Women in combat parody videos

| April 12, 2013

Some of our friends got together and made some “S##t People Say…” videos. They sent these to me the other day about women in combat. The first stars our little buddy Kate Hoit and it’s called “S##t People Say About Women in Combat” – you probably know that either of these videos are Not Safe For Work;

The second one is called “Women in Combat; What is NOT Going to Happen”;

Category: Military issues

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Here is one on “bring your daughter to war day”.


Thanks for the warning. I already sprayed my keyboard once this week.

2/17 Air Cav

My favs:

“I’m fat? Fat?” Brrrrrraaaappppp.

“I get more attractive whenever I deploy.”




@3, Reminds me of some writing I saw on the latrine wall at Camp Taji shortly before we redeployed. It said “enjoy it while you can, in two more weeks you’ll be ugly again”.

Here is a very realistic Army video game

K.J. Hinton

Amazing. I heard and saw variations on all of these themes in the mid-80’s in Combat Support… related to FTX’s.

Those who don’t think this sort of thing hasn’t been happening and isn’t still happening to one extent or another have a screw loose.


“I get more attractive whenever I deploy.”
Desert 10 / RealWorld 4


These are hilarious because they are true. The icing on the cake would have been to include exactly what jobs those female vets did after claiming warrior status because they were in the military. There are very few warriors in the US military.

B Woodman

Loved them both, but especially in the second one “Not Going To Happen” where the woman sez “Me? Emotional?” and the zombie mask fades into place.


@8-Combat Expeditionary Sandwich Maker. 1369 is the MOS # I believe……..


Funny as hell!


“humping a ruck” can have a whole new meaning!!!