New McCain ads

| September 30, 2008

They must be reading the blogs over at McCain Central.

The first ad is entitled “Rein” and quotes Bill Clinton bragging about him and the Congressional Democrats blocking Republicans’ attempts to rein-in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae;

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The second uses the video I posted the other day of Obama admitting that the fundamentals of our economy are strong – just like McCain said last week;

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Now I just saw an Obama ad where he claimed that among a littany of other things, “change” meant we won’t allow banks to rip people off. I’m pretty sure we’re in this mess because people were ripping off banks by not paying their mortgages…but I might be wrong.

But over in Camp Obama, they’ve got real topical videos like this one of some child molester and her child groom;

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By way of The Weekly Standard Blog, Politico‘s Ben Smith quotes Obama admitting he really doesn’t mean all of the bipartisanship blather of his;

“I don’t think me calling House Republican members would have been that helpful, I tend not to be that persuasive on that side of the aisle,” he said.

But according to Conservative Punk, he couldn’t even convince Sheila Jackson Lee to vote for the bailout, but she touts his ability to deliver votes.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics

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