildest Chases” program. When the city cops in Chicago get into a high speed chase, they tend to have seriously nasty accidents, because they don’t watch where they’re going. And I’ve already mentioned some weeks ago how long it takes Chicago cops to answer a 911 call. My impression of cops nowadays is that they have a ratio of 90% fear to 10% common sense involved in what they do. Think back to that appalling business with Chrisopher Dorner not so very long ago, and the even worse business with 9 bystanders in NYC getting shot by the cops last year in what should have been a simple arrest of one person. And last, but not least, while I haven’t played hide-and-seek in a very long time, I’m willing to bet I could hide from almost everyone looking for me without even trying. Anyone… Read more »


If those involved in the Boston Bombing investigation are smart, they will have learned many lessons from a case that, in the end, they lucked into success on. More likely, they will continue to slap each other on the back, and assume they got it right, because they got the two known suspects.

If the American Citizen is smart, they’ll demand that the Bill of Rights be upheld, until citizenship is revoked from the vile terrorist who perjured himself in his oath of loyalty to the US, and US Constitution only 6 months ago.

If Prosecutors hold dear their own oath, they will levy every charge possible, and seek as many death penalties attainable, in a trial of each singular event


Point taken about the Infowars link. It didn’t occur to me that source isn’t very reliable and possibly full of conjecture and sensationalism.


Yes, the most likely scenario is just as you outlined it, PH. That said, it is still chilling to remember the images of armed teams going house to house searching homes on US soil. It is not something I wished to ever see.


I agree with you on that, OWB.

I do feel, also, that there are consequences yet to come, for the things that have been going on lately, and that they will land square in the laps of the people who are responsible for some of the very stupid things that have gone on in the last year or two.


Some things to consider:

Bloomberg made his billions in a business that a) must disrespect the expectation of privacy – Bloomberg News reports, and does a good job of it; and b) enjoy freedom of the press as well as speech – a double protection that ordinary citizens do not enjoy. But reporting the news through the environment of free press and speech is just a concept to Bloomberg.

Bloomberg has never done what we’ve done. He’s never lived without. He’s never sacrificed. He’s never buried the very best of us, never known the worst mankind can serve up. For those of us who’ve had our free speech abridged, our letters censored for Operational Security, and for Good Order & Discipline, freedom of the press and of speech are real freedoms to actively communicate what is within us without censorship.

When Bloomberg looks at the Constitution, he sees something that only conceptually made him a billionaire. The concept has no value to him, even as his bank account swells. Bloomberg will be stopped by Americans who understand what is valuable.

The nice thing being this: eventually Bloomberg will die. He won’t take his money with him, and no matter how much he spends, his burial place will never be as sacred as a cemetary of veterans.


@31 – Last paragraph: exactly! He’s at the end of his life and he knows it, and it scares the living daylights out of him. He’s older than my sister.


I’ve always said (and I reiterate this is just MY opinion) that some stuff must be private, such as classified stuff, as long as is not “overdone” and whoever (like Mr Bloomberg here) goes into the “let’s make it public” rampage I just smile and ask them if they wouldn’t mind having their mail spool on pastebin or their calls on youtube..

Discussion is pretty much done after that … but that’s just me.