North Korea conducts pre-launch tests

| April 12, 2013

According to Fox News North Koreans have conducted pre-launch tests on at least one of their mobile launchers by raising it and then immediately lowering it.

Of course, this is happening while John Kerry, the Secretary of State, is in Seoul. I’ve heard that he’s spending his trip under any table he can find in his travels. Apparently, while all of this was going on, General Marty Dempsey was showing his ass in front of the Defense Department oversight committee when he was told that North Korea had a capability to launch nuclear weapons;

Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., read aloud what he said was an unclassified paragraph from a secret Defense Intelligence Agency report that was supplied to some members of Congress. The reading seemed to take Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, by surprise, who said he hadn’t seen the report and declined to answer questions about it.

The DIA conclusion was confirmed by a senior congressional aide who spoke on condition of anonymity because the Pentagon had not officially released the contents. The aide said the report was produced in March.

I’m still convinced that all of this is just blather – there’s no other news for the cable networks to cover. The whole world thinks of North Korea as a nuclear-armed punch line. As they should, the Obama Administration is taking defensive measures, just in case I’m wrong. but, I guess it’s karma that no one was worried about North Korea in 2008, in fact Democrats used to laugh at Republicans who pushed for a missile defense shield by joking “What? Are the North Koreans going to launch at us?” Yeah, we were called cold warriors who can’t let the past go. So, who is laughing now? Well, not me, but still…

ADDED: Apparently, Dempsey was surprised because he didn’t know that paragraph had been declassified, because it shouldn’t have been declassified. oh, well…

Category: Terror War

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So I should post further developments here?

Ah, one step closer to freedom and not having to eat birds any more. (Whew!) Thanks, Jonn!!!


The Norks want a nuke so bad, why the hell don’t we give them one of ours? (smile)


One would think that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would read Defense Intelligence Agency reports, but what would I know, I am but a lowley PV7.

NR Pax

My caption for the above photo: “No, great leader. You have to go one mile THAT way for the chemlight batteries. Trust me; they should have at least one box.”


ON the news this morning, there was a story about Li’l Kim Fatty da T’ird’s brother Kim Jong Nam, who loves Disneyland, visits Macao a lot, and whose name translates to Fat Bear. He thinks Norkland should dump Li’l Kim and make friends with the South and Norkland should abandon hereditary power transfers.

All this because Fat Bear loves Disneyland.

There’s a middle brother, too, but he was considered too effeminate to have the job of Fatty da T’ird.

2/17 Air Cav

The way one can determine that ND is full of it is by listening to the obamaman administration. They are now doing some tough talking. That means they have concluded that there is no real threat. Besides, Kerry is over there with the US Checklbook. The mail service to Norkland sucks so it’s personal delivery.


@6 – So, are you suggesting that Jawhn Fawkin’ Karry is going over there to give $$$ to Li’l Kim to get him to stop squawkin’?

If that’s the case, our foreign policy must’ve changed and I missed it. I always thought we didn’t appease to rogue nations.

2/17 Air Cav

@7. Appease them? Hell, we build them!


@8 – Agreed… Without a doubt.


Tokyo has been warnedthat Japan is the first Nork target because of its missile batteries aimed at destroying Nork missiles.

I think the proper response is “Futue te ipsum”.

Old Trooper

Well, these chuckleheads have been tap dancing on their junk for many years.

1. The Norks don’t have enough material for a bomb and won’t for many years.

2. The Norks only have enough material for one bomb.

3. The Norks don’t have a device small enough to fit on a missile and won’t have the technology to achieve that for many years.

4. The device on top of that missile is unreliable.

Kinda make you wonder about their “estimates” on Iran’s nuclear program; eh?

2/17 Air Cav

“Kinda make you wonder about their “estimates” on Iran’s nuclear program; eh?”

My nuke barometer on Iran is Israel. I trust their intel and if Amababasingsong were ready to rock, Israel would give him the pre-emptive roll.


Is it just me, or does Kim the Turd look a lot like that fat annoying Boy Scout from, “UP?”


@13 – Yeah, Kim does look like that little slope from “Up”, except for the stupid haircut.


@#4. Now that was funny! Added, “And, please, pick up a box of grid squares”.


“We need to find out where we are on this map. Private, go shake that tree.”

B Woodman

The only/main reason that G’son Of The Tiny Troll is making so much squawk is that he’s hoping that we (the US) will bribe him with food and fuel to STFD & STFU. Gee, thanks Cahtah & Clinton for your fine leadership & example. (ptu!)


Are we still discussing what’s-his-name? He’s now more likely to blow up one of his missiles (they still have fuel on board) than to launch one.


You know, I forgot about the impotence thing. I’d like opinions on whether or not I should ship a case of Viagra over to Li’l Kim. I’m only asking because Li’l Kim Fatty da T’ird and his counterpart in cracker box intimidation Imadinnerjacket in Iran both look like guys (using that word loosely, mind you) who can only have sex with themselves or with someone who is afflicted with tunnel vision, in which everything looks very small and less ooogly.

Then there’s this bunch of opinion paragraphs from someone at CNN who probably doesn’t go outside when it rains because his iPhone might get wet and void the warranty:

He forgot the scenario where someone finally gets fed up and does some pinpoint bombing on Pyongyang while ND:tBF is viewing another parade, while massive airdrops of food and clothing are going on in the countryside, with very large placards that say in Korean “All gifts courtesey of your friends from USA, China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia”.

Gacck! Back to chapter 7.


Skip the Viagra. The last thing we need are more of him. Unless of course, we could get him to take about 10 of them all at once, and cause his heart to explode in his chest.


Phuk him and all his rhetoric,his “people” and I would assume a large portion of the military would lay down their arms quite quickly for a MRE. Just my 2 cents.


PN, you’re right. What was I thinking? Let’s get him neutered first!!! And get his auntie spayed, just in case.


Time to take out the F22’s for a joyride. We have the technology……


@23 – Yes, but are we willing to use it, or is WH/Kerry rhetoric all just hot air, as usual?

See, this is the same problem with the Norks and Li’l Kim. The fog is so thick, no one can see through it to the nitty gritty. And this article from MSNBC doesn’t do much to help.

If this, or if that… I can speculate, too, but I cannot determine what will be done by either side, if anything is done at all. This is all a wait-and-see business on both sides.

Herbert J Messkit

I think its time that we do something really insane to shake THEM up. There is a US ship (Pueblo) sitting in the river in Pyongyang as a prize of their great “victory”. I would love for it to someday suddenly explode into a million pieces.


@25 – I’m in favor of that 110%.

There isn’t much going on in the news right now, but this article from CNN sort of reviews what we don’t really know about Norkland, and there are some interesting sidebar videos on the left, like ‘how to launch a nuclear weapon’.

So have fun. Pop some popcorn. Watch a few minutes and then switch to somethng like ‘Tour of Duty’ (that takes me back) or ‘Babylon 5’ or ‘Tripping the Rift’.

And remember that it’s a holiday in Norkland, so lift your glass in their general direction along with an elevated middle digit and say proudly “Up yours!”


Hah! Looks like I forgot the link to CNN’s article, so here it is:

My bad. Sorry.


A little more light reading on Norkland, while we’re (still) waiting to see if the rockets will fly… some day.

This one indicates that an air of insurgency is growing, partly due to Li’l Kim’s megalomaniac attitude which does not include demands for stuff in exchange for toning down the rhetoric. It’s an interesting read.;_ylu=X3oDMTFqaTNjbzlmBG1pdANBcnRpY2xlIEJvZHkEcG9zAzMEc2VjA01lZGlhQXJ0aWNsZUJvZHlBc3NlbWJseQ–;_ylg=X3oDMTJuYzhza2IzBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDMzVjZWYwMDgtZmQ0Mi0zNzYwLTk5MzQtNDk3ZGNkM2MzYzUwBHBzdGNhdANuZXdzBHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQ–;_ylv=0/SIG=13qntor5l/EXP=1367068438/**http%3A//

This is about daily life in a strict totalitarian government. You (the people) have to pay for everything when you have no money, including your kid’s school desk and heating fuel for the school. Don’tcha just love the idiots who think Marxism is the way to go? Yeah, I truly do want to send them to lifetime living in Norkland under Li’l Kim.

What these two stories are telling us is that Li’l Kim isn’t jumping up and down and shaking his fist to get concessions. His only interest is in his own status. It may be that this will end the two Koreas.

However, this story about a woman who defected to the South 11 years ago, and who is still in the ‘trained rat’ mode when she sees Norkland’s propaganda running makes it pretty clear that the Kim family is a religious cult of sorts and the Norks actually do think they are gods. I kid you not.


China wants the US to dial back a little bit. It won’t stop the rhetoric coming from Norkland, even though they think it will. It may seem now that all is quiet on the Norkland front, but it is the weekend over there, and it’s only quiet before the storm… of more fiery speeches from Li’l Kim, plus a missile launch on Monday, I’d guess.

It’s entirely possible that this may quiet down for a while after Monday, depending on what happens, but Li’l Kim does not seem interested in discussing concessions with anyone, unlike his daddy Medium Kim. That, by itself, is not a good sign. Even if he backs off for now, there is nothing that tells us at this point whether or not he might change his tiny mind in the near future.

I’d guess we have about three to four years ahead of us to figure him out, barring any attempt on his part to lay wasate to the western world. That’s three to four years of more nuke testing and working on making a warhead to carry it on a missile.

Just saying, take nothing for granted with this one.


Looks like we’re in safe hands. SuckySecyState Kerry has China agreeing to help denucleate Norkland, per this article.

How long before the Kims just disappear? Maybe 18 months?


Hey! Looks like Norkland is back in business.

I won’t go into the Freudian stuff about the size of the missiles relative to the size of the Kim family dynasty.

The timing on this is perfect, isn’t it? I guess that Li’l Kim Fatty da T’ird decided he’d wait a bit till the commotion last week died down. What a guy. I’ll bet he wants money now.


Nothing new to report on Norkland. Mostly a mild scolding from sucky SecyStateKerry about Pyongyang isolating itself from Beijing. A Marine helicopter crashed during those exercises, but no word on who got hurt/killed was included. Sorry, it’s all the info I have right now.